I got exams so I won't be posting for a while. See you guys in a week or so. :^)
Good luck on your exams! For next time, though, we do have a
leaving & returning thread so you can let us know of your absences — we might miss it if you post anywhere else!
Is that why there's not a lot of activity?
Probably not. A bunch of factors contribute to this, but the three big ones are:
1. AtLA / LoK RP forums aren't really all that hopping anymore. TARP is 12 years old and we've weathered literally YEARS between seasons, since we started just eight months after the pilot episode aired. We are the oldest still-running RP-centric Avatar based forum on ProBoards, if not in general (Hou Tian, a sister forum, is a month younger than us). Not to mention this is a "dead" fandom — there's no new content being released that is accessible to all fans (eg: comics that not everyone can buy) and the last episode aired in
2014 with barely any new information since. It's not like, say, Harry Potter, where while the main series is over, Pottermore releases new content every couple of months or the recent release of Cursed Child.
2. RP forums aren't as popular as they used to be in general, as demonstrated by google analytics:
If you notice, RP forums were huge in 2005 - 2007, which were also our peak years and coincided with the original "burst" of AtLA fandom. As you can see though in recent years it has tapered off
3. We are all incredibly, incredibly busy and a vast majority of the participating members aren't in school and are instead working professionals. In addition to starting a new job, I am also a full time freelancer. I'm the most active of the bunch because I work from home so it's easier for me to sneak in a few posts when I ought to be working — my boss isn't going to be looking over my shoulder / doesn't care bc of my job (or alternatively I'm my own boss and sanction these breaks).
If you want to see more activity, please feel free to spread news of us by word of mouth! We have a
facebook page, I made a
post on tumblr advertising us, we advertise & affiliate on other sites, and so on, but there's only so much a two-person show can do! We can't justify adding more staff to help us with this level of activity, so we rely on our members putting out the word.