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Plot Update 10 March 2021

A year has passed since Fire Lord Zuko ascended the throne, and it seems like trouble is brewing between the Fire Nation and the Earth Kingdom once more. The Fire Lord and the Avatar began the Harmony Restoration Movement to restore the Fire Nation Colonies to their pre-war state by bringing any Fire Nation nationals back home, but for many of the citizens — of mixed Fire Nation and Earth Kingdom … Read more ›

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The original creators of ATLA quit the Netflix series, citing creative differences & an unsupportive environment.

Love is in the Air Acolyte [tag: Kami]

Mar 29, 2013 20:17:27 GMT -6

Post by Deleted on Mar 29, 2013 20:17:27 GMT -6

War-era weapons the likes of which Hangetsu was looking for were a popular item among collectors, fences as well as legitimate. The proprietor of the pawn shop seemed all too eager to unload something expensive that took up valuable real estate in his shop.
While getting the hard sell on a pair of dao allegedly made by Piandao Hangetsu shot a discreet but bright smile in Ren's direction only to find her smiling back. That, in turn, brought his own smile to a degree that must have made him look insane...or some kind of fetishist for old weapons.

"Um...three sectional staff...about seventy years old. Metal. Got anything like that?"
Hangetsu received a look he recognized as "No, but I will go in the back for a few minutes to humor you." accompanied with a slight sigh.
In order to keep the man in the back, presumably rolling his eyes and sighing even more, Hangetsu relayed a story about finding a gift for his dying grandfather. Awkwardly personal and boring stories seemed like just the thing to keep the man in another room a little longer.

Clues were hardly forthcoming. Hangetsu bet that had he been assisting his grandmother or Tae-yeon he would be hearing about the many clues apparent to a discerning eye while he made their coffee.
"What are you missing?" he mumbled to himself.

Times that like the mumbling policeman wished he had his Chief's seismic sense. He imagined Chief Bei Fong could not only sense any hidden areas but also if the items contained therein were stolen.
Even at his most arrogant Hangetsu would only consider his metal detection skills to be passable. Surely, not something that would tell him if the owner of the shop was dealing in stolen goods.

Hangetsu started to get flustered. Something free to do and a slight chance of impressing Ren. He didn't think it too much to ask. Once more he thought about this infernal mix of his personal and professional lives and decided he was a failure at both.
During times of such self doubt he wished that his earthbending sifu was still alive to poke him in the head and tell him to concentrate.

What? What part of this situation could he hold onto to expand into an investigation rather than an awkward shopping trip? He stole another look at Ren and it dawned on him that the best thing in his life could be the best thing for his investigation.
Silently, but frantically, he waved his arms in the air to get Ren's attention.

Tracing the Air Nomad insignia in the air as best he could, though to himself he seemed to be merely twirling his finger around, Hangetsu mouthed the words: "Air Symbol."
Instant recall was not one of the young metalbender's features but he remembered things eventually. Things like how Air Nomad artifacts fetched higher prices due to their rarity. Rare was just another word for "frequently stolen or about to be" as far as Hangetsu was concerned.

It would take a stupid mistake to miss such a mark on a pawned item but as his grandmother Han had told him, stupidity was a nearly infinite resource.

In hopes of buying Ren some more time Hangetsu smiled like a fool and placed his cigarette lighter on the counter.
"So...will you trade me those dao for this lighter?"
There was a look of frustration, anger and disgust on the proprietor's face that Hangetsu knew was focused solely on him and not Ren.
Sufficiently embarrassed, Hangetsu slunk out of the store hanging his head but gave Ren a sly smile and softly brushed his hand against hers while passing. Whether he had just been kicked out of a legitimate pawn shop or a fence's Hangetsu was proud of himself. It was awkward and weird and possibly inconclusive but it was a start of an important investigation. More importantly, it was a brief glimpse for Ren into a part of himself...dull as it was.

He waited impatiently for Ren to exit. Finding the symbol wasn't important, not then. Once she did Hangetsu tugged onto the long sleeve of her robe.
"Thank you. I know it's a weird dating activity but I wanted to share this with you. Finding my grandfather's weapon is important and I thought an important activity should involve an important person."
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Post by A Long Display Name Here on Apr 2, 2013 16:57:30 GMT -6

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Hangetsu waved his arms, and she watched as he gestured something, sketching a picture in the air with his fingers. Unfortunately, she had no idea what he was doing. She tilted her head to the site, the loose strands of hair that normally framed her face swaying with the motion, watching him intently in an attempt to discern his actions.

His lips moved as his mouth carefully formed words, shaping into syllables Ren felt like she should know but couldn't quite make out. Her brows furrowed together as she mouthed back, 'What?', but the broker had already returned from the room behind the counter, and Hangetsu's attention turned back to him. She turned back to the shelves, trying to see if there was anything there that would remotely match whatever it was he was trying to draw and say.

But there was nothing she could find that made that instantaneous "A-ha!" connection; as a sleuthing sidekick, she was an apparent failure.

Hangetsu slunk out of the shop, passing her with an surreptitious smile and inconspicuous touch. She inclined her head ever so slightly in response, masking it with the pretense of looking at something on a lower shelf. Her heart pounded so loudly in her ears, feeling simultaneously anxious and excited — how thrilling it must be to do this for a living! Probably not a line of work she would be able to be consistently involved with, but an occasional occurrence was somewhat appealing.

She turned to go when a glimmer caught her eye; on a shelf right at eye-level, behind some dusty bric-a-brac and a worn out shoe horn, was a beautiful crystal inkwell. Reverently, she put her fingers to the lip of the vessel, the multifaceted glass cool to the touch. With the utmost care Ren lifted it from its hiding place, cradling it in her hands like the most precious of treasures.

What a wonderful replacement this would be! she thought, recalling the shattered glass and inkstains in the dormitory hallway. Quickly but carefully she made her way to the counter and set the empty inkwell down with a gentle tink.

"How much for this?" she asked, hating the squeaky crack in her voice.

The broker looked up at her, as if assessing whether or not she was qualified to make a purchase — or how much money she possibly had on her person. Ren fidgeted uncomfortably.

"Twenty yuans," came the gruff response.

Twenty! Ren's heart sank. She only had ten left for her monthly spending, having made an unreasonably large book purchase not a few days before. She looked sadly at the crystal inkwell with its polished wood-and-cork stopper, winking and sparkling in the light.

"Oh... oh, I see." She tried to keep her voice even, but the pangs of disappointment crept through anyway. She gently pushed the beautiful piece toward the pawnbroker and bowed. "Thank you anyway. I'll come back next month and see if it's still here, if that's okay."

The man shrugged and grunted, picking up a newspaper and busying himself with its contents. Ren knew she had been dismissed.

Joining Hangetsu outside, she tried to smile. "Sorry I took so long," she murmured, slipping her hand into his. "I... I'm sorry I wasn't more help. I wasn't sure what you wanted."
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Last edit: Apr 2, 2013 16:59:06 GMT -6
Apr 7, 2013 10:02:29 GMT -6

Post by Deleted on Apr 7, 2013 10:02:29 GMT -6

Communication breakdowns such as his awkward attempt to tell Ren to look for something belonging in an Air Temple made Hangetsu remember just how different his life was from most. Growing up, there was no deception between his grandmother and himself. Every blink and fluctuation in his voice relayed all information, pertinent and otherwise to his observant grandmother and mentor. Even after her death the aspiring detective had found someone else with whom words were a clumsy substitute to micro expressions in his current mentor Tae Yeon.

When Ren apologized and took his hand this flaw became more than a simple quirk. Being around the hyper-observant most of his life had made his communication skills dull and suddenly it seemed like a flaw in his character. A puss-filled wound that needed to be treated immediately. Ren seemed saddened by not being able to understand him and that would not stand.

Hangetsu grabbed the Air Acoylte's hand and kissed it, why he didn't know. It just felt right.
"I'm sorry. I just had to get a couple of words across and I failed. It was my pathetic attempt to tell you look for something made in an Air Temple. There is a black market for Air Nomad artifacts so I thought it would be a good thing to look for. So, did you find anything nice in there?"
He felt like he was rambling or about to ramble.
"I'll be quiet now. My...renthusiasm got the better of me."

As it turned out, nothing short of tongue removal would keep Hangetsu from further chatter. In his excitement he had intertwined his arm with Ren's. It seemed like the kind of thing more fit for a squealing girl or a child than a grown man but thinking on it it seemed that squealing girls and children were always in good moods.
"That was nice. You made it fun, Ren. Just some routine snooping and you made it fun and exciting. Thank you for doing this. Maybe next time you can show me around an the Air Temple."
Hangetsu's next thought was being blasted out of the holy place due to his lustful thoughts.
"....Or something else...whatever."
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May 10, 2013 22:06:28 GMT -6

Post by Deleted on May 10, 2013 22:06:28 GMT -6


From fellow metalbenders he had investigated to the latest paramour of his sister there was no shortage of offers to be there for Hangetsu if he wanted to talk. It was more than a little disconcerting.
"I said everything that needed to be said during my debriefing," he'd tell them. It was obvious that his superiors didn't need any more information from him since they had given him his boots back and a straight razor to deal with the stubble threatening to overtake his face. It was perversely flattering that they went to such lengths to keep him from suicide but Hangetsu wasn't sure how to take getting them back. Had he outlived his usefulness?

An officer droned through the items Hangetsu had in his possession. Glasses. One pair. That was all. Those glasses and a pair of boxer shorts were the only things the Equalists had left on him when they left him on the steps of the police station. Naturally, his glasses had to be confiscated while he was questioned. It wasn't until he found himself on the other side of a suicide watch that he realized how ghoulish authorities could be. Everything was a potential weapon of self-harm to them.

While he came into the station nearly naked Hangetsu Tsukishima at least left with a little dignity in a pair of black slacks and a white, short-sleeved shirt coupled with what used to be his lucky green tie. His boots, he carried with him as he walked through Republic City. His special boots tailored to fit and sporting metal plates between the treads should the need to travel the wires arise. Right now he needed those boots like someone missing their legs needed toenail polish.

There used to be a constant vibration in Republic City. Earth and metal were everywhere offering reassurance that indeed there was a connection between Hangetsu and the city he loved. Now it was still as a corpse. No, he was the corpse, he decided. Just a lump of meat slowly decaying while everything else kept going. He hated the city for that. The least it could have done was sink into oblivion after his bending was stolen from him.

Even more than having his bending returned, Hangetsu wished that Ren was on Air Temple Island. He couldn't take that for granted anymore. Taking things for granted was for people who had things. The way his life was going he expected Ren to have already begun making waves in the dating pool. Someone tall and good-looking...someone who could bend.
The thought temporarily glued him to the dock until he managed to talk himself out of his own cowardice. If necessary he would court Ren all over again. It wasn't so much a manly show of determination as a desperate attempt to see if one good thing still remained in his life.

As he stared into the water on the way to Air Temple Island he thought of things to say. Clever things, woefully pathetic things, even some charming things but the one thing they had in common was that they were all forgotten by the time he had reached the temple and asked to see Ren.

Speaking seemed to be out, apparently the Equalists had taken his voice as well but while he had no idea what he would say when he saw Ren he knew that he would smile. Oh god, how he would smile.
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