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[MANDATORY] Character Creation

Post by A Long Display Name Here on Jul 10, 2012 0:40:19 GMT -6

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Hello members! I think it's about time we all sat together and talked about character profiles. We have long encouraged originality and unique characters within the confines of 'realisim' as set by the show - first AtLA and now Korra. We have struggled, over the past few years of our existence to allow colourful, interesting characters and still maintaining that power balance and "reality" the show has set.

This thread is going to deal with problems that we have encountered lately. Member input is welcome, but we expect 100% civility and respect and no blame-passing / rejecting, or the thread will be locked. Please be considerate to your fellow members.

It's a long read, but this is extremely important. Stick with it, okay?


We have been reopened for the Korra universe for just a little bit over two months now, and zombi and I have been noticing a really troublesome trend regarding new character submissions. Did you know that one in five profiles do not follow 4 or more forum rules? This is the rate in which we delete profiles, based on the # of submissions we have had vs. the # that are deleted. This does NOT include profiles with 1-3 mistakes that receive 'edit' PMs — that number rises closer to about 98% of profile submissions.

This is, quite frankly, extremely troublesome to us, as the Rules & FAQ are there for everyone to read and the staff is readily available via PM or Help Centre board.

So here is what we are going to talk about:
1. Character tropes / stereotypes
2. Character Plausibility
3. Character traits
4. Personality flaws
5. Profile Caps

Ready? Let's begin.

  • Character Tropes & Stereotypes: There have been an exponentially increasing number characters that fall under a formulaic profile of: having a sad childhood (often a parental loss), a traumatic or problematic growing up experience, coupled with a "unique" physical trait or ability (usually an "unusual" eye or hair colour or physical marking [generally scars]), and a "contrary personality" (such as a pretty girl who eschews 'femininity' because she's 'not like that', or a character who is just 'misunderstood'). Sound like your character? It likely does. I can name several different profiles with different creators off the top of my head alone that have this pattern.

    While tropes themselves are not problematic, there are just too many profiles that are following the exact same pattern and aren't coming up with anything unique — even though everyone thinks they are!

  • Character Plausibility: Part of this ties into the above point - it's not plausible to have so many characters of a limited population with the same basic premise. You also have to figure the setting into your characters - having a combat-trained character is probably unlikely, considering the relative state of "peace" the world has been in. It is unlikely that a large majority of the population comes from a no-parent/single-parent family. It is unlikely that so many characters would be tea shop owners & workers. It is unlikely that so many characters would have the same temperament as their element represents. It is very unlikely that your character would be on the forefront of technological or societal advances (even if they are time-appropriate).

    Again, these tropes aren't problematic by themselves, but in large, repetitive quantities present issues. We really need everyone to remember that just because you have an idea doesn't mean that it necessarily will fit into the the world of Korra. We encourage our members to do research — Korra's timeline falls between the very late 1800's and the 1920's (mostly the 1920's), and there is plenty of information about this time period available online: please use it!

    People also need to research other profile aspects too: mental illness? Look it up! Muscular character weight/height ratio? Look it up! Physical conditions? Look it up! I hope everyone can see where I'm going with this!

  • Regarding Violence, Rape, Mental Illness and so on: I cannot stress this enough. Use Trigger Warnings When Appropriate. While you may not think that it is triggering, it may be for other members or potential members. BE CONSIDERATE. Please use trigger warnings only for things that are upsetting, and not just contrary to personal belief.

[/li][li] Character Traits: This is a big one, I think! People are so obsessed with making their characters look unique they forget that people already are - even "identical twins" aren't fully 100% identical in characteristic or personality! There seems to be a lot of focus on having some unique physical trait — a "special" hair or eye colour, scarring because of some sort of "accident" (often either contributing to 'life lessons' as they are self-inflicted or a 'trauma' and are not), or tattoos. This really needs to stop. We don't mind character uniqueness but this is no longer unique because everyone wants one or more of these traits!

Characters are unique physically just by existing. There's no cloning in this time period, so no one will be an exact replica of someone else physically, even if they don't have any glaring physical markers. Every person varies in their personality, and their beliefs — use that to make your characters unique, not by subjecting them to a cornucopia of physical traits (or backstories, as mentioned prior) that every "special" character always has.

[/li][li] Personality Flaws: This is something we see almost everyone struggling with — listing "undesirable traits" as flaws; however, that is not what a flaw is. Even "good" traits can be flaws! A personality or character flaw will affect your character's life - their beliefs, their interactions with their loved ones, with strangers, with people they're moderately acquainted with on a daily or near-daily basis! If it "usually" doesn't affect them, or they're "usually" some other way, it is not a flaw.


[/li][li] Profile Caps: As you are aware, there are currently caps in place. At the moment, they are for Equalist, Metalbending Police, and Thief/Criminal characters. Look at the long list above, and consider that at the time of writing this we have been Korra-era for two months. Quite frankly, I have to say this is RIDICULOUS that we have to talk to everyone about stuff like this as a whole site so early on; that 20% of all profiles are sent back for being non-compliant with 4 or more forum rules.

We don't want to impose more caps on people. We really don't. We want to allow you guys as much freedom to create within the world of Korra as is reasonable and realistic for the show. So many people are taking advantage of it (or trying to) that soon, you will leave us no choice.[/li][/ul]

So we are at a crossroads, TARP. We can either keep things the way they are and everyone works on coming up with unique profiles that don't reduce their characters to nothing BUT tropes and "special snowflakes", or we can start placing more and more official restrictions on what is and isn't allowed on the site. The ball is in YOUR court now, as the saying goes.

The staff would like to stop having to argue with people about their profiles, and why one person should be the exception to the rules. We would like to have to stop sending back so many profiles for not following the rules we have posted. We want to encourage creativity, not stifle it!

So it's up to you. Work with us, or we get stricter.

Oh, as a post script: do not use TARP if you are otherwise not yourself. This includes using TARP while drunk, reactive, angry, and whathaveyou. In the past month ALONE I have had at least half a dozen people lash out at me for whatever reason / post silly, unnecessary things and blame it on not being themselves somehow.

Stop. No. TARP is here for fun - if you cannot contribute to it, then don't post or PM. Please use common sense! We are not your punching bags or drunken cooldown.

As stated before, we welcome civil & respectful discourse. Please be considerate of other members.

Thank you for reading!
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Jul 10, 2012 6:54:08 GMT -6

Post by jin on Jul 10, 2012 6:54:08 GMT -6

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I don't think this is the main problem, but it may be with some people.

Not everyone knows exactly what makes good profiles. Even realistic profiles. Kami, you and Zombi both know what the original profile looked like that I posted. I was part of the aforementioned "returns". From there I re-posted, then you and I worked with the profile.

I don't always think highly of what I do, but I can say that I at least somewhat understand what makes something realistic. Not everyone does. So, with that in mind I know you listed the things you wanted to cover in your post, and that works for this post. However, the post itself has a very, forward, approach I guess is the best word. I think you should, and I can help with this, by helping with the writing or just offering my own profile.

Take a profile, tear it apart with with what's good and what's bad and sticky, bold, and just make it noticeable to the public eye.

One very EXTREME measure is to password lock the profile board, and place the password, or parts of the password in each section you want people to read.
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Jul 10, 2012 7:32:27 GMT -6

Post by kgal on Jul 10, 2012 7:32:27 GMT -6

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I agree with Jin, and I do offer my own profiles. I know Sashu had the main problem within my characters - the others, I think, weren't honestly too problematic. But I also think as someone who's been around for a while that it could be helpful to other members to see even a veteran of the site make mistakes. I've made countless profiles over the years, but god knows I'm not perfect at it.

Hm. The password lock is an interesting idea. What the site did before was hide a code word in the rules and faqs, to be revealed pieces by piece. Unfortunately, that security standard could be bypassed by CTRL+F the word "letter". As it was, there was also the chance that the person just happened to use the password in their profile. (And it led to a lot of characters wearing bracelets XP )

I think the main problem is that it would put off new members from the site. We used to have a ton of hurdles to jump before the haitus, and frankly? It was frustrating even to veterans. It literally got to the point where it could take months to even be able to roleplay, not to mention find a partner. To be honest, I don't think that a password lock is what we need.

The biggest issue is that just because the site as a collective has a lot of "unique" characters, any stricter enforcements would inhibit new members from creating the character of their dreams. Imagine having a fantastic idea for a character, inspired by hours upon hours of watching Korra and reading through the boards. So you write up your character, the best thing you've honestly ever written before, slaving over it for days, and then posting it proudly onto the pending board. It's a tragic story filled with hope, and the first character you've really started to connect to and care for. So you go to bed happy and content, looking forward to the next morning.

And then your profile is removed for being "too unique".

To be fair, it wouldn't happen like that even most of the time. But it will happen. So I would say just keep in mind that just because the site has a ton of traumatized, misunderstood, or lonely characters doesn't mean that each individual member has created a traumatized, misunderstood, or lonely character.
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Jul 10, 2012 9:30:30 GMT -6

Post by Deleted on Jul 10, 2012 9:30:30 GMT -6

^ Actually, the ratio of players to "misunderstood/tragic/etc" characters is probably a lot higher than you think. Which is to say that yes, the majority of players here on TARP have at least one if not more misunderstood/traumatized/tragic characters. Though, in your post I'm not sure what the ratio of players to tragic characters has to do with anything! You made a jump there from people getting their 'dream profiles' denied to 'but not every person has a tragic character' that I didn't quite follow.

And yes, let me be clear: people will have their dream profiles denied. Especially if their dream profile was written for another world, involves unicorns, etc. You might laugh at that, but people do it. So I'm going to be clear about this now — just because a profile is someone's dream character doesn't mean that it will be a good fit here on TARP.

I do not think password locking the profile boards would be very helpful. We have already had to lock all approved profiles to stop members from editing characters post-approval. I think password locking the profile board would be unwelcoming :(
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Jul 10, 2012 10:05:17 GMT -6

Post by kgal on Jul 10, 2012 10:05:17 GMT -6

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I understand. Though you're right, I did laugh. =] No, what I meant was just that, for example, my own character Yuriko is not a tragic character, despite the fact that my character Niu is. So just because I have made a character with a bad past doesn't mean that each of my characters have one.

I guess what I'm trying to say is that, on a roleplay site, it's hard to think up a mundane character on this sort of site. When you have no distinctive feature or fantastical backstory, it's harder to find topics to talk about IC, especially when characters develop deeper relationships and start opening up to each other. If there is no traumatic childhood - or even in Korra's case, "sheltered" childhood - it's harder to find deep topics to come up with.

That's just my opinion. Like I said earlier, even if Yuriko's past doesn't involve abuse, physical damage, etc, she still has to deal with her father's mindset, her mother's illness, and her twin sisters vanishing from the family. It's not especially tragic, but all the same there it is. For those who are placed in happy families without want or scarring, it can get a little harder figuring out their goals for the future without dealing with issues in the past.

Sorry if that makes no sense =P That's just my opinion.

But again, I stand by Jin's idea of volunteering profiles for scrutiny, even those accepted without edit.
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Jul 10, 2012 11:12:13 GMT -6

Post by Deleted on Jul 10, 2012 11:12:13 GMT -6

I'm in support of Jin's idea of volunteering profiles to be taken apart and critiqued. I think the main problem is, as Kami mentioned in the original post, that oftentimes we think we're coming up with something unique when it turns out that we're only doing what has been done before, multiple times. I'm sure there are many people on here like myself who, when they come up with a great idea for a character, like to mistakenly believe that this idea is--at least on TARP--their own, and has never been thought of before. The idea is so exciting that it has to be written out, and there you go: another trope-following character.

As far as physical appearance goes...I don't know how it is for everyone else, but personally I think I suck at writing physical descriptions of my characters, and it always takes me a while to finish that particular section of a profile. If many people have similar difficulties, then I think that's why "unique" traits are so common. They're easy. Okay, I have a character idea in my head, I need to describe how that character looks, but how do I show that my character isn't just like everyone else? Well, my vocabulary of descriptive language for physical description isn't as extensive as it could be, so...ah ha! Scars! Scars are simple. All I need is a reason for the scars to exist, and I have something that physically distinguishes my character from the others. Perfect.

Really, I think most of the issues mentioned in the original post result from not having examples of what not to do. If the staff held up certain profiles and said, "Look, these things here? Don't put those in your profiles, please," I think people would recognize some of the unwanted traits in their own profiles and would strive to eliminate them. It could be disheartening to have one's profile torn apart, but if only volunteers were accepted I think it could work well. Perhaps, going along with something else Jin said about helping others with writing, we could establish some kind of...member review board, I suppose, where older members would be sent WIP profiles to critique. This could get rid of some of the aforementioned problems early on, giving the staff a bit of a break. This too could be voluntary--as in, people could choose whether or not to send profiles to this review board. This does seem like a major thing to implement, but I think it would majorly benefit everyone, and I'd be happy to be a reviewer if this were established.

Just a couple ideas here. I agree that there are some problems, and I think the best way to solve them is by example, so to speak.
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Jul 10, 2012 12:15:46 GMT -6

Post by Deleted on Jul 10, 2012 12:15:46 GMT -6

I have had my issues with some of the rules in the past but lately I have found these constrictions to be very helpful. For example, I was in the middle of writing my profile for Mugen when the orphan population exploded and had to be limited. I didn't have an epic parent-less adventure in mind I was just too lazy to think up parents.
Once I knew I had to create at least one parent for the guy Ideas flowed more freely. Instead of a being a cipher Mugen became someone cold, hard and ruthless but doted on his mother and had a hair trigger when it came to his foggy swamp heritage.

Sure, one path was cut off but it directed me to a much better one.

The point is that structure can be a great boon to creativity.
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Post by A Long Display Name Here on Jul 10, 2012 12:32:53 GMT -6

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Thanks for everyone's replies so far! I'll try to address everyone. :]

Breaking down profiles: The biggest issue with this is time. Zombi and I already spend a majority of our time reviewing profiles! That is our first priorty as staff members. You may think the answer is as simple as getting more staff, but then that means that z and I have to train them, answer their questions, double check their work, and be available in case anything comes up — that's more work for us, too. If it were a member-run, optional review board, the biggest problem I can see with that is people having a different interpretation of what the staff means. The opening post is about everyone, including returning/veteran members, so it wouldn't work well as a member-run board.

About tropes: I could buy the "Oh people don't know!" excuse if we hadn't written something about it already. The profile boards currently state in the headers, under the world population table:

Thinking about an orphan, tea shop owner/worker, a "stubborn earthbender" / "calm waterbender" / "temperamental firebender", or some other "special" character with lots of tragedy or sad history or fantastical physical qualities?

IF SO, please reconsider! There are a lot of tropes & stereotypes that we are finding characters are falling into, and it makes for some really boring characters. Your character doesn't have to have a trope quality, or an outlandish backstory, or vibrant physical identifiers (hair, eyes, tattoos) to be special! A personality makes an interesting character, so work them personality ideas! Most people in the world of Korra are probably just average, every-day citizens, and our population should reflect that.

The [rulesfaq], under FAQ #7, has an extensive list on what we do not allow on TARP, which includes (but is not limited to): no tattoos, no unnatural eye or hair colours (as dictated by the show), characters with no life affecting flaws/vices/faults, and "important" non-canon OCs.

And despite all this people are still submitting the aforementioned types of profiles! I am really not sure how we can make it any clearer for people, aside from babying everyone and slapping more "required reading" around on the site, which is already a huge and intimidating problem for new members based on our site's age alone.

I guess what I'm trying to say is that, on a roleplay site, it's hard to think up a mundane character on this sort of site. When you have no distinctive feature or fantastical backstory, it's harder to find topics to talk about IC, especially when characters develop deeper relationships and start opening up to each other. If there is no traumatic childhood - or even in Korra's case, "sheltered" childhood - it's harder to find deep topics to come up with.

That's what you signed up for, though, by joining / returning to TARP for its Korra era. Being a "mundane" person is what we advertise this site as being, concentrating on the everyday person. Forgive me, but I find it silly that you can't find topics to talk about IC if your character doesn't have some deep and debilitating drama. There is political strife everywhere. Everyone in the city is affected by this anti-bender sentiment / bender power struggle. Even though we disallow Triad involvement at this point in time, that doesn't mean that everyone's holding hands and singing kumbayah.

The point we're trying to make is not that these tropes can't be used, but the fact that people should try to be creative about them! A trope by itself isn't problematic, it's what you do with it, and the problem we're having is that everyone is following the same pattern.

Needs personal drama? Kill off parent(s)!
Needs physical feature? Scars or tattoos!
Needs internal strife? They don't like their abilities / bending / have trouble with those things!

See what I mean?

I really don't think that having more member involvement in everyone else's profiles is the answer; some of the vets might remember this one, but remember the RPG Training School? Remember when your ability to RP hinged on a non-staff member? Suyami — I think she's Miska now — spent six months trying to get approved. We are not going down that road again. If it's a voluntary thing, then we're back to where we are now, you know? It's already a "voluntary" measure when we ask people to take out tropes and guess what: by and large people don't volunteer for that!

So let's think of something else. :]
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Jul 10, 2012 12:43:37 GMT -6

Post by kgal on Jul 10, 2012 12:43:37 GMT -6

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You make a really good point. I may have said this earlier, maybe not, but I've definitely been trying personally to get my characters to be as realistic as possible. Don't say it's silly: I probably didn't make sense. It's just for me, in my personal life, it's easy to just let time slip by. The little things fall through the cracks, and you're left with major events and little of the everyday life.

Books don't enforce the fact that an everyday person can have a good story. 99.999% of the time, the reader is dropped into a situation that is building up to a peak - meaning an extraordinary circumstance aside from the norm, like war, coming-of-age, even meeting a new person. So yes, there is the political struggle, the corruption, the brooding civil war. That's good. But everyone has that. Those issues don't make your character an individual, even with the personal effects it has on their life.

And yes, I remember the RPG school. No offense, but that could have been done a lot better. *shudder* That took waaaaay too long.

As for the profiles, I know you guys are busy. And yes, it would be hard to work on while reviewing the more urgent profiles.

Possibly... I don't know, this may not be a good idea, but I was thinking of it earlier. Maybe a sort of quiz thing? Either in the profile itself or in the form of a pm to the profile mods. Again, it would mean more work for everyone, but it would be short and succinct. I guess it could be a couple of questions about the character rules of TARP (just a couple) or maybe it could be more like, "List 5 things you're not supposed to have in a character." I don't know. Just throwing ideas out there. The problem with the quizzes is that it would be a huge hassle.
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Last edit by kgal: Jul 10, 2012 12:44:50 GMT -6

Post by A Long Display Name Here on Jul 10, 2012 13:09:32 GMT -6

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No, those don't make your character an individual. But I live in a one bedroom apartment and am practically a shut in for various reasons, and if it weren't for the internet I'd be shut out of everything. Does that mean I have no personality, no opinions? Not at all! While your environment and personal experience does shape part of who you are, it by no means DEFINES you.

Let's take my character Ling, yeah? She's a bit tropey — only has a mom, and her father died of illness three years prior to "now". But she's relatively plain. People don't remember what she looks like. She dresses unremarkably. So, how do I make Ling an enjoyable character to play with? I give her a personality! She's awkward — so painfully awkward — to the point where she's vastly inappropriate 99% of the time and probably quite offensive. She is fiercely protective of her family, especially her older sister, Mei. She has vices - gambling, drinking. She lies, she cheats. But she has somewhat twisted standards. She doesn't "outright" cheat, like counting cards. She doesn't alter the game, just the conditions so that they're more favourable to her. She is a sweet person, and loves to help — but her awkwardness comes off as overbearing and insistent. She's a decent hand-to-hand fighter, but nothing extraordinary.

Or we can take Ren, my acolyte. She does have personal drama, yes, but mainly that was a nod to the realism of the struggles many trans* people have when coming out to their friends and family. She's on a date with Hangetsu right now, and while she touches upon some of that stuff, the two of them are taking about their interests, how Hangetsu feels when he's bending something, the books Ren loves to read, music — things that normal people talk about! I mean, this is the Jazz era. And the Ragtime / Big band era. Huge boon in music!

You see what I mean? My characters are unique individuals, in part for what they experienced, but mostly because of the way they interact with their current surroundings via hobbies, vices, observations. :] It's really not a difficult thing, if people would stop focusing on being special so that they make the biggest impact on the board as a whole.

Yeah, the RPG school was kind of a terrible mess. So were exemptions. That's why we no longer have either. =P

I want to avoid having members jump through hoops. Tell me, if you were a new member, bright and eager to RP in a brand new world, do you want to sit there and fill out a quiz, AND read the rules & faq which can be time consuming, AND wait for your profile to be reviewed AND possibly make edits to them, AND sit around waiting for an RP partner?

Profiles need to be done as quickly as possible, because roleplaying shouldn't be an ordeal. But, by the same token, it shouldn't be an ordeal for the staff either!

EDIT: Keep in mind, some people submit more than one profile, too! And sometimes, even if their first profile is OK, their second isn't, or their third, and so on. :]
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Last edit: Jul 10, 2012 13:15:04 GMT -6
Jul 10, 2012 13:36:04 GMT -6

Post by Deleted on Jul 10, 2012 13:36:04 GMT -6

...Now this is hard to follow. And the word trope is really ugly.

I'm definitely not up for offering profiles to be torn down and exposed. It would be the same as making a dummy profile of what you don't want to see, or even of what you want to see, and that would/could/might offend some - a lot - of potential members... Or just plainly scare them away. Besides, if at some point, by very unlucky chance someone doesn't like the profile you did and starts pointing out things that can be questioned, an awkward situation will occur and it might not end well, or even end at all. It's probably a one in five hundred chance or so, but still, odds are serious business.

I have absolutely no problems with the profile rules. Don't think I ever had. I did have trouble adjusting to the Korra era, because as it turns out I'm really bad at forgetting the gAang era and bridging the two... And by forgetting I mean not mentioning it.

My two cents. I think that for the most part, people write profiles in the way that they make people they would love to see exist in the Avatar world, not at all thinking about how they're going to evolve - at first. But of course, in both series the more interesting people are the more special, the ones who get either the most screen time, or the ones who make the biggest impression. What do you know, those are the people with scars and tattoos. Aang and Zuko. That argument has trouble fitting in the Korra era for sure, but that's because they haven't shown us enough yet >.> I guess they kind of have this one thing that makes them special either way. For Korra... I'm not sure yet. For Mako and Bolin, dead parents, scarf and ferret. For Asami, the eyes are my personal favorite because the rest came later on. For Lin, I've never seen her out of her metalbending outfit, and she has scars that make you wander about their source, plus we don't know who her father is. Tenzin has a beard... That's all very subjective.

*cough* But the point of this is that it seems extremely boring to want to have a character who could be absolutely anybody - I disagree with what I'm saying right now, I find it fun - especially since writing a profile is the only way you can show your creativity. The real problem lies with the fact that in the end, what you write in your profile barely affects your RPing. You can only do what you get to do, not what your profile may have said about it. I wanted to mention the Clones from Star Wars as an example, or a comparison/metaphor, but I know that I'm gonna get carried away real bad... I'm probably not bringing any light on the subject at all with my opinion.

Official member involvement would kill the site. I've seen it happen on the last site I was on, it was a slow and painful process. It caused a rift, it grew bigger, the site split into two parts and one died. I'd hate to see that happen again. Collaboration with the staff can be both bothersome and scary. I don't mean to badmouth you girls, but as you said Su-su once had to wait six months for it. Imagine a bunch of shinies having to go through that, taking into consideration the intimidation of being reviewed and the overall craving for RPing... In my opinion, the just middle is the best way to go. Pushing people towards making characters that share something important with already existing ones. I'm talking about the character request board. I have no idea how it would spread to a "more than voluntary" thing, but as I said before, in the end it's only what you get to do that matters. So it would let you make a profile that is OC, respects the rules, and has the means to give you the RP experience you're looking for - or close enough. If out of fifteen newbie profiles reviewed, six are "originalized" thanks to an older member, I call that a win. We can argue numbers, though <.<

Not to mention they'd feel warmer ;D *Iroh smile*

Long story short: Examples are bad. I like memories. People like good but want relatively better. Profiles are not really a means to the end. Unofficial member collaboration could be the key... How about the Harmony Establishment Movement ?

That, of course as with any other thing I say, is only my point of view *bows*
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Jul 10, 2012 13:59:44 GMT -6

Post by Deleted on Jul 10, 2012 13:59:44 GMT -6

I think that if you are saying that you can't find anything for your character to talk about if you don't have a dramatic/tragic past whatever for them... then you need to be challenging yourself as a writer to become better. Relying on a crutch like this doesn't make your character or your writing very interesting. I know I am addressing this to one person but please don't take it personally — this goes for anyone who thinks this way. I find this lazy. I don't find it an acceptable reason for a character to be just like every other overdramatic and traumatized character on the boards.

kgal Avatar
Books don't enforce the fact that an everyday person can have a good story.

This is just... well, it's not even true. Everyday people have excellent, beautiful, and well-written stories in tons and tons of books. Much of classic literature is about everyday people. This is not an argument I will entertain as valid.

I think member involvement is a bad idea because, as Kami has said, this isn't only about new members. This is about veteran members too, meaning that obviously our veteran members aren't any better at this. Tenshio and Hangetsu have hit the nail on head with this — it is laziness that causes many of these problems. You find it hard to write something so you throw in something over the top instead, or whatever. But that's bad writing and bad character design... that's what we're hoping to avoid!

As for putting up an example profile that's been torn apart... in my experience, even when people offer something of theirs up for criticism, feelings are still easily hurt and I am quite frankly not willing to go there with any of you, I'm sorry.
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Jul 10, 2012 14:24:43 GMT -6

Post by kgal on Jul 10, 2012 14:24:43 GMT -6

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**In all seriousness, you guys know that I respect your opinions. I'm not very coherent when it comes to putting my thoughts to words, as you should all know by now.

I'm trying to figure out how to say what I'm trying to say. I know what I said sounded lazy, or like my characters don't have personality. In my opinion, they do. I work hard to create what I believe is a well-rounded character, and to let their personality shine in my roleplaying. Whether I do that or not, I have no idea. I'm biased. But my point was not to make that you can't write well without trauma. No. That was not what I was trying to insinuate, at all. I was just saying that for newer members who watched the series and have heroic ideals in their heads, it's much more difficult for them to be brought down to earth with a less fantastical charrie. Speaking from experience, it's easy to play an extreme character, because you don't have to focus on the subtleties and mysteries of human nature and behavior. You don't have to think too hard about what your character thinks about a situation, because at the extreme end of the spectrum, you're left with basic emotions and uncomplicated relationships.

I guess just think of mainstream entertainment. Harry Potter: he's just a normal, average kid. Except he was orphaned and then bullied by his remaining family. Then it turns out he's the chosen one. Tons of people look up to Harry Potter, or at least the series. Ron is the youngest of his brothers, teased and tossed around. For a while he's the third wheel in the books, neither as smart as Hermione nor as strong as Harry. And for Hermione herself, she's discriminated against and even attacked for being muggle-born, and with her buck-teeth and massive bush of hair, she isn't even pretty - not for a while anyways. Then she grows to be one of the most intelligent and powerful witches of her generation.

And then there are other students with no names, no stories, no significant power. No one knows them or remembers them.

In the original Avatar: the Last Airbender: Aang's whole "family" group was slaughtered after it was revealed that he was the most powerful person in the world. Toph was born blind and became a master bender. Sokka and Katara's mother was slain and their father was gone for a long time. Zuko was booted from his family with an ugly facial scar and dishonor on his very name. Even Iroh, the wise firebending master, lost a son, and has no family but Zuko who isn't utterly insane.

Then there's the Fire Nation soldier who doesn't even have a face, a family, a name, who falls in battle. The end.

So all of these main characters started small, humble, or broken. They all raise to greatness. It's hard to want to play a nameless, faceless person who just stands in the background.

I know I'm going to get even more crap for this post, but really. Whether through appearance, personality, or history, you naturally want people to recognize your character. You want something. Even an air acolyte with an unremarkable face and a name is better than an air acolyte with no face at all, or a passing stranger on the road.

So while I do hope for more average characters, and not a plethora of scarred and delicate people, I at least comprehend where they're coming from. I sympathize. On a site where the character is your doorway into every interaction, you have to place importance on them. You have to do something so that your partner won't say, "Well, what's your name again? Why don't we just end it here so we can post with other people?" **

EDIT: and just to let people know, I'm not trying to stop Kami or Zombi from enforcing any rules or imposing/removing any restrictions on characters. I 100% agree. I'm simply stating my opinion in the most respectful way that I can. As someone who recognizes where she came from with her writing, and sees the obvious differences between then and now, I'm just saying that when you've written even less than two years, it's hard to get things right the first time. It's hard to create a character that's as subtle and mysterious and involved as real human beings are. Even I, having written for 7 years on this site alone, have such a hard time with it.

** EDIT 2: I edited my post so as to not sound so rude and passive-aggressive
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Last edit by kgal: Jul 10, 2012 15:07:37 GMT -6

Post by A Long Display Name Here on Jul 10, 2012 14:43:36 GMT -6

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The passive aggressiveness needs to stop. Now. You're being snide, and that's just uncalled for. Zombi very specifically said that the first part of the post was addressed to everyone, and simply disagreed with your assessment of "books don't do that", because it all depends on genre. Classical literature, as an example she used, is one such genre in which protagonists are every day people. As I stated in the OP, everyone needs to be respectful. Snide, "Oh it's pick on Fu-Ling day lololo" is just unnecessary! I don't know why you felt the need to do that, and quite frankly, it doesn't matter: it just needs to stop.

This goes for everyone. This is a discussion, and because it's a discussion people are going to quote other people and make their case; that doesn't mean anyone is picking on you, so the martyrdom / snide attitudes / and so on should be left for elsewhere.

Thank you.


What I'm seeing here, from the replies, is that people essentially want characters that are as important as the canons in some manner, without being the canons. If that is what you are expecting from TARP, then I think you may have the wrong forum!

Then there's the Fire Nation soldier who doesn't even have a face, a family, a name, who falls in battle. The end.

Really? Do you really think that? Isn't that the point of roleplaying an original character? To give these nameless souls a name, a story, a family? To make their deaths mean something? Or their accomplishments? It's a nice coincidence that background characters should be brought up now, because I recently wrote this via RP:

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She loved the background characters, loved to imagine their lives before and after their interaction with the hero. One-shot characters had a special spot in her heart, so often ignored and dismissed. They had lives outside of the story; family, jobs, hobbies.

Isn't that what RPing an original character is all about?

Of course you want your character to be recognised, we all do. But that should be something done via writing as them and drawing people in by your ability to weave a cohesive story with your partners, not because "oh hey this character is tragic, we'll RP with him!" I agree with zombi fully that using "oh but no one ~wants~ to be normal" as an excuse strikes me as being lazy, because it's hard to think of ways to make someone special without making them a cut-out of every other character out there. But, in my opinion, it needs to happen here on TARP.

As I said in the OP, it's completely unrealistic to have a majority (and I do mean a majority) of our 78 character population to have the same basic template. That's boring! Republic City is huge, have you seen the map? It's the capitol city of the United Republic of Nations, which was made from the Fire Nation colonies. It is, essentially, New York City at the turn of the century - a bustling metropolis full of immigrants hoping for streets paved with gold and dreams, shady business practices, government corruption, and technological advances. Even if it sounds boring to you now, a factory job would be an AMAZING thing for a random Joe Schmoe on the street! There is an extreme discord / class split between the very very wealthy, and the very very poor, with MOST people falling into the latter bracket (especially immigrants)!

I guess I can't see or understand how making a character to fit such a fascinating time period would be difficult.
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Jul 10, 2012 15:33:15 GMT -6

Post by Deleted on Jul 10, 2012 15:33:15 GMT -6

...I feel ignored. That's irrelevant, but I'm stating it because I did specifically talk about that posting thing. And about that crazy idea of sponsoring new members. Crazy, right ?

Some things I wanted to comment on. The first is that I agree with Ash, these Fire Nation soldiers would have had a face, a name and a history if they had been meant to have one. Nobody wants to play someone who is not meant to... be, and that's exactly why it's important to implement something that's kind of special about a character - especially in the Avatar world. Chey, the Fire Nation deserter is kind of proof of that, he would have been any other Fire Nation soldier if he hadn't followed Jeong Jeong's steps, or he would have been any of his nameless followers if he hadn't found the Avatar and introduced them. He was given a face, a name, a history. Just for Jeong Jeon's sake. And that's the second thing, that Kami was talking about. I think you expect us to do just as the creators did, to pick somebody from the bunch of similarity and make them into people of their own. I would definitely make the bridge towards the Clone Troopers if I trusted myself enough... Anyway, that doesn't really matter if you can't get your charrie to achieve something, like what Fu-Ling said about the canons doing in the show. Does it ?

Regardless, that was very much possible back in ATLA, but, and here's my third thing, we don't know much about Korra era. The city is huge, yes, but we are awfully restricted by the little amount of information we're given. We have a horizon of skyscrapers, smaller buildings, landscapes and roads. The areas we really know are just... too small, too focused, too isolated. We barely know about Republic City. If at least we could get to have a look outside of it - aside from Tarrlok's creepy cottage. Scratch that, if at least we had some info on how it all came to be, a lot of things would make more sense, and it would be easier for writers. I keep getting back to this, I know, it's eating away at me. Developing it through RPing, that is to say using our imagination and maybe even assuming it's similar to New York City... sure, why not. But then what happens when everything collides with one another, and with the second season's canon mapping ?

Also, girls... you have such a cynical view of the writers out there. Stop thinking they're superficial. They're not. Don't assume they are, you should think of them as you think of yourself and I. They're no different, aside from the years of Avatar RPing we have over them.
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Post by A Long Display Name Here on Jul 10, 2012 15:51:14 GMT -6

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Sorry, Joychi, I did not mean to ignore you! I think I missed your post, I apologise. I'll go ahead and address what you have said now. :]

The first is that I agree with Ash, these Fire Nation soldiers would have had a face, a name and a history if they had been meant to have one. Nobody wants to play someone who is not meant to... be, and that's exactly why it's important to implement something that's kind of special about a character - especially in the Avatar world

I'm not entirely sure I agree with that argument! If you really want to get to the nitty-gritty of it, none of our characters are technically supposed to exist. If you want to get into who is "supposed" to have a history, then we might as well just shut down all OC creation right now and stick to canons!

... Obviously, we're not going to do that. :] But I just wanted to demonstrate that this whole argument of "supposed to" is silly! Nothing on this forum save the canon plot is "supposed" to happen or "supposed" to exist!

Anyway, that doesn't really matter if you can't get your charrie to achieve something, like what Fu-Ling said about the canons doing in the show. Does it ?

But why does it have to be so grand, so theatrical? There are plenty of personal achievements a character can have, without resorting to killing their parents, subjecting them to trauma, subjecting them to disease or hardship beyond the scope of the hardships for the given time period / era / current events.

This discussion has gotten way out of hand, I feel — we're not saying that characters have to be trope free. At all! Tropes are fun! I particularly like the librarian trope, or the "shojou manga" trope. Tropes are not an ugly word, and they shouldn't be! What we are having an issue with is that everyone is using the same tropes.

We are not being cynical about this, Joychi! We don't think people ARE superficial, they are simply submitting characters that have the same tropes, over and over again. And when we ask them if they would change something, unless we demand it of them via rules they decline! Zombi and I are simply going over the profiles we have received.

Did everyone miss the part where I mentioned one in every five profiles have been deleted for not following 4+ rules? The part where people don't give their characters flaws, and just have them as perfectly nice characters all the time? Where, before we put in a thief/criminal cap, every submitted profile had something like it? We're keeping track of the # of orphans, too, unofficially, and I would hazard a guess as to about 1/6th of all posted profiles are younger characters with no parents.

The problem z and I are having is that people aren't paying attention to the rules, and aren't bothering to listen to the part where we ask for "every day characters". So many people have combat training, too! It's a time of peace right now, I don't understand how so many characters have been officially trained to fight.

zombi and I see the same profile after the same profile, day in, day out, with only a handful of details changed (like name, or hair length). People think they're making unique characters by giving them loads of sad back story and special physical features, but they're not.

The point of this thread, though, is to make everyone aware of what's been happening! Not to point fingers and say what members are doing what and so forth. The point of the discussion is to work together to come up with a solution that both helps members making profiles and encourages them to be creative, as well as not put any extra responsibility on staff or members alike.
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Last edit: Jul 10, 2012 16:13:38 GMT -6
Jul 10, 2012 16:24:01 GMT -6

Post by Deleted on Jul 10, 2012 16:24:01 GMT -6

I know you said you don't want to do this, but maybe it is a good idea to keep adding official restrictions into the rules. As Hangetsu said earlier, it may be helpful to have more structure. I despise the phrase, "As one door closes, another opens," but in this case it may be true. Start adding to the list of what people can't have, and we'll all have to find new ways to be unique. Say a few months down the road I want to make yet another character, and said character's going to have a dead parent or something else that's been similarly discouraged. If the rules say I can''t do that, well, guess I have to think of something else. In doing so, I may just find something that is unique to the site.

Yeah, restrictions can be frustrating, and might elicit cries of, "Why can't I have X?!" but we'd get used to it and think of ideas outside of the unwanted ones listed above. Seems like a win to me, even if it might create some member unhappiness at first.
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Jul 10, 2012 16:24:03 GMT -6

Post by Deleted on Jul 10, 2012 16:24:03 GMT -6

Q.Q Why are you taking everything I said so extremely ? It makes me feel like I can't speak.

I'm in the middle of writing two RP posts since two hours ago, so I'll try to keep this short. When I said cynical, I was mainly referring to the way you and Ash were referring to the shinies in your last couple of posts. What Z said and what you said beforehand was too hard for me to follow, so I detected no cynicism... It was the "tragic" part in particular, I don't think newbies think of themselves as moths to flames of tragedies - or as moons to an earth of laziness, I don't even know anymore.

The "supposed" argument... I definitely had not foreseen this interpretation. I'll try to say in another more simplistic and outgoing way, since it's always worked so well for me before - sorry for this sarcasm. Nobody wants to make an NPC. I seriously can't do simpler.

The achievements thing, that is exactly what I meant. I was sort of quoting what Ash said about the ATLA canons so it may have sounded a bit too extreme, but the "sense of belonging" is probably where I was getting at.

Really, the main thing - the only thing, since the rest was just to ventilate the thread ever so slightly - I wanted noticed was my idea of a Harmony Establishment Movement. You don't have to care about the name, I found it funny, but making or allowing members to sponsor new guys to an extent would certainly/likely/probably/mayhaps regulate the amount of profiles that are wrong.

EDIT: I'm also really disappointed in people for there being only four of ten spots of Metalbenders and Equalists taken after two months !! This is disgraceful !!... I'm overdoing it, but I find it a real shocker. *bows*
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Last edit by Deleted: Jul 10, 2012 16:26:47 GMT -6

Post by A Long Display Name Here on Jul 10, 2012 16:38:29 GMT -6

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@ Tenshio: the issue with that is that we then we get people who purposefully have things because "the rules don't say". The longer and more comprehensive the "you can't have" list gets, the less people will want to join or make characters. :] And it's not even that we don't WANT (for example) orphan characters! We just want people who make an effort to go beyond the easiest road for orphans and do something unique! So many orphans — no one's been adopted? Or formed a rag-tag Peter Pan group? Stuff like that! It's not that we don't WANT the trope, it just needs to not be the first thing that people go to in order to revolve their character's existence around it.

The easiest way I think to say it is this: We want characters-that-happen-to-be-orphans, not orphans-that-happen-to-be-characters. (Or any other common trait/trope). Does that make sense? We're not outlawing things (and if we were, we would've just done so), but more like encouraging people to do new things with their desired tropes, rather than following the same pattern as everyone else.


@joychi: Extremely? I'm not sure I follow. You posted a statement about people not wanting characters that aren't supposed to exist. Did it seem that extreme that it would extend to characters in general? I'm genuinely confused.

I also don't know what you mean by "shinies". Perhaps you can use simpler language, instead of fancy names and stuff? :]

Nobody wants to make an NPC.

And we're not asking them to! An NPC is a "non-player character". Once someone writes a bio for them — even if they were originally an NPC, they stop being one once a player takes charge of their history! I think that every character can be interesting and unique, without subjecting them to the traditional "hero" module (sad beginnings, troublesome journey, lesson learned). :]

As far as your idea:

making or allowing members to sponsor new guys to an extent would certainly/likely/probably/mayhaps regulate the amount of profiles that are wrong.

Could you expand on that? I'm not really sure I understand. :]
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Jul 10, 2012 16:51:05 GMT -6

Post by Deleted on Jul 10, 2012 16:51:05 GMT -6

...I request a time out. I'm not even half done with either of my RP posts, it's almost 1am, and I'm making things more complicated by trying to make them simpler, which indicates a serious lack of productivity on my part, aka sleepiness.

I will mos def make things clearer in approximately 10 hours, once I've eaten breakfast and done some of the things that I need to do in order to prevent brain implosion... If anyone feels like they're understanding what idea I had in mind, be my guest. *bows*
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