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Plot Update 10 March 2021

A year has passed since Fire Lord Zuko ascended the throne, and it seems like trouble is brewing between the Fire Nation and the Earth Kingdom once more. The Fire Lord and the Avatar began the Harmony Restoration Movement to restore the Fire Nation Colonies to their pre-war state by bringing any Fire Nation nationals back home, but for many of the citizens — of mixed Fire Nation and Earth Kingdom … Read more ›

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Dinner Discussion

Oct 4, 2017 19:28:10 GMT -6

Post by Deleted on Oct 4, 2017 19:28:10 GMT -6

She was not used to being nervous. In everything she did, Jia tried to exude confidence. And why not? She knew her strengths, knew her weaknesses. So long as she focused on the former and avoided the latter, no reason she should ever have to be nervous. But somehow, after thirty years of life—swiftly approaching thirty-one, something she was trying not to think about—being in a relationship still managed to trip her up.

Flirting was easy—she saw a pretty woman, she chatted her up, and bam, there they were. But she and Ling were way past flirting now. They’d been seeing each other for nearly six months at this point, and were…well, to be honest, she wasn’t sure what they were. But what they had going was good, and it seemed only right that they celebrate. And since Ling had already treated her (to Kwong’s, that crazy woman), she figured it was her turn to plan something. Besides, busy as Ling seemed to be with all her detective work, going on dates was probably not at the forefront of her mind. All the more reason for Jia to step up.

Problem was, she wasn’t exactly the romantic type. The physical stuff she was all about, but all the other, subtler stuff tended to throw her for a loop. It was simple enough to decide on inviting Ling over for dinner, but beyond that she was at a loss. Should she cook? No, that was a bad idea. She’s brought it up to her roommate when asking for advice, and he’d been quick to remind her of her complete lack of skill. Last time she’d tried to make fried rice, she’d somehow managed to start a fire (she maintained that it was the stove’s fault). So she’d order food in, then.
But what? And how did she make take-away food look fancy, appropriate for a six-month anniversary? So many questions, but few answers.

Her roommate, Spirits bless him, had tried to give her some pointers, and had even helped tidy up their living room. But romance came easier to him; he and his boyfriend had been together for years now, and so had the distinct advantage of knowing each other extremely well. She knew a decent amount about Ling, but was it enough to plan a successful date at her place? She wasn’t sure.

Well, nothing for it but to try and see. After all, ultimately it was the thought that counted…right? She wasn’t too sure about that. But her roommate had already left for the day (giving her privacy, he’d said with a wink), and there was no point putting it off any longer. So, her stomach doing flips, she sat on the couch and picked up the phone. She paused. Ling might be at work. Should she try her home, or her office? The mental debate was furious, but over quickly. It made more sense to try the office first. She held her breath as she dialed and the phone began to ring. It rang once, twice, three times…

“Yao Sisters Detective Agency.”

She was so caught up in her nerves, it took her a second to realize there’d been an answer. “Hi!” Her voice was a bit too loud; she winced. “It’s Jia. Um, I was wondering…you busy tonight? ‘Cause if not, I was thinking we could do dinner…maybe at my place…”
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Post by Ling on Oct 7, 2017 14:04:37 GMT -6

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Mei-zhen tutted her disapproval as Ling put her feet up on her desk. Ling waved her sister's reaction off. "It's just a desk, jiejie, it'll clean."

The older Yao sister rolled her eyes and resumed tidying her desk... and Ling's desk. Mei-zhen was definitely the cleaner of the two of them, and it showed; Ling always said she preferred a more 'lived-in' look, but if she were honest with herself she was just kind of a slob.

The freckled woman sighed and smiled gratefully when her sister offered her a glass of ice water. It had been a long day, and with the weather getting warmer, long stakeouts in a rented car were even less fun than before. On top of that, there seemed to be an influx of infidelity in the city — something in the spring air, perhaps — and Ling had spent so much of her time running around checking on wayward spouses.

When the phone rang, Ling was loathe to answer it right away. Mei-zhen murmured a reproachful remark as Ling let it ring a second time.

On the third ring, she sighed and picked up. "Yao Sisters Detective Agency." Her tone was a little clipped. It was almost five o'clock and she did not want to deal with another jilted lover for the day.

When the voice on the other end spoke, Ling sat straight up, bringing her feet down to the ground quickly. "Oh! Jia!" She laughed, rubbing her temple in embarrassment. "Sorry about that, I thought you might be another case — no, no, I'm absolutely free tonight. I'd love dinner! I'll leave right now, grab a taxi...."

Ling was already inching toward the door as soon as the invitation was extended. When the telephone cord would no longer extend, she tossed it to her sister and practically sprinted out of the office.

Mei-zhen sighed and spoke into the receiver. Yes, hello, Jia? It's Mei-zhen. Ling just ran out of here so I suspect she'll be there soon.

Ling breathlessly knocked on the door to Jia's apartment, bouncing back and forth on her feet. When the door open, she flashed her signature smile. "Hello, gorgeous," she murmured, leaning forward for a kiss.
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Oct 14, 2017 0:39:38 GMT -6

Post by Deleted on Oct 14, 2017 0:39:38 GMT -6

Ling had not sounded thrilled when she answered, so Jia waited anxiously for an answer, not sure what to expect. Maybe work had just tired Ling out, and she wasn’t in the mood for dinner? That would be understandable. Over the winter holidays, everyone and their mother had been receiving shipments, and the docks had been at their busiest. On days like that, it was all she could do to stagger home, warm up some Flameo instant noodles, and remember to undress before passing out on her bed. If Ling’s day had been anything like that, it was no wonder she seemed less than happy.

But much to her relief, Ling immediately perked up. Just hearing Ling sound happy again was enough for her, but then her invitation was accepted to boot. That was great. She grinned…until Ling said she’d leave immediately, the grin twisted into a wide-open mouth of panic. She hadn’t planned on that. She still needed to get dressed, figure out her makeup, order the food…this was not ideal.

But there was nothing to be done. Before she could respond, the phone was silent, and then Mei-zhen was on the line. Her veins ran with ice when Mei-zhen told her Ling was already out the door, but she did her best not to make it obvious. “Um…thanks, Mei-zhen. I, uh…have a good evening.” She practically slammed the receiver back down on its cradle, then sprinted toward her closet. So much to do, so little time!

In what felt like no time at all, Ling was knocking on her door. Heart in her throat, Jia approached and, fumbling with the lock a bit, pulled open the door. Ling looked…well, she always looked great, but the lack of time spent together recently had her looking even more beautiful than usual. She would’ve told her so, but there was kissing to do. Words could wait a moment.

The kiss was perfect, and she lingered in it for as long as she felt was reasonable. Eventually, though, she had to pull away. “I’ve missed you,” she muttered, smiling lazily. “Feels like ages since we’ve seen each other.” She stepped back to allow Ling to enter, awkwardly shifting her weight from foot to foot. Going out on a date was easy; organizing one at her place, though, made her feel a lot more pressure to do well…whatever that meant. To that end, she’d actually made an effort to clean, picking up the clothing she’d left lying around, and had even managed to convince a neighbor to let her borrow his new vacuum cleaner (a difficult task—she’d worn him down with the promise of many favors). For once, the couch in the middle of the living room was spotless. Even the bamboo plant on a windowsill in the back of the room looked less sad than usual. She was trying her best.

Jia tugged at her dress. She liked the look of it, gold embroidery on deep blue fabric, but it fit tightly, which she was not used to. She’d bear it for one night, though. Besides, with any luck, she wouldn’t be keeping the dress on for the whole evening.

“So, how’re things at the office?”
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Post by Ling on Oct 18, 2017 12:22:29 GMT -6

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She stepped into Jia's apartment, the mildest expression of surprise on her face. She had only vague memories of the handful of times she'd been over — being, understandably, rather preoccupied — but she hadn't remembered it being particularly neat. This looked more like Mei-zhen's type of arrangement than Ling's and she suspected that Jia went through a bit of trouble on her account.

Ling slipped her arm around Jia's waist, her grey-blue eyes noting the figure-hugging dress. The blue fabric with its gold detailing stood out against the darkness of Jia's skin (had she gotten a tan lately?) and the contrast of blue made her green eyes stand out like shimmering jade.

Absently, she rubbed her thumb against Jia's hip as she looked up at her, grey-blue eyes glittering with mischief. "The office is busy, but boring," she replied. "There are only so many stakeouts I can do in a hot satomobile before I melt." Her lips spread slowly into a sly grin. "If I wanted to be hot, I can think of a few things I'd rather do." Her eyes flicked down Jia's dress again.

Restraining herself — with great difficulty, mind — Ling pulled Jia to the couch (which looked different, somehow) and sat down, patting the space next to her.

"I've missed you," she murmured.
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Oct 30, 2017 10:56:41 GMT -6

Post by Deleted on Oct 30, 2017 10:56:41 GMT -6

She laughed at the surprise on Ling’s face. “I know, right? It’s actually not a mess for once. It was a team effort, and it took forever.” She shook her head ruefully. “And people do this ‘cleaning’ thing all the time? Crazy.” She was joking—mostly. She had earned a reputation for being a bit of a slob, and knew she should probably work on that. But cleaning was just so exhausting! And what was the point of putting away what you were just going to use again?

But now was not the time for a diatribe on the futility of tidiness. Now was the time to make up for the agonizing lack of Ling in her life recently. Ling’s thumb rubbed against her hip, and it was difficult for her to think of anything but that feeling. Her tongue felt too heavy to form words at the moment, so she busied herself staring at Ling and trying to count the other woman’s freckles. It was a wonder how someone could be that darn cute.

Of course it was Ling’s innuendo that finally roused a response in her. “I’m sure you can, but slow down. At least let me feed you dinner first.” She let Ling lead her to the couch and sat with their shoulders touching. “I’ve missed you too.” She took another moment to stare at Ling before leaning in for another kiss. Their lips met, and she sank into the perfection of it for what felt like forever. When they parted, she took a moment to catch her breath. “Sorry it took me so long to have you over. Planning things isn’t really something I’m good at.”
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Post by Ling on Nov 5, 2017 13:43:07 GMT -6

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There was something breathtaking about Jia's face. Even the crookedness of her nose, presumably broken one-too-many times, sent Ling's breath whooshing out of her lungs.

"Don't worry about it," Ling replied, unable to take her eyes off of Jia's face. It seemed mutual, though, as she couldn't help but notice the other woman staring at her intently. "'For everything, there is a season,'" she quoted, unsure of the source.

She leaned back on the sofa, her hand resting easily atop Jia's thigh. "So what's for dinner?" she asked with interest. "I'm starved. I know I said no sop talk but scarfing down pork bun after pork bun on a stakeout — no matter how good they are — starts to wear on a girl after a while"
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Nov 16, 2017 1:16:54 GMT -6

Post by Deleted on Nov 16, 2017 1:16:54 GMT -6

OOC: So sorry about the delay on this. I really need to get better at responding promptly.

Jia drank in the sight of Ling’s face as she responded. She looked at Ling quizzically at the mention of seasons. “I don’t see what it being summer has to do with anything,” she said, genuinely confused.

Fortunately, she didn’t have to dwell on that too long; Ling brought up the more important issue of the reason for her visit: dinner. Unfortunately, that set a small thrill of alarm running through Jia’s brain. It had been a mad dash to get the food in time, and though she had just managed it, she still wasn’t sure she’d chosen well. As far as she was aware, Ling’s diet consisted mainly of the endless varieties of buns. Outside of that, she really wasn’t too sure what Ling fancied food-wise. She’d taken a guess, and could only hope she’d guessed correctly.

“What are your feelings on curry?” she asked. It was a stupid question, really, considering that there was only the one option. There was a noodle place she patronized far too frequently that made an excellent green curry, and she’d been craving it lately. Was it rude to take advantage of a dinner date to satisfy her own desires? Maybe, but at least, if Ling didn’t like curry, one of them would be happy.
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Post by Ling on Nov 26, 2017 17:32:59 GMT -6

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(ooc, please excuse the minor godmoding)

Ling's face lit up. "I love curry," she said with a grin. "I know my blood stream is made up of pork buns but I eat other stuff too." She paused, then tilted her head. "Honestly, now that I come to think of it, I'm not all that picky about food. I have my favourite, obviously," — here she grinned at Jia sheepishly — "but I rarely turn down a dish. Except maybe those sushi plates with the octopus legs still wriggling." The freckled woman gave an involuntary shudder.

She followed Jia to where dinner was set up, sitting where she was bidden. The smell from the curry was tantalising, and she blushed as her stomach let off a loud, vicious growl. "I guess I was hungrier than I thought."

When Jia had situated herself, she gave a little half-smile. "So you asked about work earlier. I wanted to mention this before we got too far into dinner, but I'm not going to be following up on that case for my old gang." It was an uncomfortable topic, but Detective Sek hadn't gotten any further with it than their predecessor, and the thought of pursuing a criminal element into the High Street mucky-mucks was incredibly unappealing. She'd turned the case over to the police officially, framing it so that her gang wasn't in the picture beyond the unfortunate victim. Her old crew was less than enthusiastic, but recognised the private detective work had its limits, especially when the investigator was from the Dragon Flats and the suspect was hobnobbing with Old Money.

"I may be brought in as a consultant here and there, like if I have a ... seedier informant than the police have access to, or if I can give the police some insight, but it'll all be above board and behind a desk." She looked at Jia tenderly. "I hope that sets you at ease."
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Last edit by Ling: Nov 26, 2017 17:34:15 GMT -6
Dec 8, 2017 13:11:12 GMT -6

Post by Deleted on Dec 8, 2017 13:11:12 GMT -6

Jia sighed with relief as Ling approved the curry. It had been a shot in the dark, and it was great comfort to know that she had hit her mark. She made sure to file away Ling’s lack of pickiness about food—that would make planning future dates easier. “I don’t blame you,” she chuckled at Ling’s revulsion. “My rule of thumb is not to eat anything that can move on its own. Food’s not supposed to do that.”

The apartment didn’t have an actual dining room, so she’d had to make do. A simple wooden table sat between the kitchen and the living room, draped with a mostly-spotless white tablecloth. A small bouquet of white lotus flowers sat in a jade vase in the middle of the table. She’d even broken out some fancy lacquered chopsticks. She was trying, as best as she knew how.

Jia directed Ling to a seat on one side of the table, then moved to the kitchen to retrieve the food. She’d taken the curry out of the to-go containers it had come in and rearranged it on a pair of china plates she’d never had cause to use before. She brought these over to the table and set one in front of Ling and the other in front of her own chair on the other side of the table. She followed this up with glasses of water. “Let me know if you want tea,” she told Ling. “I’ve got a few different kinds.”

Jia sat across from Ling, and matched Ling’s smile with one of her own. She was hungry too, but held off eating as Ling spoke. The mention of work worried her, but she let Ling finish, and was glad she did. Difficult though this must be for Ling to discuss—especially given their disagreement on this particular matter—she appreciated the update. “It does,” she replied, her smile growing. “It really does.” The table was small enough that she could reach out to touch Ling’s hand. She rubbed her thumb over Ling’s fingers. “Thank you. I know that this investigation means a lot to you, and it’s good that you’ll still be able to help sometimes. But if this means I don’t have to worry about you ending up dead in an alley somewhere, I’m happy.”

Her mood brightened by both Ling’s presence and her news, she started eating. The curry was delicious, and still warm—the sole advantage to this date’s set-up being rushed. She ate happily for a moment, giving Ling a moment to quiet her ravenous stomach. Then, she set her chopsticks down. “So…” she began. She really should have composed her thoughts before she opened her mouth. “So we’ve been seeing each other for a little while now…six months…how are you, uh, feeling? About us, I mean? About…” She gestured to the both of them, to the dinner. “About this?”
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Post by Ling on Dec 16, 2017 10:50:11 GMT -6

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Ling smiled crookedly. "I've got to be honest, I didn't look forward to milling around in the High Street Boroughs. All those hoity-toity types aren't exactly my cup of tea." She could feel a pleasant chill go down her spine as Jia took her hand, the feel of Jia's thumb grazing her fingers sending little jolts of electricity through her body.

They ate in silence for a few minutes. Ling really did rather enjoy curry, and ate with gusto, the hastily eaten pork bun of the afternoon long forgotten.

"Hmm?" Ling looked up; she had zoned out a little while eating, so Jia's 'so' had taken her by surprise. It took a few seconds for the rest of what Jia was saying to hit her.


She could feel a flush creeping up her neck and flooding her cheeks. Ling had grown a lot more comfortable with Jia over the last six months, but in tender matters she was still the same bumbling, awkward woman, as opposed to the suave, always perfectly eloquent flirt she tried to be. She grinned like an idiot for a while, trying to string together a coherent sentence.

"Well, the food is great," she replied, then mentally kicked herself for such a flippant response. Was she just completely incapable of having a serious moment without cracking a joke? She grinned again and tried to focus on the real question.

"I mean, I think it's going well, on my end at least. You're kind, you're fun, you're sweet... not to mention incredibly attractive and phenomenal in matters of the boudoir. Though, if I've completely misread the situation, then I'm talking to the curry."

Damn it.
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