The Avatar RP | An Avatar: The Last Airbender Roleplay

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Plot Update 10 March 2021

A year has passed since Fire Lord Zuko ascended the throne, and it seems like trouble is brewing between the Fire Nation and the Earth Kingdom once more. The Fire Lord and the Avatar began the Harmony Restoration Movement to restore the Fire Nation Colonies to their pre-war state by bringing any Fire Nation nationals back home, but for many of the citizens — of mixed Fire Nation and Earth Kingdom … Read more ›

The Moderation Team

Latest TARP News


We're making some changes to adjust to our new plot. Sorry for the delay! We will be up and running shortly.

Mike & Bryan leave Netflix Adaptation

The original creators of ATLA quit the Netflix series, citing creative differences & an unsupportive environment.

Recent Posts

Post by Mod Squad on Sept 26, 2013 17:39:22 GMT -6

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last updated 12.04.2013

Please bear in mind this is not a list of every single 'can' or 'cannot' for this forum — common sense and decency apply. If you have any questions about the rules listed here, please send a staff member a PM. We are in compliance with the ProBoards Terms of Service and Community Guidelines. Please be sure to read them thoroughly.

getting started:
accounts:we are an account per person forum. please let us know if multiple users are part of the same household, or if you have a dynamic IP address.
activity:while we have no formal activity check-in, we do ask all members to log in once every 30 days. accounts that do not log in at least once during this time will be deleted.
display names:please make sure your display name matches that of (one of) your character(s) and is formatted plainly.
stickied threads:any orange-coloured thread title with a  before it is a stickied thread and required reading for this forum.— added 10.22.2013
avatars & signatures:avatars should be 150 x 150 pixels. signatures should be no taller than 200 pixels and no wider than 500 pixels, for images and text combined.

canon applications:we are a canon-free forum. no canon applications will be accepted.
oc applications:all oc applications must follow the guidelines in the f.a.q., application rules, banned list, and plot. applications that do not follow these guidelines will be sent back to their creators. — added 10.22.2013
rating:as per proboards terms of service, we are rated pg-13. by the rpg rating system, we are rated 1.1.1 for language, violence, and sexual content. read more about the rpg rating system here.
post length:in-character posts should be roughly two paragraphs long, though we definitely encourage more if you can and if it's appropriate to do so!
posting format:please use only the default posting format; no post templates please!
godmoding, etc:you cannot dictate the actions of other players' characters without their permission (godmoding), cannot make your character all-powerful (powerplaying), and cannot use information you learn out of character when roleplaying (metagaming).
playby / face claim:we do not formally accept playbys or face claims, but you are free to use them to depict your character in your avatar and/or signature area.

out of character:
no spamming:there is no minimum requirement of text for ooc posts, but we do ask that you do not spam. spamming includes posting advertisements outside of the designated areas.
embedded videos:please embed youtube videos only and link to all others. please keep videos in compliance with proboards terms of service.
mini-modding:allow site staff to handle any problems. if you see something that needs our attention, please send a message to a staff member.
in-post images:please use animated gifs sparingly, as they can be triggering to people with epilepsy, migraine, and other conditions. large images will automatically be resized, but please be considerate.

warning system:
While each case is unique, we do have a basic guideline for warning levels: per offense, you will receive a 10 percent increase.

• 30% - 1 Week Suspension
• 60% - 2 Week Suspension
• 90% - 1 Month Suspension
• 100% - Permanent ban

Every case is different, and the staff reserves the right to increase warning level more or less than the above guidelines, depending on the situation at hand. We also reserve the right to skip straight to a suspension level, or an outright ban, depending on the severity of the rule breaking.

Instant permanent bans will be issued for [but are not limited to]: plagiarism of any sort, posting of content that violates ProBoards ToS in any manner, extreme rudeness, extreme spamming, art theft [either stealing from this forum, or posting stolen content on this forum].

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Post by Mod Squad on Sept 26, 2013 17:30:45 GMT -6

Mod Squad Avatar
the story thus far
last updated 12.04.2013

t has been nine months since the world discovered Amon's true identity: a bloodbender named Noatak, descended from the infamous "psychic" bloodbender, Yakone. Despite the overwhelming odds, Avatar Korra vanquished her first foe, aided in the end by a repentant Councilman Tarrlok, himself descended from Yakone and also Amon's younger brother. Tarrlok committed suicide by blowing up the boat he and Amon were in, killing his brother as well.

But Amon's death could not stop what the Equalist movement started. All around Republic City non-benders began banding together — even many who were against the Equalists in the beginning — in outrage over a bender using their suffering as a front for his personal vendetta. The Equalist movement remained strong, its activists setting up protests in all the City's boroughs, handing out fliers and manifestos on every street corner. Without a leader, though, the Equalist movement began losing direction; many people began to riot mindlessly, unable to bring about the change they so desperately wanted. The Triads resurfaced, using the confusion as cover for bigger and more frequent turf wars.

Then, as if lying in wait, the Galgori came forward. An ancient people thought to be long extinct, the Galgori were once renowned for their fearless warriors, mastery of weaponry, and, above all, their hatred of all benders. The new Galgori council, known as The Six, promised to uplift the disenfranchised non-benders of Republic City by supporting the Equalist movement — no, rebellion — and keeping its people supplied and fighting. They would train new fighters, make a new era of Galgori-trained warriors, and make non-benders as feared and respected as the strongest benders of legend.

Tensions are mounting; despite the newly elected non-bender president, more and more non-benders are beginning to feel the allure of the promises of equality as they continue to struggle under the thumb of the social majority.

Where do you stand? Do you accept the status quo and the oppression of your fellow citizen? Or do you push back, speak out against inequality, aligning yourself with the Galgori who will stop at nothing to keep their promises?

It's time for you to decide.


setting information:
TARP is currently set in Republic City only at this time. We may add more locations in the future if we find out more about the current state of the world during the course of the show. Locations immediately outside of Republic City may be roleplayed in the "Personal RP" section of the forum.

Information about our original race / faction, the Galgori, can be found here. If you have any questions about the Galgori and / or their involvement with the Equalists, please post [here].

timeline information:
We are currently set nine months after the last episode of Book 1: Air (Episode 12: Endgame); all Book 1 events have now passed.

Events from Book 2: Spirits are currently on hold while we concentrate on our original plot. In light of Book 2's finale, it is uncertain at this time if and / or when canon events will resume.

The current season is autumn / winter. Roleplay time is fluid within this timeframe; please do not exceed this time frame by more than a week or so. Thank you.

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Post by Mod Squad on Sept 26, 2013 17:03:59 GMT -6

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frequently asked
last updated 12.04.2013

character applications:
Q:How long do I have to wait for my app to be reviewed?
A:Generally speaking, please allow between 24 and 48 hours for approval, Monday through Thursday. Applications posted Friday through saturday will be reviewed the following Monday.

Q:How do I know my app is being reviewed by a moderator?
A:Your thread title will be changed to included (P - Moderator's Name) when your application is being looked over. You will receive a PM from a moderator after this appears. Please do not add in a moderator's name yourself.

Q:Where is the app template, and where do I post it?
A:The template is in the Pending Character Applications board, in the "Application Rules & Template" sticky. You post your character application in this board as well, by creating a new thread.

character creation:
Q:Can my character be part of the military?
A:Short answer: yes. Long answer: yes, but keep in mind there have been eighty years of peace between AtLA and LoK. If you decide to create a military character please be reasonable regarding their age and rank. Also, keep in mind that active-duty military characters may be less likely to associate with civilians.

Q:Can my character be really powerful / rich / important / famous / etc ?
A:We are looking for everyday citizens of Republic CIty. If your character has traits that seem similar or comparable to canon characters' or alter the balance of the setting, it will automatically be sent back.

Q:Can my Galgori character be young and traditionally trained in Galgori ways?
A:No. In order to be traditionally raised to Galgori standards, your character must be no younger than forty years old. This is, however, still fairly young, and will need a good explanation. Please post in the Galgori thread if you have further questions.

Q:Does TARP have any permanent character restrictions?
A:Yes. Remember, we are looking for everyday citizens. If a character app includes any of these elements it will automatically be sent back. Please do not attempt to exploit any loopholes in this list. TARP does not accept:

  • Prodigies
  • Blood bending, non-police metalbending, airbenders (non-airbending air acolytes are accepted)
  • Special snowflake / lore-breaking characters
  • Connection to the Spirit World / spirits
  • "Naturally occurring" unnatural hair colour as dictated by the show
  • "Naturally occurring" unnatural eye colour as dictated by the show
    note: TARP requires benders to take on the eye colour of their element (eg: gold / orange for firebenders), even if they are mixed-heritage
  • Characters with tattoos.
Please be sure to also check the Banned & Wanted list for any temporary restrictions.

Post by Mod Squad on Sept 26, 2013 16:24:30 GMT -6

Mod Squad Avatar
TARp, v5, and you
last updated 12.04.2013

TARP is now running ProBoards v5 software, and as such there have been a few changes in what features are now available for our members to use. This v5 guide presumes you have used forum software before; if you have not and need help, please send a private message to one of our staff members.

new v5 features:
new user cp
account / user options are now a little different! each section of your account is organised by labelled tabs, and you have more control over what appears in your profile and you you browse TARP.  you can now also upload avatars directly to TARP, which will automatically resize to no bigger than 150x150 pixels.
wysiwyg editor
short for 'what you see is what you get', the wysiwyg editor takes the place of the old 'preview post' function. by clicking the "full reply" button, you will have a choice to switch between the 'preview' wysiwyg editor, and the standard BBCode editor. the wysiwyg editor will allow you to simultaneously type and preview your posts in real time.
block member
you are now not only able to block individual members from contacting you, but you can also hide their posts on the forum, and prevent the forum from sending you notifications if the blocked member tags or quotes you.
member tagging
tag your fellow members by using @username in your posts. an individual member's username is visible by either visiting their profile or hovering over the name in their mini-profile.  note: please do not tag staff members to prompt them to review profiles, take care of spam threads, etc. This includes the account.
pm conversations
instead of sending individual replies back and forth between each other, all responses to the same originating PM are listed in the same manner as a thread. the conversation creator can also add participants to the conversation if necessary, and individuals can choose to leave a conversation.
participated button
all threads you participate in will be listed in the 'participated' link to the right of the navigation tree. this will update when a thread you have posted in receives a reply.
thread & pm labels    
you can now set labels to threads & private messages. thread labels are created by staff, but you can create labels for your private messages at will.
save post draft
there is a new setting in your user cp that allows the forum to save the most recent draft of a new post. activating this feature will prompt the forum to ask if you would like to use the most recent draft of a post it has stored when you create a new reply or thread.

new TARP features:
user colour palettes
on the "full reply" page, you can now save colours to a member-specific palette from the colour dropdown button.
new admin accountthe account will now make official TARP news & announcement posts. this is a global staff account that does not answer messages so please still PM an individual staff member if you need anything.
horizontal mini-profiles
all TARP mini-profiles now appear at the top of a user's posts, spanning horizontally across the forum.
new profile fields
we now have three profile fields for members to fill out: a field for your ooc name, a field for the link to your plotting thread, and a field where you can list and link to your character profile(s). this information will appear in your mini-profile and full profile.
member awards
TARP will now be on the look out for potential members and threads to showcase each month. We are also in the process of adding an awards system for the mini-profile display, as well as adding referral and yearly awards.

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Post by Mod Squad on Sept 26, 2013 13:28:59 GMT -6

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**UPDATE 09.26.2013**

Our v8 layout is now live! There are still a few aesthetic bugs to work out at the moment, so bear with us!

Here's what's up next:
- Fix aesthetic issues
- fix some alignment issues
- update Rules & FAQ
- update profiles rules
- update advertisement & affiliation rules

- [new] update old profile threads with new template
- [new] fix forum awards
- [new] set up forum store?

This list may be edited as needed. Thanks for your patience!

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Post by Mod Squad on Sept 25, 2013 13:18:59 GMT -6

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**UPDATE 09.25.2013**

Apologies for the delay! We are still sorting out some layout coding and we should be done by the end of the week. Once again, please direct all questions to the Help Centre. Thanks for your patience!
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Post by Mod Squad on Sept 15, 2013 13:38:23 GMT -6

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**UPDATE 09.15.2013**

Welcome to TARP v8, hosted on ProBoards v5! Please excuse the mess while we upgrade. If you have any questions about your account's conversion, please feel free to post in the Help Centre.
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Post by Mod Squad on Sept 14, 2013 20:38:46 GMT -6

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**UPDATE 09.14.2013**

This is the new global staff account. Announcements, information threads, site updates, etc will be posted by this account from now on. If you need to contact a staff member, please still contact us individually or post in the Help Centre.
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