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Plot Update 10 March 2021

A year has passed since Fire Lord Zuko ascended the throne, and it seems like trouble is brewing between the Fire Nation and the Earth Kingdom once more. The Fire Lord and the Avatar began the Harmony Restoration Movement to restore the Fire Nation Colonies to their pre-war state by bringing any Fire Nation nationals back home, but for many of the citizens — of mixed Fire Nation and Earth Kingdom … Read more ›

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Post by Gia on Jun 8, 2010 20:36:32 GMT -6

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Takeshi - Toph and I found that this post, while technically fine, was a bit... shallow. It doesn't have the depth that we like to see. The first half of your post is rehashing your prompt, which does have to be done to a certain extent, but majority of your post should be your feelings towards the situation, wrapped in with the questions we ask. You say what you're going to do, and like I said, not enough of what you feel. As for the second question, it asks whether or not you plan to tell your parents, which assumes that you haven't told them yet. Also, the opening post says no OOC's for any reason. I'm sorry, but you do need to edit your post to reflect these things before we can accept it. DENIED
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Post by Gia on Jun 8, 2010 15:29:10 GMT -6

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No, please don't be shy. What's the worst that could happen - we say no? There's already one applicant, and you never know what could happen if you don't try.
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Post by Gia on Jun 8, 2010 9:56:09 GMT -6

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OOC: I just had to do this post after reading that, I just had to.

Lakano barely registered Karena talking to Katara. His mind was on the fact that after the battle tomorrow, they were headed to the Fire Nation. There, he would meet his boyfriend’s father who did not agree with his son’s choice in lovers. Not to mention the fact that he was a Waterbender probably wouldn’t sit well with the old man, either. It was going to awkward, but it could be worse. The Waterbender was well aware that Hatsuharu’s father could outright hate him. If he tried to cause trouble, the brunet would have to do everything in his power to knock his boyfriend’s father on his butt so hard it would hurt for a month.

It was well within Lakano’s power to do so, but that would not be a good way to start out that relationship – and there was one there between him and Haru’s father, whether anyone liked it or not. After all, he was in love with the man’s son; that was something that was never going to change. A sigh escaped the brunet’s lips. His stomach was tied up in knots. The Waterbender didn’t feel much like eating, but decided to do it anyway. After all, they had a battle coming up tomorrow… and he needed every bit of strength he could muster. Especially since it was a Master Firebender he was going to be fighting against.

Lakano couldn’t keep his mind on the fight right now, as many scenarios concerning Haru’s father ran through his mind. They had never discussed what had happened, he and Haru that is. He knew from what his lover did say that his father had not been pleased. His sister didn’t seem to care, so it was possible that is mother didn’t, either. His Firebender didn’t talk about his father much, though, and when it did, it was laced with hurt and disappointment. The brunet wasn’t sure why, as his redhead never went into much detail. Blue eyes glanced to the tall figure next to him, only a few inches shorter, but other than that, different in every way, including looks.

It was then that Lakano realized that there were tears coming out of Haru’s eyes. Tears! Fear gripped the man’s heart. He was thinking about something, and whatever it was, it was making him cry. The brunet could almost assume it had to do with the upcoming meeting with Haru’s father – and more importantly, the meeting between his boyfriend and his own father. Could that be the reason why his love was crying? The fear became mixed with anger. If Haru’s father was the reason why he was crying, then he already hated him, even though he hadn’t met the man yet.

Touching a hand to Haru’s shoulder, his brows were creased with worry. “Haru, baby, what’s wrong?” He spoke in a whisper so that only Haru could here. Lakano hated to see his boyfriend cry. He wanted to hurt the person responsible so bad that they would never do it again. The problem with that was, the Waterbender had a strong feeling that his father was the reason why, and that was something he could do nothing about. His beautiful redhead got distracted with his sister for a moment – and the brunet would have realized why if he’d been paying attention. He was more concerned about his lover, though, and after a moment, he gave Haru’s shoulder a light squeeze.

“Haru, what’s wrong?” Once again, Lakano’s voice was a whisper. This was really no one else’s business but their own. Xiaoyu might be able to hear, but she would end up finding out everything anyway, so that was really of concern to the Waterbender right now. Blue eyes swimming with worry and confusion, the brunet’s face became his usual mask of calm again, although he couldn’t stop the feelings from being in shown in his eyes if he’d wanted to. Damn blue eyes for that… “I think we need to talk about something.” Leading Haru out of the room, they arrived at the one that the couple shared with Makaro.

Once the door was closed, Lakano turned around, crossing his arms loosely over his chest, before putting them on his hips and back down to his sides. He wasn’t quite sure what to do with them right now, so he settled for moving closer to Haru, putting on hand on his shoulder, and the other on his waist. Concern and worry swam in his blue eyes. “Why were you crying back there? Please don’t say it’s nothing, because I know that’s not true.” The brunet searched his boyfriend’s face for an answer, giving him a moment to respond. “It’s your father, isn’t it?” He paused again, gauging Haru’s reaction. “What happened between you two?” Please give me the whole story this time, because I think I deserve that…
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Post by Gia on Jun 8, 2010 8:50:37 GMT -6

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Of course! What would the Carnival be without Aunt Wu's Fortune Telling? ;)
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Post by Gia on Jun 7, 2010 23:22:58 GMT -6

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Well, you don't have to, but I just figured that they had to know each other somehow right... If you don't want to, maybe they were in the same brigage or platoon or something when he was in the military, and kept in contact after he was forced to retire? *shrugs* If you do like that idea, works for me. I'll let Kanea know in the morning. :)
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Post by Gia on Jun 7, 2010 21:29:53 GMT -6

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Ack, that's what I was trying to say... I'm glad you can finish these thoughts of mine, Kaoru, lol.
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Post by Gia on Jun 7, 2010 21:23:56 GMT -6

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(Edit: Woo! First person to post with an idea!)

Hmm... Interesting idea to say the least, though I'm not sure how well it would work. If you want to try it, feel free to. We like to try to keep things Avatar or Carnival related, if you look at last years board. Like I said, though, we're all for members trying new things so if it's something you want to try, feel free to when the time comes. :)
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Post by Gia on Jun 7, 2010 21:04:45 GMT -6

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OOC: It's just fine, Ai Lin. :) I'll timeskip in my next post, Shio.

Takeno noticed that Yuna had seemed nervous about something. He wasn’t sure, what, though. Usually he could peg people pretty well, but tonight, his mind wasn’t really in it. Normally, all he thought about was making sure no one noticed he thought Ozai and Azula were crazy freaks that needed to be put down like sick dogs with rabies. Which they did, but that was beside the point now. And if he wasn’t thinking about that, he was thinking about Makino and the Resistance. He was well aware that Makino was the only leader, but he was the one the young solider was indebted to, and it was to him that his loyalties laid. At least for now. When Zuko took the throne, of course, it would be to him, but until then… Makino.

It felt unusual to be looking at a woman and wondering what would happen if she found out about his true feelings. Part of him figured if Yuna did find out, she wouldn’t turn Takeno in. The soldier couldn’t be sure, but he didn’t care right now. He was glad that she started to grin, though; she had a pretty smile. In fact, he thought everything about her was pretty – her eyes, her smile… and most certainly her body. He was a man after all – a respectful man but a man all the same, and he knew beauty when he saw it. And Yuna was beautiful. God, I hope she says yes, he thought silently to himself, hoping he kept all sign of hope out of his amber eyes. Light eyes tended to give away more than darker ones, like brown. One thing he felt Makino was blessed for.

Takeno had been right about one thing – she was nervous. She was obviously not used to being around people. Well, that was ridiculous. Maybe something bad had happened in her past to cause her to give people a wide berth? Possibly… or it could be possible that perhaps she hadn’t been around a good man. Well, that was fine, because he hadn’t been around a good woman. All the women he knew where either soldiers, barmaids, old merchant ladies, or his mother – who could hardly be considered a good woman, with her harsh Fire Nation beliefs. She believed every word Ozai and Azula said, and more importantly, she and his father believed in them. If they ever found out about their oldest son’s true loyalties… the soldier had no doubt they’d turn him in.

Takeno’s amber eyes watched as Yuna’s blue ones widened in what he thought was excitement… and surprise. He also thought he saw her blushing, although it was a tad difficult to tell in the fading light. Had no one ever asked her about before? It didn’t matter, but that was hard to believe. Someone as beautiful as her… he couldn’t be the first man who’d noticed her. Yuna said yes, though, and that was really mattered. She’d said yes! The soldier’s eyes sparked with delight as he smiled at her, if indeed, he’d ever stopped smiling. He could be walking on air right now, he was so happy. The beautiful girl said yes! He could have danced he was so happy, but he didn’t dance well, so he just settled for smiling.

“Great!” Takeno said, obviously happy by her answer. I have a date… at least I think it’s a date, the dark-haired young man thought to himself. Of course, it’s a date, stupid. The soldier stopped chastising himself when Yuna spoke again, bringing him out of his reverie. She had more bags than just the one that had opened up, apparently. Oh, wait, he was the man… and a respectful one, at that. “I’ll get them, don’t worry,” he told her, before going and picking them both up. Walking back over to her, he gave her another charming smile. “Perhaps we should drop this off where you’re staying at first, before I show you around the Capitol. Lead the way.”
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Post by Gia on Jun 7, 2010 19:59:52 GMT -6

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Prompt will be up shortly, edited in to my last post.

Post by Gia on Jun 7, 2010 18:52:38 GMT -6

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I just want to remind everyone that they can suggest anything they want. :) We're open to ideas, and remember, we want our members to run some things this year. :)

We also have Year End Awards nominations and voting that goes on throughout all of September. :) If you want to see the awards themselves, here's last years results: 4th Annual YEA Results. Also, in the Highest Posters etc... there's a list of all the past winners and nominees from every year. :) You're free to suggest things for that, too. :)
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Post by Gia on Jun 7, 2010 18:24:49 GMT -6

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Miharu - Well written, and I like the length. I also like the time progression. You had good emotional depth in it. You could have done more with the description of where she lived, since that's where most of it took place. Also, a book about that would be quite controversial, wouldn't it, lol? Anyway, other than the lack of description on her apartment, the only other thing I have to suggest is to keep in mind that you should try and variate how many times you use her name or she. Use like "the blue eyed young woman" or "the brunette" or something like that. All in all, though , good job. ACCEPTED

Takeshi's Prompt - Your little sister, who is between the ages of 12 and 14, is dating a much older man, who is at least 23. She claims that they are in love, and you are sure that this is not true. You are sure that he only wants her for her looks, and she tells you that they are going to take their relationship to the "next level." She has not told your parents yet, and you're afraid of what might happen. What are you going to do? Do you tell your parents or keep it a secret? How do you feel? Remember, no other characters but the one, and dig deep into their pshyce.
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Post by Gia on Jun 7, 2010 16:56:43 GMT -6

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Um, well... they seem to be working now. We have no idea what happened. *shrugs*
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Post by Gia on Jun 7, 2010 16:43:08 GMT -6

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If you'd want to be one of the founding members, first of all, I'd keep him closer to Makino's age or older. Someone younger would be a tad bit of a stretch, at least if more than a few years or so. Personally - and this is just advice - I would maybe think that either he started to disagree with Ozai, and maybe noticed the sort of brainwashing that we saw in that one episode when Aang went to a FN School. Makino didn't think about creating it after his daughter was banished with Zuko, so that was 3 years ago... perhaps they're old friends, and Makino knew he could trust him, so let him in on what he was planning?

If you have anything else related to this that you'd like to ask/talk about, then please PM me. I can pass along all information to Kanea - who plays Makino - as we're roomates.
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Post by Gia on Jun 7, 2010 16:05:33 GMT -6

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Zana has decided to go with the Omashu Resistance instead. :) Best of luck to her.
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Post by Gia on Jun 7, 2010 15:58:27 GMT -6

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Hello, Members. Karena here.

Toph is aware of the problem. She's not sure what's going on, but she will do what she can to try to get it fixed as soon as possible. :) Please don't fret or send her a PM telling her about it or anything. :) Updates will be posted as soon as we know something.

- Karena
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Post by Gia on Jun 7, 2010 15:42:00 GMT -6

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It's up.

Post by Gia on Jun 7, 2010 15:41:22 GMT -6

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Miharu's Prompt - You wrote a story that is very controversial. You feel that is good and well written, despite this. You show it to a friend that you are sure would understand, and like it; you know you're a good writer, and that the story is good. However, your friend does not understand, and does not like the story at all. Your friend says it's not good and badly written, when other people whom you do not know all that well told you otherwise. Do you believe your friend? How do you feel? What do you want to do? Remember, no other characters except the one, and dig deep.
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Post by Gia on Jun 3, 2010 22:51:59 GMT -6

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Takeno saw her freeze for a moment as she realized he was a solider. He wasn’t sure what the young woman expected, but whatever it had been, it wasn’t him. That was a curse of his uniform; it made people uneasy. It seemed to being making her slightly nervous, too, which was an unfortunate side effect, and not one he wanted. Why in the world would he want to make someone as beautiful was her uneasy? He got a better look at her eyes, and they were definitely blue. The soldier’s eyes widened slightly, but he carefully wiped that expression of his face. He didn’t want her to think there was anything wrong with her eye color. In fact, the amber-eyed young man loved it. It was so unusual. Water Tribe blood maybe?

Takeno gave her a bright smile, trying to put her more at ease. “You’re very welcome.” Why could he possibly mind helping such a beautiful creature? Putting her supplies in what seemed to be her bag, the soldier said nothing as he waited for her to speak. She was obviously shy, and there was no reason to get her any jumpier than she already seemed to be. Finally, his new lovely friend spoke up. Ba Sing Se, huh? Okay, so he was right, she was from the Colonies. The dark-haired young man found himself wondering what it would be safe to say in front of her, but another part of him said that it didn’t matter.

Colonies or not, unless you were absolutely sure, you acted like every loyal Fire Nation citizen – brainwashed and stupid. He might able to be a little more open around her, but there was no way of telling who would turn you in… and who wouldn’t. Takeno was far too important to Makino and the Resistance for that. Besides, from what she said, his new friend would be heading home sooner than he’d like. A pang of regret went through him at that. How can I get to know her if she’s going to leave? Of course, that was a stupid question all together. Firstly, even if she wanted to get to know him, it was far too dangerous. Of course, a couple of dates never hurt anyone… if she was willing that is, of course.

Takeno laughed freely as she called him sir. It never failed to amuse him that people would try to treat him with such respect when they didn’t even know him just because of his uniform. They weren’t even soldiers most of the time! Besides, it wasn’t as if this was duty related anyway. “You don’t have to call me ‘sir’,” he told Yuna. “You don’t even have to call me Lieutenant.” He gave her a small smile. “I don’t require it, especially not from you.” Once again, the young solider was struck by her beauty. He hadn’t met someone like her before. A genuine smile was on his face as he gazed at her. Yes, one did not meet a woman that looked like this very often.

In his line of business, it wasn’t something they got to see. Takeno was usually so busy that he didn’t have time to meet a girl, and here he was… meeting one by accident. She seemed nervous, though. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, as well, Yuna.” The amber-eyed young man continued to smile, hoping to alleviate her nervousness about the situation. Stepping a few steps closer to her, but enough to get too close or to make her nervous, he said, “I’m about to get off duty. If you wanted to follow me back to the barracks, I could help you get where you need to go, and maybe we could talk some… if you wanted to.” The man who would turn twenty in a few days’ time tried not to sound hopeful, but it was hard not starting at someone like her. I hope she says yes…
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Post by Gia on Jun 3, 2010 22:26:45 GMT -6

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Zana, if you want to be in this group instead, just say so. All you need to do is chose.
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Post by Gia on Jun 3, 2010 9:22:17 GMT -6

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Thanks for applying for Ursa. :) Now, let's see about your post. It's not accurate to the canon plot, but I wouldn't except you to know that. :) I do wonder how those people knew the Avatar was coming, though.

The first thing I noticed was that you said Ursa was twenty-nine. This would mean she had Zuko at twelve, seeing as how he's nearly seventeen. I find this highly unlikely. Seeing as how the age that a person becomes an adult is sixteen, she'd be at least thirty three, and that's if she got married and had Zuko before her seventeenth birthday.

The next thing that I think you need to work on is the description. You have a lot of NPC dialogue, and not enough of what's she's thinking or feeling. Personally, I would rewrite it as a monologue - which is what accepted canon apps usually are.

You got her two major relationships - Zuko and Azulon, but I would have liked to see more of Ozai, since we have an Ozia. I woudl have also liked to see little more about how being banished has affected her and her feelings of now being on the other side of the war. I would have also liked to see a bit more of her history. I know you don't know it from the show, but you're allowed artistic license here. I also don't see much of her appearance.

Also, you don't have the secret word in here. :) It's scattered letter-by-letter throughout the Rules and FAQ's, so you'll need that, too, before it's accepted.

You seem to have a good basis for Ursa, I just think you need more of it is all. I liked to see you re-write this using what I've said here. You can wait for someone else to respond. You need three out of four acceptances, but if I were you, I'd use what I said. :) You're free to wait, if you want, though, but I can almost guaratee they're going to agree with me.

Edit: One more thing... I also think that if Ursa had rushed at Azulon like that she wouldn't have just been banished. It's possible, though, but personally, I think she stuck up for Zuko and traded her life for his, and she was just banished. *shrugs*