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Plot Update 10 March 2021

A year has passed since Fire Lord Zuko ascended the throne, and it seems like trouble is brewing between the Fire Nation and the Earth Kingdom once more. The Fire Lord and the Avatar began the Harmony Restoration Movement to restore the Fire Nation Colonies to their pre-war state by bringing any Fire Nation nationals back home, but for many of the citizens — of mixed Fire Nation and Earth Kingdom … Read more ›

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The Ballad of a Lonely Man [tag: Kami]

Oct 24, 2013 15:54:02 GMT -6

Post by Deleted on Oct 24, 2013 15:54:02 GMT -6

It was hard to believe that a whole week had passed since he'd started his new life. Hyuk-jae still woke with a start every afternoon, unused to being in Nagisa's house and sleeping in a bed. Getting dressed with options felt like a new thing. Nagisa had insisted he purchase a few more things, and once they had had a few more nights of work, Hyuk-jae had agreed he could spend a little — though what he owned could still fit, part and parcel, in the little dresser. The customers obviously appreciated Nagisa's eye for clothing, as well as the haircut he'd forced Hyuk-jae to get. His hair was still thick and long but had been trimmed somewhat, making it now look intentionally long and mysterious, brushing his collar, instead of long-by-happenstance.

'Eunhyuk', that's what he went by. It was a meaningless name to him, though Nagisa assured him many of the hosts took names based on character type. Madame Jainukul told him he was the 'silent' type, whatever that meant. Mostly, so far, it seemed to mean he was a backdrop for the cheerful and childish 'Shota' played by Nagisa. So far, they'd picked up at least two new female clients and three new men in the course of a week. Madame seemed pleased. Hyuk-jae didn't know if that was normal or not, but he had decided not to question things for the most part.

An evening schedule suited him just fine. Hyuk-jae had adapted well to waking up late and staying up late, making sure that he did his best to always go to sleep around the same time. A steady diet helped, too — he found himself finally free of deep fatigue, which was like a miracle unto itself. Presently he was in the bathroom, running a comb through his hair and buttoning his ivory shirt up. Tonight he was going in ivory and hunter green, not his personal favorite. Nagisa had insisted on it. Apparently they had a very full schedule coming up.

Heading downstairs, Hyuk-jae paused in the kitchen to make coffee and eat something before going to work. It always took Nagisa about eighteen times longer to get ready. By the time his fluffy-haired partner appeared, Hyuk-jae had toast and coffee ready for him, sitting out with a pot of berry jam. "Eat something," he said, motioning to the plate as he put his shoes on, coffee cup beside him. "I don't want to be late."
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Post by A Long Display Name Here on Oct 29, 2013 18:48:45 GMT -6

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The week with Hyuk-jae had flown by so quickly he wasn't even sure what had happened. It was both strange and completely ordinary living with Hyuk-jae: it was like he had always been there, even though he hadn't. The older man had settled in pretty quickly, and the two had fallen into an easy living arrangement almost without speaking of it, like they each had a role to fill and slipped into them like... like two things that go together perfectly.

Of the two, Hyuk-jae was definitely more domestic. Not that Nagisa was a slob, but he didn't know how to do useful things, like mending clothes or cooking meals. It had become routine for him to tag along with Hyuk-jae, shadowing him as the other man went about with the chores.

It was the opposite at work; Hyuk-jae's "Eunhyuk" persona was a real hit, and Nagisa was in his element. They had flirted a bit for the act, had a lot of customers absolutely fawn over it, and Nagisa couldn't help but feel proud: not only did he help Hyuk-jae when he needed it, but his instincts were spot on and the taller man made a perfect host.

Begrudgingly getting out of bed when he felt Hyuk-jae stir, the fluffy-haired young man trudged to the bathroom with his eyes still half shut. Nagisa wasn't exactly a "morning person". Or, at least, what counted for "mornings" in his life. Waking up after sleeping for sleeping — as opposed to a nap — always left him cranky. He tended to shut off the alarm until the very last minute that he had to absolutely get up or choose between being late or not looking his best.

At least, he did before Hyuk-jae came around. He learned pretty quickly that first work night that his new roommate was not a fan of his alarm habits.

After splashing his face with water, Nagisa felt better. He stopped Hyuk-jae from putting on a drab outfit (well, relatively. Nagisa still wasn't convinced the man wouldn't look better in a pattern or something), and then shut himself up in the bathroom to prepare: take a shower, dry and style his hair, put face cream and eye-liner on, and pinch the apples of his cheeks just to give that slightly rosy look. He dressed in a pressed, light lavender button up with navy blue trousers and a navy blue, patterned velvet waist coat.

He made his way down the stairs, his socked feet making hardly a sound on the hardwood. Hyuk-jae was already in the kitchen, with toast, jam, and a cup of coffee waiting.

Nagisa lit up. "Thanks!" He slid into his seat as Hyuk-jae put shoes on; he put a thick layer of sweet jam on his toast, alternating every bite with a sip of coffee. He ate as quickly as he could without making himself sick. Hyuk-jae was giving him pointed looks as he wiped his face.

"I'm done, I'm done, let's go!"


They arrived at the club at six twenty-five, along with a few other hosts and hostesses. They were talking about a big business reservation for both clubs in the main hall. No theme, but Nagisa lit up anyway. He much preferred 'business' reservations to personal ones. A majority of the time, the clingy, bossy women that annoyed him the most were not part of this equation.

As they headed to their locker rooms to put away their personal affects, Nagisa looked up at Hyuk-jae with a grin. "We're going to do great tonight," he said enthusiastically.

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Oct 29, 2013 19:38:58 GMT -6

Post by Deleted on Oct 29, 2013 19:38:58 GMT -6

Hyuk-jae, in his black slacks and hunter green vest, rolled the sleeves of his ivory button-down up to his elbows as they stepped outside. It was hot and sticky, and while he knew it would be cooler in the club, the walk there was… unpleasant. He had a faint headache forming behind his eyes, a nagging sensation. Chalking it up to needing water, he declined to mention it to his friend.

Cool air kissed Hyuk-jae's face as he stepped into the Host Club and he sighed, pulling at the back of his collar. It was blessedly cold and refreshing, no doubt to make up for the amount of alcohol and merriment inside. It seemed, from what he was hearing, that they were to be part of a business engagement that night.

That suited him fine. He followed Nagisa into the locker room, nodding when he proclaimed how great they would do. Hyuk-jae smirked a little when one of the girls glared at him, smiling at her with his teeth. He and Nagisa were a hit with gentlemen, it wasn't a secret. They were a hit with ladies, too, particularly young ladies. "Businessmen," he said to Nagisa, "are always easy."

He was right, of course. Within the first ten minutes, Hyuk-jae zeroed in on a few men he noticed watching Nagisa's bright smile. Winding their fingers together, he pulled Nagisa with him to check them out. It was almost too easy, between the two of them. All he had to do was pull Nagisa into his lap in a corner booth and then pass him off to a business man when he sat with him, letting his hand linger visibly on Nagisa's leg for just the right amount of time. One of them men was enamored of silly puns, which Hyuk-jae actually enjoyed. Laughing brightly, he slid closer.
"I have one, too —"
The salaryman turned his whiskey glass around in his hand. "Do tell," he said.
"If a shelter is the best place to be in a storm," Hyuk-jae said, "and high ground is the best place to be in a flood, where's the best place to be during an earthquake?"
The man waited.
"A stationary store!"
Clapping a hand on Hyuk-jae's shoulder, the man laughed uproariously. "I'll have to use that one!" he said, clearly pleased with his choice of company.

As long as he paid close to equal attention to Nagisa and their customers, Hyuk-jae was guaranteed a good payout at the end of the night. He'd learned that after the first two days in the club, and tonight was no exception. To that end, he glanced at the shorter young man.
"Don't you mind sharing your boyfriend?" asked the suited man next to Nagisa.
"Maybe a little." Hyuk-jae wound a piece of Nagisa's hair around his finger. "But I think I can live with it tonight…" he glanced back to the joke-telling man to his left.
The man smiled, flattered. Hyuk-jae let go of Nagisa's hair, asking the man about his job.

There were only minor moments where he could tell he'd missed something, made someone repeat himself. Working with Nagisa easily covered the absence seizures, most of the time. Their dynamic made it more 'normal' for him to claim gazing elsewhere for a second, more acceptable for his attention to wander. Hyuk-jae noticed the headache nagging just at the back of his mind, though, still there despite his attempts at hydration and various other remedies. Was it the heat?

He accepted the jokester's business card when it was slipped to him, along with a murmured implication of a 'private' audience. And why not? Nothing good lasted forever.
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Post by A Long Display Name Here on Oct 29, 2013 22:10:57 GMT -6

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Nagisa watched the exchange between Hyuk-jae and the punny (get it) man with wide-eyed interest, Hyuk-jae played his role well, letting his touch linger on Nagisa's thigh for just a little too long, twirling a lock of Nagisa's hair around his finger while seemingly not paying any attention. In turn, Nagisa acted his part, clambering purposefully across Hyuk-jae's space to fetch the cup of his drink and brushing up against him, leaning his head on his partner's shoulder while talking to the other business man opposite Hyuk-jae's pick, and blushing at all the right times.

For his part, his client was a bit more reserved; this was Nagisa's preferred type. It made for good contrast, and the stoic types that requested him were often very into how adorable he was. He chattered a lot, asking questions about his work, flopping down with his head in the customer's lap, his foot barely touching Hyuk-jae's thigh. Once or twice, he let both customers catch him glancing "distractedly" at Hyuk-jae, sheepishly apologising when they called his attention.

"Don't you mind sharing your boyfriend?" asked the suited man next to Nagisa.
"Maybe a little." Hyuk-jae wound a piece of Nagisa's hair around his finger. "But I think I can live with it tonight…" he glanced back to the joke-telling man to his left.

Something twisted in Nagisa's stomach. It was an unpleasant sensation, and he wondered briefly if he had eaten something to make himself sick. When no wave of nausea followed, the shorter man dismissed it as a weird little body quirk.

"Eunhyuk," Nagisa said, making his eyes wide and refusing to blink, which caused them to water. "D-do I mean that little to you...~"

Behind him, Nagisa could hear the catch of anticipation in his client's breath.
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Oct 30, 2013 17:36:17 GMT -6

Post by Deleted on Oct 30, 2013 17:36:17 GMT -6

The more open, more sleazy men seemed to appreciate Hyuk-jae's very forthright company, finding him gratifying and less work to be around than Nagisa's type. As it was, such men tended to come in with more reserved co-workers. It made for a good night's work for both of them. Similar pairs of women liked them as well, though in those cases the more reserved women often preferred Hyuk-jae for his tendency to do most of the legwork, flirting.

"Eunhyuk, d-do I mean that little to you…~"

Hyuk-jae smiled slowly, teeth white in the low light. He slid an arm around Nagisa's waist, pulling him close, fingers brushing against the shorter man's hip. Nagisa was slight and the hard edge of his hipbone was easily felt. Turning his head, Hyuk-jae nuzzled Nagisa's neck. "Play nice with the gentlemen, hmm?" His breath was warm against Nagisa's skin, right near the pulse point. The sweet, berry-like scent of the young man's shampoo lingered near his collar, invading Hyuk-jae's senses.

The jokester laughed a little, the sound warm and pleased. Hyuk-jae let his chin rest on Nagisa's shoulder, grinning at the customer the fluffy-haired host had been cuddling with. "After all, we all know who you're going home with tonight, don't we?" There was a certain warm satisfaction in his voice at that moment, something that surprised even the Firebender himself. He released Nagisa then and turned back to the joking client, determined to ignore his possessive impulses. What was he thinking? Where was this… awareness of Nagisa coming from? Curling the end of the businessman's tie about his index finger, Hyuk-jae focused his black-rimmed eyes firmly away from the other host.

It was tempting to toss back a glass of alcohol to calm his nerves, soothe the raw edge of that nagging pain in the back of his head. Hyuk-jae settled for more water, gracefully declining his client's attempts to ply him with wine. It was a relief when the men departed, and Hyuk-jae went immediately to the back room to splash a bit of water over his face. He rubbed the back of his neck, faintly embarrassed. Nagisa wouldn't be upset with him, would he? They'd not really drawn out boundaries for their characters, after all. How far was too far? He didn't want to upset the younger man.

Had Nagisa noticed Hyuk-jae's reaction to him? Surely not. He seemed so naïve at times. When the door to the locker room opened behind him, the Firebender glanced up, smiling in the mirror. He was absolutely fine. That was exactly what he'd tell anyone who asked.
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Post by A Long Display Name Here on Oct 31, 2013 9:03:17 GMT -6

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"After all, we all know who you're going home with tonight, don't we?"

Hyuk-jae was doing so well; Nagisa played along, fingering the edge of his partner's collar in pseudo-shyness, a small smile on his lips. On impulse, he nuzzled the side of his neck into Hyuk-jae's hair, making sure to catch the eye of the joking client for the briefest of brief moment before looking away. There was something in the way Hyuk-jae spoke that was just so... something. Nagisa couldn't quite put his finger on it.

But then Hyuk-jae let go, turning his attention back to the jokester client; Nagisa leaned in closer to the quiet one. "Isn't he so nice?" he asked, batting his eyelashes. "He takes such good care of me, you know." The smaller man grinned, winking suggestively. It was kind of true, anyway. His new roommate took excellent care of him, keeping the house clean and the icebox stocked with delicious home-made goodies and meals. Nagisa hadn't eaten this well since moving out of his parents' house!

The customer gulped, thinking (obviously) that Nagisa meant a different kind of 'taking care', just as Nagisa had intended. He sidled up close to the man, taking care to just barely let his hand brush against the man's leg. He looked up into his face, tilting his head just right so that it was flattering and not a full shot of up his nose.

"You'd take care of me too, right?"

A few glasses of wine later (not for Hyuk-jae though), the two business men left. Hyuk-jae excused himself to the employee room, and Nagisa took the opportunity to mingle among the other hosts and hostesses. He saw Sayona's familiar figure and almost called out to her before realising she had her arm hooked around a gentleman client's. He smiled. A shame, he would've loved to give her an update on how they were doing.

Madam Jainukul beckoned to him surreptitiously, and Nagisa casually made his way to the manager's side.

"Is Hyuk-jae okay?" she asked softly under pretense of checking some notes. "I noticed he was spacing out a bit during that last client group, and now he's not here.

"I think he went to the employee room for a moment," Nagisa answered, keeping a smile on his face like they were discussing whatever she had looked up on her papers. "I noticed a few moments, but he hasn't said anything about smelling burning or wanting to get out of here."

Jainukul nodded. "All right. Just keep an eye and ear out for it. Why don't you go check up on him, make sure he's okay."

Nagisa skipped off without another word, gracefully declining calls and invitations on his way out of the main hall. Once the door shut behind him, he walked at a brisk pace to the employee room, shoving the door open with a soft grunt. He found Hyuk-jae bent over the sink; the other man looked up into the mirror at his approach, a smile on his face.

"Hey, you all right?" Nagisa walked in, letting the door click closed behind him. "You seem a little stressed, maybe...?" He trailed off. Did he? He could've sworn Hyuk-jae's smile had been strained when he walked in, but it looked perfectly natural now. Maybe everything was all right after all.

"We still got a couple of hours before we can go home. Do you need anything?"
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Oct 31, 2013 14:20:33 GMT -6

Post by Deleted on Oct 31, 2013 14:20:33 GMT -6

His pulse had quickened when Nagisa nuzzled into him. Leaning on the sink, Hyuk-jae let out a heavy sigh. What was his deal? He chastised himself for a moment, ruffling his hair with his right hand. Get it together, Hyuk-jae.

Unfortunately, the very object of his thoughts was the first person to walk through the door. The door clicked closed behind the short young man as he asked if Hyuk-jae was all right, his voice trailing off as he studied the Firebender's face in the mirror. The scent of his shampoo followed him like a specter.

Why was he so annoyingly aware of him? Maybe it was just that off-kilter feeling that had been bugging him since waking.

"Oh no, I'm — I'm fine," Hyuk-jae said, turning around. He let his face relax into a natural smile, carefully watching Nagisa. It didn't look like the younger man was upset with him. He wasn't stressed, anyway — it wasn't as if he were lying. A nagging headache wasn't anything to concern Nagisa with. It wasn't one of his normal auras, anyway. It was most likely nothing, right?

"We still got a couple of hours before we can go home. Do you need anything?"

Shaking his head, Hyuk-jae rubbed the back of his neck. "I said I'm fine. I think I just need to drink more water, maybe." He smiled softly at his friend. "Sorry if I worried you." He'd had a few more absence seizures than normal at their table, he realized. "Maybe I'll eat my dinner real quick…" He'd packed something from home. It seemed safer than relying on the club.

Going to his locker, Hyuk-jae pulled a small bento box out, handling it carefully. He could sit in the back and eat quietly by himself without bothering anyone. Nagisa didn't have to sit with him. "It's okay. You can go back out." He didn't want to cost Nagisa any money from clients by taking a break, after all. "I'll be fine." Sitting on a bench near the back wall, Hyuk-jae turned his attention to his food. The skin along the back of his neck prickled uncomfortably with the feeling of being watched. Flicking his eyes back up, he saw Nagisa was still there.

Embarrassed, he cleared his throat. "Is there something else?" he asked. Was Nagisa upset about earlier and just… hiding it? "Look, if it's — if I'm overstepping a boundary out there or something, you can just say so. I don't mean to. We never talked about it." Tightening his grip around the wooden box in his lap, he looked back down at the meat and vegetables nestled inside.
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Post by A Long Display Name Here on Nov 1, 2013 2:40:11 GMT -6

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"Mm-mm," he answered, shaking his head in the negative. "It's okay. We're partners now, so it wouldn't be fair for me to go out without you. Besides, people seem to like 'us' better than just 'me', and it makes more sense to go out together than alone."

"Look, if it's — if I'm overstepping a boundary out there or something, you can just say so. I don't mean to. We never talked about it."

Nagisa plopped himself onto the floor next to Hyuk-jae's bench. "What do you mean?" he asked curiously. He hadn't noticed anything odd; Hyuk-jae had acted to his prompting in the expected manner. They were play-acting that ~forbidden romance~ thing so it was perfectly natural to be that handsy.

Wasn't it?

"I'm not offended or anything," he added as an after thought. "Honestly I didn't even think of it!" Nagisa laughed lightly. Nah, it wasn't a big deal or anything, right? Just two roommates who happened to be co-workers who happened to pretend to be a couple.

Perfectly normal.

Putting his arms behind his head, the fluffy-haired young man leaned back against the seat of the bench, eyeing Hyuk-jae's bento. He licked his lips involuntarily. The club had some really nice food — it was always imported from outside of Republic City, or made by some of the City's finest chefs and catered — but for the past week Nagisa had been eating Hyuk-jae's home cooking which was, no offense to the chefs, infinitely better and more filling.

"I want a bento," Nagisa said jealously, looking up at Hyuk-jae's eyes. "Can you make me one, too?"
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Nov 1, 2013 16:25:21 GMT -6

Post by Deleted on Nov 1, 2013 16:25:21 GMT -6

"That's not true," said Hyuk-jae. "People love you." Nagisa had a sweet personality and customers flocked to him. Hyuk-jae assumed they enjoyed his presence due to the contrast, not because they liked him. Hyuk-jae mostly just flirted with people outrageously, making sure they were the object of conversation. It wasn't hard nor particularly engaging.

As Nagisa denied being offended in an absent-minded, almost offhand way, Hyuk-jae smiled. Of course he wasn't; the younger man seemed like he was oblivious, most of the time, to certain intentions. Hyuk-jae hadn't quite figured out if that was all one big act or not, but it seemed at the moment that Nagisa truly saw everything he did as just a part of the job.

Which is absolutely was. Of course.

The fluffy-haired host was staring at his lunch. Hyuk-jae picked up a little chunk of pork and held it out, orange eyes meeting gold. "Here," he said, "stop staring." Nagisa immediately stated that he wanted a bento, too, and Hyuk-jae couldn't help the bright laughter that spilled from him. Of course Nagisa wanted a bento! Keeping a normal household and fending for himself was not on Nagisa's list of skills. He'd so far relied on other people and money to make things for him, and the Firebender had noticed that his own way of saving and making do was utterly foreign to his friend.

"Yeah, yeah, okay — I'll make one for you next time, too, all right?" He ate a piece of vegetable, chewing slowly. "Though, you know, they cook here? And you used to eat here all the time. I figured professional food is way better than mine — that's why I didn't make you one in the first place." He'd not assumed Nagisa would prefer his own simple cooking to the fancy stuff at the Host Club. Scooting over to make room on the bench, Hyuk-jae patted the wooden seat. "C'mon. Sit. We'll share it. You know I have stuff at home for breakfast when we leave, anyway." He'd be fine until then.

Lunch eaten, they returned to their jobs. More customers — this time pairs of women, ogling them as they sat very close and sighing as their thighs brushed — promised a good turn out of coin at the end of the night. Nagisa and his cuteness made the night go by quickly, although Hyuk-jae noticed that his headache was not, in fact, gone by morning. As the two of them gathered their things to head home, he rubbed the back of his neck in dismay. No amount of water had helped. Neither had dinner. Maybe breakfast and sleep was the ticket, then?

Hyuk-jae was quiet as they went home, allowing Nagisa to either fill the silence or leave it. At the apartment, he took out the rice porridge he'd made for Nagisa along with some vegetables for himself. He wasn't even all that hungry — unusual. Feeling so off-kilter was getting uncomfortable… but he had yet to experience any of his usual auras. No strange smell, no need to leave. Just a feeling that something was wrong. Sighing as he washed the dishes, Hyuk-jae shook his head. It was fine. Maybe he just needed sleep. If it didn't go away he would… well, he would at least think about seeing someone.

Healers made him distinctly uncomfortable.
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Post by A Long Display Name Here on Nov 2, 2013 4:34:02 GMT -6

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Nagisa bit into the proffered portion of meat with relish. "Yeah, I don't know," he said, talking around his mouthful. "Your cooking is more tasty. More... not like you put more effort in it? I'm sure the people who make the club's food work really hard. But it's more ... I don't know. Personal, I guess?"

He laughed. "That must sound stupid."

The rest of the evening flew by. Nagisa flirted with and charmed all of the clients he and Hyuk-jae entertained. By the end of the night, Nagisa was exhausted. Being a host may sound like non-stop fun to outsiders, but it was also emotionally taxing. He could refuse clients, of course, but generally speaking "they're boring" wasn't an acceptable reason. Luckily Nima didn't come by — Nagisa didn't think he could've handled her on top of entertaining everyone else. She was much too bossy for his tastes, even if she paid well.

Hyuk-jae was quiet on the way home, but Nagisa hardly noticed. It wasn't uncommon for Nagisa to do a majority of the talking, so he thought nothing of it. Upon getting home, Nagisa changed into his night clothes before sharing breakfast with Hyuk-jae (a bowl of rice porridge for him, veggies for Hyuk-jae), then the two went to bed for a well-deserved rest.

The rest of the week passed by without much incident. If Hyuk-jae was out of sorts, Nagisa couldn't tell very well; sometimes he thought that his friend didn't look happy, or looked unwell, but a second look always showed him a brightly smiling Hyuk-jae. Maybe he was imagining things.

At the end of the week, a few hours before work, the phone rang. "I'll get it!" Nagisa rushed to the phone, speaking in a low tone with whomever was on the other end. When he hung up, he half-jogged up the stairs and peeked into the bathroom. "Hey, Hyuk-jae?" He waited til Hyuk-jae looked at him. "I've got a quick errand to run that I forgot about," he said brightly, but evasively. "I'm already ready for work — " he gestured at himself, dressed in a complimentary blue-and-grey ensemble, " — so I'll just go on ahead, and meet you at the club."

Without waiting for another reply, he dashed down the stairs, stopping only by the door to put on his outside shoes. "Bye, see you later!" he called back up the stairs.

He caught a cab to the market he took Hyuk-jae that first night, stopping by a familiar store and exchanging some words with the clerk, who brought out a package and unwrapped it. Nagisa nodded his approval, giving instructions for a few modifications and handing over some money.

His errand completed in a little under an hour, Nagisa caught another cab, this time to the Host Club. Surprisingly, the normally punctual Hyuk-jae hadn't arrived.

Nagisa grew a little concerned when the first customers came in, and there was still no sign of his partner. A few people queried as to his whereabouts, and Nagisa gave them all big grins. "He's having a day off today, he's been working so hard so he deserved it!"

By the time nine thirty rolled around and Hyuk-jae still hadn't showed up, Nagisa refused to see another client, instead pacing back and forth in the employee lounge as the minutes ticked by.

At ten thirty, Nagisa knew for sure that something happened. What if he got hit by a cab? Hyuk-jae didn't like taking cabs. What if he'd been in an accident? What if — what if — what if —- ?

He rushed to Jainukul, who was still on the floor.

"Nagisa," she greeted, her tone terse. "Where is Hyuk-jae? What are you doing? Your clients are complaining."
"He's not here," Nagisa all but wailed. "I had an errand to run before work and he said he'd meet me here!"

The look of annoyance on the madame's face quickly changed into one of concern. "Shit," she muttered. Barking orders to one of her assistants, she made excuses for herself and Nagisa's sudden, but necessary, departure. Grabbing the small young man by the wrist, Jainukul dragged him out of the club building and hailed a cab, snapping at Nagisa to give the driver directions to his flat.

When they got there, Nagisa rushed up the front steps, his hands fumbling with the key; finally getting the lock to turn, he flung open the door. The house was completely dark. He flipped the switch in the hallway and ran up the stairs two at a time.

The bedroom was dark too. Turning on the light, Nagisa's mouth dropped in horror. There was a trail of darkening red from the bathroom and leading to the bed, where Hyuk-jae lay, sleeping.

My carpet! was the first thought. Then, Oh, no! Hyuk-jae!

Jainukul pushed past him and immediately went to the bed. With a clearly practised hand, she made sure Hyuk-jae lay on his side, checking him over and tutting as she found injuries to his head.

Nagisa joined her, and, before Jainukul could stop him, spoke loudly. "Hyuk-jae, wake up!"

The madame shot him a dirty look.
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Nov 2, 2013 15:33:38 GMT -6

Post by Deleted on Nov 2, 2013 15:33:38 GMT -6

That nagging headache hadn't gone away. It persisted for several days, just at the back of Hyuk-jae's consciousness. It wasn't extremely painful it was just… annoying. He stood in the bathroom, drying his hair with a towel when Nagisa popped in, babbling about some errand he was running. The fluffy-haired host waited until Hyuk-jae looked at him to leave, saying he'd meet him at work.

The sound of the door closing left the Firebender to finish getting ready alone. The shorter man was always on him about what clothes to wear. Rubbing his temples, Hyuk-jae tried to pick something that would match what Nagisa had on. Blue and grey? He put on his navy trousers, setting his white shirt aside for a moment. He leaned forward to the mirror to line his eyes…

And opened them on the floor, looking up at the ceiling. His head felt hot, roaring with a splitting headache. Lifting a hand, Hyuk-jae pressed it to the warmest spot — it came away red. He blinked, staring at the blood, uncomprehending. What had he been doing? He pushed himself up to a sitting position, looking around. Where was he? The rooms beyond were dark, but he could make out the shape of a bed. He was so tired.

Dragging a towel down from where it hung, Hyuk-jae pressed it to his head and put a hand on the door to stand, leaving a perfect, bright red handprint behind. He could see the bed and he was just so tired. A bone-deep weariness descended upon him and without any other action, he went to the bed and laid down, keeping the towel under his head. Faintly nauseated, he closed his eyes, falling asleep almost instantly.

Hands on him woke him up, eyes springing open suddenly. He jerked away from whoever was touching him, making a slight, but angry, hissing sound. "Get away from me!" His head still hurt. Sitting up, he put a hand to it. The bleeding was stopped, of course, but the sheets and towel around him were stained. Blinking, he narrowed his eyes, looking around.
"… I'm tired," he said, staring at Nagisa. Why was he waking him up? He was tired! "Stop yelling at me!"
Madame Jainukul was in their apartment. Why? Glancing at her, Hyuk-jae's face was expressionless. "What are you doing here?" he asked, voice flat.
Couldn't they let him sleep? Wasn't it late? It was dark out.

His tongue hurt. Making a face, Hyuk-jae moved it for a moment. He must have bitten it? As he woke further the longer he sat up, he realized he had had a full-body seizure. That didn't explain what the two people were doing next to him, though. Nagisa at least lived in the apartment — but why was the Madame here?
"What are you doing here?" he repeated.
Hyuk-jae swallowed, gingerly touching his head again. He had a spectacular purple bruise forming down his right shoulder, the color deepening as the night went on.

When the Madame explained to him that he'd had a seizure and hit his head, Hyuk-jae rolled his eyes. Obviously. He pushed her away when she leaned in to touch him. "Leave me alone." Looking behind him at the bed, he felt confused. "Why is there blood everywhere?"
And why was Nagisa looking at the sheets with that stricken expression? Hyuk-jae frowned.
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Post by A Long Display Name Here on Nov 2, 2013 18:18:25 GMT -6

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Nagisa took an involuntary step back when Hyuk-jae snapped at him, slightly confused at first, then indignant. Well geez, what was his problem? He gaped at Jainukul, assuming she'd share his indignation; after all, she did just leave work to come see what was wrong. Jainukul, however, looked at him blandly. Well fine.

Sullenly, Nagisa stood off to the side — in his own bedroom! — watching Jainukul and Hyuk-jae through narrowed eyes.

"What are you doing here?" he repeated. "Leave me alone. Why is there blood everywhere?"

"I need to dress your wounds," the madame said gently. "I think you hit your head when you had your seizure. Is that okay? I need to make sure they don't get infected." Hyuk-jae nodded, and she looked at Nagisa expectantly.

Huffing, the young man went to the small first-aid kit he kept in the bathroom — and gasped. There was blood everywhere here too. Hyuk-jae must have had the seizure while he was getting ready for work. Pulling the kit from under the sink, Nagisa felt a little uncomfortable. What would've happened if he had stayed today? Would Hyuk-jae have gotten hurt still? Could he have helped?

Still feeling slighted, he took the kit to Jainukul who snatched it from his hands. Tenderly she applied the disinfectant and bandages to the wound on Hyuk-jae's head. "I'm here because I thought you might need help," she said simply, not mentioning work or leaving early or Nagisa's worry. "I have to stay here to make sure you don't have another seizure, okay? I'll leave when you're done sleeping and more awake."

Nagisa opened his mouth to ask a hundred questions, but the madame shot him an icy look that nearly made his legs tremble. Snapping his mouth shut, Nagisa headed for the bedroom door. "Fine," he said loudly, his tone bratty. "I guess I'll just get out of my own room." Jainukul looked furious and started to rise from the bed, but Nagisa went out faster than she could stand and slammed the door behind him.

After a few minutes, Jainukul saw that Hyuk-jae was back to sleep and breathing evenly. Taking care not to disturb him, she left the room, taking care to keep the door ajar so she could hear if anything happened. Midway down the stairs, she beckoned to Nagisa.

Nagisa, who had been brooding in the kitchen while munching on a tuna-filled onigiri, came up to meet her reluctantly. "What?" he demanded.

Jainukul responded by smacking him gently upside the head. Nagisa dropped his onigiri. "What the he —"

"You watch your attitude, mister," the madame said in a low voice. "Do you realise that Hyuk-jae could've hurt himself much worse? He had a seizure, alone." Nagisa opened his mouth to comment, but Jainukul plowed on. "Sometimes after a seizure the person can feel confused and angry, and that's just the way it is. Stop making this about yourself. Grow up."

Nagisa frowned. "My stuff though! I mean, I know he didn't mean to do it — "

Jainukul sighed impatiently. "You're a good host, Nagisa, but you need to get over yourself. Your friend just lost several hours of his life; he's disoriented and injured, and all you care about is your damn stuff?"

"I care about him too, but he didn't have to — "

"Whatever." Looking down at the couch in the living room, Jainukul pointed. "I'll stay the night to make sure everything stays fine. Get me some blankets and a pillow."

The young man gaped at her for a few seconds before throwing up his hands in frustration. "FINE," Apparently his house was just not his house tonight! What did Hyuk-jae being rude and a total JERK have to do with his seizures anyway. After he had been so worried, even! And after he bought —

Shoving an armful of blankets into Jainukul's arms, Nagisa stalked back up the stairs muttering to himself. It was probably too late for the carpet, he'd have to call a service. Changing into some old clothes, Nagisa began to clean the bathroom carefully. He tossed the blood-stained towels and floor mats into a pile, wiped the dried blood from the floors with a wet cloth. He wiped the counters, feeling a little guilty when he saw the corner of the counter Hyuk-jae must have hit his head on.

The task done, Nagisa peeped back into the bedroom where Hyuk-jae was sleeping soundly and sighed. He really was glad that Hyuk-jae was all right and not more seriously hurt, but it was still a shock to find his stuff covered in blood! And not to mention, Hyuk-jae was really upset for no reason, and just flat out mean.

Sighing again, Nagisa changed into loungewear and turned on a little light by his side of the bed, angling it away from Hyuk-jae's face so he wouldn't wake up. He climbed into bed, pulled open the bedside table's drawer, and took out a few comic books. He'd just read for a little while, until it was time to go to bed again.

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Nov 3, 2013 1:54:38 GMT -6

Post by Deleted on Nov 3, 2013 1:54:38 GMT -6

The Madame was using a gentle voice, staying away from questions about why he'd had the seizure and everything else. Hyuk-jae was soothed by her tone and fell quiet, allowing her to clean off the relatively small cut on the side of his head. Blood was dry in his hair and he winced as she pulled it, but said nothing. As Nagisa loudly proclaimed his extreme displeasure with the whole situation, the Firebender tightened his fingers around the bedsheets. The door slamming prompted hot tears from Hyuk-jae's eyes and he sniffed, rubbing a hand at his eyes.
"I'm gonna get kicked out," he said, and then glanced up at the Madame. "Are you going to fire me, too?" He pressed a hand to the bandage when she finished, swallowing. As usual, black despair filled him with an overwhelming urge to weep openly. It was embarrassing and unsettling. Sleep was the best escape from that feeling that he knew, and so Hyuk-jae did his best to hide in the sheets.

Nagisa's entry into the bed didn't even budge the sleeping man. He didn't move as the light flipped on, nor as Nagisa settled in beside him. After about an hour, though, Hyuk-jae curled instinctively towards Nagisa in his sleep, reaching for him as though holding on to the fluffy-haired young man made him feel safe. His brow furrowed a little until he caught hold of him, winding his arms around Nagisa's slender waist. He slept that way for half an hour before waking with a start, jerking away. His eyes were luminous in the lamp light, slightly red from crying.

"What day is it?" he asked, cautiously.
Then, "what time is it?"
"Did I go to work?"
Hyuk-jae paused to breathe in between questions and halfway waited for an answer before continuing, voice soft. "Did you see me? Did it happen at work? How did I get home?" He twisted his fingers together, concerned. Pulling away entirely, Hyuk-jae looped his right arm up under his head, staring at the ceiling.

"I'm not possessed." It was almost inaudible, but then he repeated, louder. "I'm not possessed." Cutting his gaze over to Nagisa, he stared at him for a moment, eyes pleading. "It's just a disease." Hyuk-jae rubbed his face, shoulder hunching a little. "And I didn't mean to bleed all over everything." His voice thickened with tears — annoying, treacherous. "It was an accident. I'm sorry."
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Last edit by Deleted: Nov 3, 2013 3:52:08 GMT -6

Post by A Long Display Name Here on Nov 3, 2013 20:50:24 GMT -6

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He flinched when Hyuk-jae reached for him, a harsh word on his lips. His anger died a little as he saw Hyuk-jae's sleeping face, brow wrinkled as he searched for Nagisa. The younger man sighed and scooted a little closer. Hyuk-jae immediately wrapped his arms around his waist and settled down.

For about a half an hour anyway. Nagisa started when Hyuk-jae pulled away, looking up at him wide-eyed. You're mad at him, Nagisa reminded himself, feeling his anger slip away at the sigh of Hyuk-jae's bewildered face.

"What day is it?" he asked, cautiously.
Then, "what time is it?"
"Did I go to work?"
Hyuk-jae paused to breathe in between questions and halfway waited for an answer before continuing, voice soft. "Did you see me? Did it happen at work? How did I get home?"

Nagisa raised an eyebrow. What kind of questions were these? He put down his comic book.

"It's the last day of the week." Nagisa checked the clock. "Well, as of a few minutes ago. You did not go to work. I didn't see you." He folded his arms over his chest. Was Hyuk-jae playing stupid or what?

"We were supposed to go to work but I had an errand to run so I said I'd meet you there. You didn't show up, so Jainukul and I figured something happened and we came here. We found you in bed. I guess you had your fit in the bathroom, judging by the trail of blood from there to here." Nagisa couldn't help but add the last part in.

"I'm not possessed." It was almost inaudible, but then he repeated, louder. "I'm not possessed." Cutting his gaze over to Nagisa, he stared at him for a moment, eyes pleading. "It's just a disease." Hyuk-jae rubbed his face, shoulder hunching a little. "And I didn't mean to bleed all over everything." His voice thickened with tears — annoying, treacherous. "It was an accident. I'm sorry."

Nagisa tutted impatiently, waving his hand. "I know you're not possessed, you already explained it. And I know you didn't mean to bleed all over everything, I'm not stupid. Who'd honestly bleed all over everything on purpose, gosh." His golden eyes narrowed. Why was Hyuk-jae acting like he hadn't just been really mean to him? Like nothing happened.

Fine. If that's the way he wanted to play it instead of apologising...

"Why don't you just get some sleep, okay?"
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Nov 3, 2013 21:29:58 GMT -6

Post by Deleted on Nov 3, 2013 21:29:58 GMT -6

Of course. Nagisa was really angry with him — the tone of his voice made that crystal clear. Hyuk-jae had known, deep down, that their happy living arrangement couldn't last forever. It couldn't even have lasted very long, not really. Hyuk-jae was familiar with being evicted after a fit. This would be so very far from the first time, and it certainly wouldn't be the last.

Nagisa answered his questions in a clipped, stilted tone, crossing his arms and pointing out that Hyuk-jae had possibly ruined his carpet. He was not assuaged by Hyuk-jae's apology, not in the slightest. The Firebender looked away as his former? friend narrowed his eyes at him. So apparently not only had he missed a night of work, but he was depriving Nagisa of a night of work, too. The way the fluffy-haired man answered his questions underscored his lack of knowledge — or, more likely, total disbelief — that Hyuk-jae could have forgotten all of these things. "I..."

What was the point of saying so, anyway? It hardly mattered. He had the distinct feeling that he shouldn't even be sleeping in the bed at all.

"Why don't you just get some sleep, okay?"

"Yeah." Hyuk-jae turned over carefully onto his left side, back to Nagisa. "Okay." He swallowed roughly, feeling like he might choke on the giant lump in his throat. The weight of Nagisa's anger made it impossible to relax, and after about fifteen minutes, Hyuk-jae sat back up, swinging his legs out of bed. "I'm just going to — take a shower, okay? Sorry." He quickly went from bed to bathroom, carefully locking the door behind him.

People couldn't hear him cry in the shower, right? He made sure not to make the water too hot, and tried to be gentle with the blood stuck in his hair. It was hard to avoiding disturbing Madame Jainukul's dressings, but he was perfectly capable of re-doing them himself. The fatigue still shadowed him and it took him longer than usual to clean off and re-dress the admittedly small cut on his head. He hoped that by the time he came back out of the bathroom, Nagisa would be asleep.

Clean and dry, Hyuk-jae went silently to the extra room to put on clean clothes and retrieve his red blanket from the dresser. He crept downstairs to make a cup of tea, trying to be as quiet as possible. On their last trip for groceries, Hyuk-jae had stopped by an apothecary to pick up a couple of varieties of herbal tisanes for ailments — including headache. That was the tisane he chose now, making a small cup for himself.

As he waited for the herbs to steep, Hyuk-jae blew gently on the water and contemplated his options. The best one was probably to go back to his old roommates and request the closet for rent. The offer hopefully still stood after two? weeks. He could afford to pay up front for a bit and that would likely appease them, providing they hadn't already rented it. Otherwise… he could look at for-rent ads, but wasn't his job status a bit tenuous? He hated to try to rent somewhere he couldn't afford if he got fired.

Which he probably would be, of course.

Chewing his lower lip, he contemplated calling Lee the Gentle. The gangster usually had a place he could crash, at least for a few days. They hadn't spoken in a while, though… Hyuk-jae massaged his temples, sighing. At the very least he would sleep on the floor in the extra room, sparing Nagisa the annoyance of his presence. He'd be fine with his blanket. Rubbing the back of his neck, he tried to quell the frustration that churned amongst the black sadness that always remained after a seizure. He was emotionally exhausted, a complete and utter wreck.
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Last edit by Deleted: Nov 4, 2013 6:10:49 GMT -6

Post by A Long Display Name Here on Nov 4, 2013 23:33:18 GMT -6

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Hyuk-jae slipped off to shower; Nagisa rolled over, turned off the bedstand light, and shut his eyes. Honestly, where did Hyuk-jae get off, pretending like he wasn't a colossal meanie just hours before?

Jainukul's words floated back to him. Your friend just lost several hours of his life. What did that even mean? Because he passed out? Pft. That didn't excuse being so RUDE.

Nagisa peeped open an eye when he heard the bathroom door open, determined to still be mad at Hyuk-jae when he came back to bed. But when the bedroom door open and shut and there was no Hyuk-jae next to him, the fluffy-haired young man sat up in bed, staring at the darkness in confusion.

When Hyuk-jae didn't come back after a couple of minutes, Nagisa slipped out of bed, jammed his fluffy slippers on his feed, and shuffled out the door. Hyuk-jae was in the kitchen, making tea.

"H-hey," he said when he got closer, making sure not to wake the madame, who was sleeping soundly on the couch. "What are you doing? Why aren't you coming back to bed?"

Hyuk-jae seemed surprised to see him. Nagisa looked away, his cheeks flaming. "I-It's not like I need you to sleep with me, or anything." That's right. He was still mad at Hyuk-jae after all! The being mean when he rushed home to make sure he was okay, when he had been so upset when he didn't show up, thinking he got into a satomobile accident or got run over or...! And that attitude, gosh.

Nagisa pursed his lips, still looking off to the side. "F-Fine, if you don't want to come up to bed, t-then whatever!"
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Last edit: Nov 4, 2013 23:33:34 GMT -6
Nov 4, 2013 23:49:57 GMT -6

Post by Deleted on Nov 4, 2013 23:49:57 GMT -6

Hyuk-jae looked up, still rubbing the back of his neck. His muscles were sore. It seemed that Nagisa was annoyed not only by his presence but also by the lack of it, which confused the taller man. "Um," he said, not sure why the other man was whispering, "I'm making tea. My head — it hurts. This is supposed to help." Waving a slim hand over the cup, he indicated the steeping tisane. It wasn't ready to drink yet.

The blush on Nagisa's face was largely lost in the darkness, but Hyuk-jae could tell that the young man was still angry with him. He pointed out that he didn't need the Firebender to sleep in his bed with him. "You don't want me to?" Hyuk-jae asked, words slow, brow furrowed. What did Nagisa want from him, exactly? "I can sleep in the extra room," he said quickly, misunderstanding the younger man's meaning. "I won't bother you. I'm sorry."

But this, too, did not assuage his friend.

"F-Fine, if you don't want to come up to bed, t-then whatever!"

Bewildered, Hyuk-jae looked down at the cup of tea. He had no idea what to do! Did Nagisa want him in bed, or not? Did he want him out of the house? In the spare room? What? Frustrated, he blew at the hair hanging in his face. "I... I don't know what you want," he admitted. "I was trying not to disturb you." Digging the packet of herbs out of the hot water in his cup, he carefully squeezed out the remaining moisture. The tisane was dark and strong, likely bitter. "Do you want me to go to bed with you or do you want me to leave, or something?" Hyuk-jae tilted his head, blinking at Nagisa. His voice was still a little flat with sadness.

"I don't know how to please you," he said. The unspoken implication, of course, was that he wanted to.

And then, "why are we whispering?"
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Last edit by Deleted: Nov 4, 2013 23:50:43 GMT -6

Post by A Long Display Name Here on Nov 5, 2013 0:11:59 GMT -6

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"That's not — "

Wait, what did he mean, how to please him? Nagisa's face turned a bright, almost candy-apple red. He felt like he could be one of the characters in his comic books, their faces coloured and lines drawn diagonally across their cheeks and nose to indicate they were blushing furiously. "I..."

Why are we whispering?

Despite himself, Nagisa smiled, covering his mouth with his hand. He pointed to blanket-covered lump on the sofa. "Jainukul is here, remember? She wanted to make sure you didn't have another seizure tonight and wanted to stay so she could help in case you did."

His expression sobered as he looked back at Hyuk-jae. This GUY. Did he really have no idea what was bothering him? Or was this something he could always expect, now that Hyuk-jae was more comfortable staying here? Either way, the other man looked genuinely confused.

Nagisa screwed up his face, his brows knitting together as he puffed out his chest in righteous indignation. "You were so MEAN!" he burst out, feeling the tears stinging in his eyes. "I-I-I-I rushed home because I was worried! I thought you might have gotten into an accident, or-or-or gotten run over, or-or-or maybe mugged, or-or-or had a fit (I mean you did have one) and I left work early and got the madame and then — okay yeah I was kind of upset about my stuff — but you didn't have to be SO MEAN."

And he burst into tears.
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Nov 5, 2013 0:39:19 GMT -6

Post by Deleted on Nov 5, 2013 0:39:19 GMT -6

Jainukul was there? Hyuk-jae leaned on the counter, looking around Nagisa. Sure enough, there was a person sleeping on the sofa. "Oh," he said. "I… didn't remember she was here." He wrapped his hands around the warm teacup.

"You were so MEAN!"

He was mean?! What was this guy, ten years old? Hyuk-jae stared at him, orange eyes wide, mouth slightly agape. What was he even talking about? "Wh--" the word broke off into a puff of air before he could start again. "What did I do?!" He tried to keep the volume of his voice low, despite Nagisa's outburst. "Did I say something to you, or —" Tugging at a piece of his thick hair, he remained silent as the shorter man cut him off, continuing to barrage him with his apparent meanness.

The fact that he'd been worried about him was strangely comforting. Perhaps Nagisa had been upset because he didn't know how to deal with the situation? Hyuk-jae couldn't imagine being on the other side of the fits. He knew they were horrifying to look at, of course, but he mostly thought of them as inconveniencing to others. Disgusting, perhaps. But he hadn't really had someone worry about him since… well, since he wasn't sure. His parents, maybe?

"I'm sorry!" he said, for what felt like the thousandth time that day. "I — I don't remember anything past leaving work yesterday. The fits, I just — I forget stuff, and I don't know what it is because I forgot it and I — I didn't think to call anyone, I was just so tired, and —"

And now Nagisa was crying. In shock, the Firebender set the teacup down on the counter and awkwardly waved his hands at Nagisa's shoulders, unsure if he should touch him or not. He looked around the room in horror, finding no hint of what he should do from the otherwise-silent kitchen. Jainukul stirred on the sofa and he had an image of her waking to find them fighting in the kitchen — or rather, to find Nagisa weeping and Hyuk-jae flailing. Such a scenario would be unspeakably, unbelievably awkward. "I'm sorry!" he hissed. "Don't cry!"

God, she was going to wake up and stare at them and act all motherly and he didn't think he could take it. Taking hold of his teacup in one hand and Nagisa's wrist in the other, Hyuk-jae pulled them to the stairs, speaking in whispered, rushed tones. "Let's go to bed," he said, "okay? I'm sorry I was mean to you, I didn't mean it. We'll go to bed. Okay?" They climbed the stairs and he set down the cup of tea and desperately shut the door behind them before Nagisa could start wailing again. Turning around, he leaned against it, letting out a heavy sigh and once again rubbing his temples.

Opening his eyes, he looked at his friend's red, tear-stained face. "I didn't mean it," he said. "Whatever it is I said or did. I didn't mean it. I'm not myself for a while after a fit." It was hard to use an even voice, to stay calm. One of them had to though, right? Hyuk-jae felt like he might burst into tears himself but he swallowed them roughly, a muscle jerking in his jaw. "They say it's like your brain re-sets. And it takes a while for you to be normal again. So I — I don't mean it. Whatever I do after." He thanked every spirit he could think of, in that moment, that Nagisa hadn't seen the fit.

Hyuk-jae picked up the teacup then, blowing softly on the liquid. It steamed as he took a small sip, grimacing at the strong, bitter taste. Hopefully the herbs would start to soothe the rawness of his headache.
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Post by A Long Display Name Here on Nov 5, 2013 21:20:27 GMT -6

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Nagisa sniffed as he let Hyuk-jae lead him back up the steps, the two of them trying to be quiet as they passed the madame sleeping on the couch.

When the door clicked shut, a small smile spread across Madame Jainukul's face.


He didn't mean it? Nagisa's eyes grew wide; he couldn't help but feel really incredulous. It must've shown clearly on his face, because Hyuk-jae continued, talking about brains resetting or something. He struggled to follow along, but it still didn't make sense to him.

"So..." Nagisa started, climbing up on the bed, "if you have a fit, you forget everything that's happened? And you get mean?" That... that sounded weird. "Does it happen all the time?"

Nagisa couldn't understand it. How did one just forget how they treated someone, or just lose whole days of memories? He looked sadly up at Hyuk-jae. "Can you forget people sometimes too?" He wondered if Hyuk-jae could ever have a fit so bad he'd forget him. That would be awful.

The younger man lapsed into silence, thinking. If Hyuk-jae didn't remember being mean because of his fit, then... what. Was 'mean' just the way Hyuk-jae was and he was just trying to be nice? Or was it because his brain went funny, he wasn't himself? It was confusing, and Nagisa said so. "So which is it, are you a nice guy that gets mean, or are you a mean guy that plays nice?"

Frowning a little, Nagisa got up from the bed and sidled closer to Hyuk-jae. "I guess I'm sorry too. I don't really get all of this. Madame says I'm being selfish and bratty and I dunno..." He shifted uncomfortably. He wasn't used to making apologies or being in the wrong. Maybe Jainukul was right, he had a lot to learn about what Hyuk-jae had to go through, and grow up a little, maybe.

On an impulse, Nagisa reached over and held his friend's free hand. He looked up at him with a watery smile, his bangs falling a little over his eyes. "We're okay, right?"
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