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Plot Update 10 March 2021

A year has passed since Fire Lord Zuko ascended the throne, and it seems like trouble is brewing between the Fire Nation and the Earth Kingdom once more. The Fire Lord and the Avatar began the Harmony Restoration Movement to restore the Fire Nation Colonies to their pre-war state by bringing any Fire Nation nationals back home, but for many of the citizens — of mixed Fire Nation and Earth Kingdom … Read more ›

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Past, Present, and... [Fukui]

Jul 7, 2012 14:11:44 GMT -6

Post by Deleted on Jul 7, 2012 14:11:44 GMT -6

The young Earthbender ran a hand through her hair, smirking. "Yes. That's how I feel about my bending, too." She stated with confidence. It was not everyday that she could speak about bending so casually, and even come to a mutual understanding with somebody else. "The only... problem, I guess, is that few people still use those traditional forms of bending. It's all been so modernized, so implemented into the everyday life... so dumbed down." That was spoken very frankly. She didn't know what Fukui had seen in her travels, but within the United Republic that statement was true almost everywhere.

"I mean... I know it's very interesting and practical to have trains that don't rely on manpower to be propelled, but I miss the fact that Earthbenders used to push them in Ba Sing Se. It was both an incredible innovation of technology and a very important custom... or whatever. It was part of our culture. Bending is becoming kind of restricted, now." She said, with her arms crossed "The United Republic is smothering me with things like that, I swear... Well, maybe I'm just too interested in the past, I can admit that. I mean things aren't bad as they are now, are they ? It's all become kind of easier... At the expense of traditions."

She let out a long sigh. For some reason, she'd gotten carried away once again. "I'm sorry ! ...I think the fact that I saw my grandmother's picture has me a little worked up. I would have loved to paint her myself." Kim said with an embarrassed smile, glancing back at the picture that was further away between some sailors. She knew that it probably wouldn't have been possible either way, because she'd be way too old to agree to sitting still for hours. But she would have still loved to be able to talk about... everyday things.

And about art. Kim had no idea what her grandmother used to think about painting, drawing and sculpting. Maybe she could ask her parents, or her sisters if they were old enough to remember something like that, but she could already sense that anyone's response would be hard for her to understand... It was making her jealous of Fukui again, who didn't have that problem since she got to know Tenoko a little. Kim was always discovering new stuff about her own kin, and although it shouldn't be life changing, she was making it so important that it irritated her that she wasn't able to know that beforehand.

"...Do you think bending's ever going to be considered- well, re-considered an art someday ? Something that can be cultivated and honored, and maybe spread like during our ancestors' time ?" She asked Fukui, fully aware that she was asking a rather difficult question, but still needing the Waterbender's opinion on it.
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Jul 13, 2012 4:15:46 GMT -6

Post by Deleted on Jul 13, 2012 4:15:46 GMT -6

[OOC... so yeah... no real excuse... just computers exploding and stuff. >.<]

"well," Fukui shrugged, "I suppose that sometimes it becomes necessity. some traditions keep us from moving into the future because they are chained to the past. others, tragically as you have mentioned, were among the better ones that I also believe should not have been forgotten. alas, such is the way of the ever-changing society, especially around the United Republic."

she paused for a moment. "bending and its restriction might have to do with that new anti-bending group... that Equalists or whatever they call themselves... I dunno what they intend to accomplish, but hearing things like that does make me wish I had lived in my grandmother's times... things seemed simpler back then."

Fukui smiled. "it's alright." she replied, "everyone's got their regrets, their passions, their things they look back on with pride... I don't mind listening to people when they want to talk, even if they ramble. I myself am guilty of it, so have no place trying to chastise others for the same."

her last question was interesting. traditionally, at least in the Nagishima family, there had always been an art to bending. Tenoko's fancy dance had been one thing, but even that was an art--it was her own unique combination of colors on her palette, so to speak.
"I think maybe one day it will." she replied, "history repeats itself, and traditions are the same way. it may be after our lifetimes, but it always goes back to its old circle... that;s what I believe anyways."

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Jul 13, 2012 16:33:56 GMT -6

Post by Deleted on Jul 13, 2012 16:33:56 GMT -6

OOC: O.O What ?? Did your computer epxlode or... are you alright ? Is it alright ? Is everything alright ?

Kim shook her head frantically. "Society sucks, then. I can understand why my grandmother would have accepted to spend her life in religion. It was something with constancy, and something she must have enjoyed with passion..." She reflected, thinking about how little she knew about Hinh, and how little she truly knew about society despite her mother teaching and researching History. But that ever-changing side of society, this lack of potent stability was definitely something else she hated - well, potency in her sense of the word, anyway. "...I would love to have something like that, the same way she did." The Earthbender said pensively... Though she already did. Despite the limitations of the country, art was her one and only passion, and she lived her life to the full extent of this passion.

A pout started to grow onto the young artist's face. Hearing Fukui say that she wished she had lived during the older times made her a bit... upset. "I don't think I'd like it so much, back then. I mean, have you thought about all this war, and all this crime ? Firebenders were considered evil, and I heard from my mother that Ba Sing Se was not really as much a sanctum as it is believed to be now..." She said, a tiny bit of sadness in her voice as she thought about her father and sister, two Firebenders, and how they would have been treated if found in Ba Sing Se back then... "I feel like there's always going to be people to blame."

And besides, she wasn't combat-trained so she wouldn't have survived very long. At least, against the anti-bending movement, she could intimidate them away from her. It would be a bit counter productive since it would give their cause reason in one way, but it was better than becoming a target.

The young bender then listened to her Waterbender friend's answer. It was as optimistic as she had hoped, so the golden eyed girl smiled back. She even let out a light chuckle. "I really hope it won't be AFTER our lifetimes. I wanna be able to raise my children with traditions, and make them hang out with other children who learnt and apply those traditions." She stated with hope, getting a little bit ahead of herself with those words. It made Kim realize that she felt a bit more personally involved than she thought. "...I mean... Well, I can't say I regret that I wasn't raised solely with traditions, but... I don't know. Learning about them makes me want to try. Don't you feel the same ? Maybe not the need to absolutely do it, but at least the curiosity ?"
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Jul 14, 2012 2:27:08 GMT -6

Post by Deleted on Jul 14, 2012 2:27:08 GMT -6

[OOC--well, yes, but not literally. just... stopped working, and started showing all sorts of crazy programmer code stuff, but since no one likes to listen to computer geeks ramble... yeah. in short, it exploded. physically and stuff, I'm perfectly fine, and even the machine itself is fine, even though it doesn't work. sorry if I scared you or anything.]

Fukui chuckled. "I'll drink to that one. society's never been a very pretty thing, sadly. perhaps that was my my grandmother spent her time on the seas as a pirate... or my mother and father spent most of their time out hunting alone in the wilderness. my grandmother enjoyed travel, my parents were hunters... I guess I am still trying to figure out what I am."

if anything, she was a cross between the two. she enjoyed travel, and enjoyed hunting. she was a connoisseur of sorts, always keen on trying new things. whatever the case, she wasn't sure that that counted.

"ah." she nodded, "I suppose it must have been the Water Tribe pride in us... my grandmother liked reminding my mother that there was a period where the Water Tribes were the only free nation in the world. I don't say that to demean the other nations... although it did sort of instill some pride in our heritage. I apologize though. it's a selfish thing to bring up."
She knew that Kim was very obviously Earth Kingdom, and, looking around at her family, was almost certain that there was mixed heritage, some of it Fire Nation. perhaps she had been a little offensive with the Water Tribe pride thing, but even then, she wasn't any less proud. she just needed to remind herself when to mention it and when not to.

Fukui personally wouldn't have minded. the Nagishima family were warriors, and proud of it. Since her friend seemed fond of old traditions, she decided against mentioning how she thought the old Northern tradition of not allowing women to fight was utter stupidity. it went back to her remark about some traditions not deserving to be continued, while others were. either way... she wasn't going to bring it up unless asked.

Fukui chuckled. "the thing about traditions, at least in places like the Water Tribes, is that some can vary from person to person, or from family to family. I know that there were some drinking traditions that I used to and still do get involved with. tradition within our immediate family would be things like frequently travelling, or even coming here every anniversary to pay respects to Tenoko. others, on a more tribal level, would be the likes of when a boy becomes a man, or when a woman is betrothed."
she put her hand to her necklace. "although this one is generational keepsake." she indicated it, "I'm still single."
she looked Kim in the eyes again. "so aye, I would have to say I agree with you. some traditions are defnitely worth preserving."

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Jul 16, 2012 19:03:36 GMT -6

Post by Deleted on Jul 16, 2012 19:03:36 GMT -6

Still trying to figure out what she was... Could Kim relate to that ? In comparison to where her grandmother and mother stood - or used to stand - she probably wasn't really in a place of stability. She was barely starting with her life, she had so many paths ahead of her... But she was defining herself as a passionate and talented young artist, that was good enough for her. Looking at Fukui's face, she wondered if this uncertainty came from the fact that she held too many things close to her heart, if it was because of her resemblance to Tenoko, or because she was still in the process of looking for this one thing that would capture her whole... Was it really a good idea to ask her about that ? Maybe she would be offended, or start feeling sad, even though she didn't look the type to feel that way.

In the end, the young artist bit her lower lip and glanced away, deciding to keep this thought locked down in the back of her mind. It wasn't like asking about it would change anything, and satisfying her curiosity wasn't all that important right now. She could always try to paint something along those lines later.

The Earthbender shook her head, taking no offense in what her Waterbender friend had said. "It's fine, don't worry. I don't mind that you feel proud about it, I think it's a good thing. Afterall, it is a fact that the Water Tribes were untouched for a long time." She stated with a tiny smile, staying a bit nonchalant about this "Besides, my grandfather was a Waterbender, so that makes me partially receptive to that pride as well."

She raised an eyebrow at her own statement. Bringing up her grandfather was not something she did a lot, even though she'd spend a lot more time with him than with Hinh - time that she actually remembered for being old enough, that is. Despite being Water Tribe, and therefore a rather sociable and warm person, he had never really managed to connect with his granddaughters. "My grandfather... I wonder if my golden eyes made him uncomfortable." Kim said, completely out of the blue. But she quickly shook her head and tried focusing on the topic at hand once more. If she was correct, the bottom line of it all was that Fukui would have been more comfortable than Kim living seventy years ago.

The Waterbender had hit the bull's eye by pointing out how subjective traditions could be. Kim often failed to realize that even though most of the old ways were very interesting, they often could not be described as the one single big picture that she liked to find them to be. It was a bit ironic in fact, most people would be the other way around... Anyway, she could see why many of these traditions had been abandoned over the years. Like Fukui said, some had more worth than others. Besides, new traditions could be born out of nowhere.

Her eyes set on the betrothal necklace that was around her friend's neck. "Oh gosh, how come I didn't notice it before !" She almost jumped out of excitement "It's good you're telling me, I would have congratulated you almost immediately... That necklace is gorgeous, by the way. That's the kind of craft I'd love to reproduce on a bigger scale one day. I don't know how yet, though." It was going to be tough, she wanted to make a good representation that would shove the Water Tribe art in the face of those who looked, but without trampling on the sacred side of it.

"Does it have a story ?"
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Jul 20, 2012 17:41:49 GMT -6

Post by Deleted on Jul 20, 2012 17:41:49 GMT -6

The young waterbender smiled. "alright," she nodded, "I just didn't want to give off the idea that I was putting down any of the other nations to try and elevate my own. I am still a product of my blood nonetheless."
Then again, the Water Tribes, the Earth Kingdom, and the Fire Nation were all proud nations in their own way, and so perhaps she wasn't so different for saying this.
the funny thing about the matter was that the Water Tribes were still particularly 'traditional', so to speak, and Kim was right about them having remained 'untouched' for some time. at the very least, they were nothing like the modern, newer places like some Fire Nation cities or the United Republic. That's how the Southern Water Tribe was anyways. she had not been up North save for a few times.

She looked up and into Kim's golden eyes. "I suppose that some among us lived in fear of the golden-eyed firebenders of old." She replied, "it would have been a common fear down south, especially if he were a waterbender. my grandmother fled before she was ever captured, and so she doesn't have the stories to tell of how bad it got. She did mention that at one point, the only remaining waterbender in the south left to go north, but that was long after Tenoko had left."

even bringing up these subjects reminded Fukui of some of the many stories Tenoko told her personally, and of the even larger collection of tales she had told Malak. it was times like this that Fukui remembered just how valuable of a resource her mother could be in learning more about her grandmother. If not from Malak, then perhaps her twin brother, Fukui's uncle Maric. even the story behind these two children was supposedly quite the tale. times like this made Fukui realize how small her knowledge of her mother and her grandmother truly was. Ah well... some things could not be helped.

Fukui's dark face took on a rich tone of pink and red. "aye... I'm still single... although perhaps you can congratulate me on making a new friend instead?"
she smiled at Kim, hoping that she felt the same way about Fukui as Fukui did about her, in regards to friendship. sometimes, bonds like this could be kindled over small and simple deeds, for, although small and simple as hearing each other out may be, it still worked.

"I bet this necklace has more stories than I or my mother will ever dream of." she replied in response to the question, "it was Tenoko's, made by her husband. I've only had it my possession for a little over a year. my grandmother handed it down to my mother with the intent that she would hand it down to me when I turned 21. even in her old age, she saw the resemblance I had to her in her youth."

she removed it for a moment, holding it in the palm of her hand so she could get a clear view of the brilliantly-carved Water Tribe Emblem that served as the necklace's focal point.
"Perhaps this is why I feel the need to live up to her legend... I do not want this necklace's story to end so eventlessly in the hands of someone who did nothing of interest."
she paused. had she been going on too much about herself? surely her friend would have something or two to add.
"but, I apologize if I was trying to make it all about me. but, I suppose there's my Lifetime Wish... to be able to tell the same types of stories my mother, and moreso, my grandmother, do. how about you? do you have any similar dreams? lifetime wishes? anything of that sort?"

[OOC--just in case it wasn't clear, Tenoko's mother, Malak, is a twin, and Maric is the name of her brother. Fukui is not a twin.]

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Jul 24, 2012 17:16:48 GMT -6

Post by Deleted on Jul 24, 2012 17:16:48 GMT -6

...Fukui's little story about the Firebenders of old did not really serve to make Kim feel more at ease about her relationship with her grandfather. Quite the contrary in fact, she was feeling more upset than before, wondering if all he'd ever been able to see when looking at the siblings was his enemy's face. It felt even worse to wonder about it, now that he was dead.... But no, the young artist was just overthinking it. He wouldn't have shared moments with them if he thought of them that way. They were still his flesh and blood, afterall. Kim shook her head a little once again. It was a sad truth that golden eyes used to mean malice. She thought her eyes were beautiful.

It made her chuckle to see Fukui's reaction to the necklace thing, and also to making a new friend. "There's no need to congratulate you on that ! Here, we're already celebrating..." The Earthbender said with a hand on her shoulder and a wink. She made it a mental note to search her mother's research to find out if there was any sort of tradition in all the nations about forming everlasting bonds of friendship.

To the story of how this necklace got into her possession, Kim could only let out an emotionally moved "Oh !" and then go back to being quiet. Even before she had said it, the Earthbender knew that this would be at the center of the reasons why Fukui wanted to live up to Tenoko's name so badly. Of course, how could she want anything less from having inherited not only her face, but also such a precious item of hers ? Kim was having trouble keeping her eyes off of it, she found the necklace so beautiful.

She brought her hands to her face and rubbed her eyes a little. "...Don't misunderstand, these are not tears. I've got something in my eyes... okay ?' She said with pride, looking away after crossing her arms. The truth was that the story of Tenoko's necklace being passed down had moved her more than she thought, and staring too long at it had inadvertently triggered a crying response. The young artist cleared her throat. "Hmm....I don't really have a lifetime wish, nothing as solid as yours anyway. But..." She began answering, her eyes looking up at the sky while thinking about what she really wanted.

Her gaze started going down, as if following the movement of her thoughts rearranging themselves into branches leading down to the one answer she was looking for... And it was one she sort of already knew. "I want to do something great. Something unbelievable, that would save art from becoming a dying notion.... I just don't know what yet." She finally explained, joining her hands in front of her as if making a prayer. When she realized she had made a move, her fingers let go, and she ran a hand through her hair instead. "Well... I guess I just want to become a great artist... A Grand Master of the Arts, or something like that. Does that make sense ?"
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Last edit by Deleted: Jul 24, 2012 20:00:38 GMT -6
Jul 26, 2012 3:21:33 GMT -6

Post by Deleted on Jul 26, 2012 3:21:33 GMT -6

Fukui noticed Kim's less-than-happy expression and briefly apologized.
"that was one of the sad things of the age of our grandmothers." she said softly, "I do not think that I could try to tie an eye color to a hero or a villain. I frankly think that eyes of all colors are beautiful. but... let us move on. I apologize again for bringing it up."

Kim may have said nothing, but Fukui knew from her expression that she had said the wrong thing, and thus, a subject change would do them good. luckily her necklace seemed to be one in its own right.
"I wish I knew even half of the stories it could tell." she sighed, glancing at the intricate etchings on both the front and back of the emblem. surely every bit of wear, every nick, every scratch, every mark. This, not the individuality of the design, was what made these necklaces unique.
Fukui noticed Kim's eyes linger on it, even when she put it back around her neck. I... well, it's not like a fragile heirloom or anything. heirloom, aye, fragile... no. given the stories my mother alone tells of her short experiences with it, it's a wonder that it's still in one piece. so it's not like I'd get mad if you touched it or anything."

it was somewhat of an awkward invitation, especially now that it was back around Fukui's neck. but should she take it off again, or would that be like she expected Kim to touch it? it was somewhat of a bind, but ultimately, she decided against removing it again. it wasn't like the earthbender's fingers were a knife waiting to slit her throat anyways... if she touched Fukui's neck... then she touched Fukui's neck. big deal.

Fukui heard her out when she spoke again. "I want to do something great as well." she replied, "Something memorable--something I can talk to my grandchildren about... to add my stories to the chronology of this necklace as I pass it down through the generations."
she smiled up at Kim. "yours too is a noble goal." she stated in honesty, "and frankly, if there's any way I can help, I would like to, some way, or somehow. that... well, that's what friends do, right?"

she hoped Kim would accept her offer. it sounded like as good an excuse as any for an adventure, and Fukui liked supporting that kind of notion.

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Aug 3, 2012 13:27:53 GMT -6

Post by Deleted on Aug 3, 2012 13:27:53 GMT -6

"It's alright, don't worry. Not all subjects are easy to talk about." Kim just said, waving her hand to wave the matter away from them.

Then she ran a hand through her hair again, and a glance at the necklace escaped her agian. She didn't know why she felt so fixated on this jewel, hadn't she looked at it enough ? Even if Fukui was fine with it, the young artist was not. It was... weird to stare. And she was her friend, so it made it feel like jealousy, a wicked sentiment in KIm's opinion. She didn't want to give off the wrong vibe to her new friend, it would be a wrong way to start a friendship... So instead she looked up and into the Waterbender's eyes. It actually seemed the most appropriate, since that latter was talking.

...Not so brittle, then ? Kim smirked a little upon hearing that. It was her first time talking about it, so she hadn't ever thought about how fragile it was. It looked kind of precious, so she didn't assume it was made to be particularly sturdy... Then again, it was the Water Tribes she was talking about. They had this amazing capability to adapt, so of course the resistance of a traditional necklace as important as this was probably nothing much.

She was still finding it too bad that Fukui did not know much about this one's story. It would have made a very interesting thing to share in order to further their friendship - not to mention satisfy KIm's curiosity. Maybe they could go see her mother and ask- wait, that would be pushing it a little wouldn't it ? She'd have plenty of time to find out about some stories in due time, anyway.

It was a good thing in Kim's opinion that Fukui intended to do something memorable too, it made KIm want to help. Exactly like Hinh and Tenoko had done in the past, which had led the two families meeting here in this place for this memorial. Although by the sound of it, Fukui felt the other way around. Kim had a genuine smile pop up on her face, she could definitely use the help. It was sort of a behemoth task she was going to try and undertake, so it felt really good that she could already have one person following her along this path.

Kim joined her hands forward, then bowed to Fukui. "You're right. I'd love it if you could be a part of this. It's great to have a friend like you." She said "And that way you may have a really great story about this necklace. Like how you met this Earthbender, she liked your necklace and had a goal, which made you want to help, and so together you..." The young artist scratched her a little. It was hard to predict the future, so she had no idea what they were going to do. And if she said something off the top of her head, it was probably going to sound unfeasible. "...Well I still don't know where I'm going to start. I'll probably do something rather big."

She then crossed her arms, trying not to overthink things. She still had a lot of time before this came to fruition anyway. "In any case, if you ever find yourself in Republic City, that's where I'll be living from now on. Find me then, and we'll get started right away. Deal ?"
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Aug 8, 2012 4:45:40 GMT -6

Post by Deleted on Aug 8, 2012 4:45:40 GMT -6

Fukui noticed Kim's continual interest in her necklace. it didn't bother her, as she was not the only one who had ever taken interest in it. it was an interest that was worthy of having, as the necklace was probably almost, if not at least a century old. so much could happen in a time like that, such as one of the four nations poising to take over the known world. in fact, they almost did, with the exception of the Water Tribes. it was an intriguing thought for Fukui to think about, to think that for a certain period of time, three nations were under the Firelord's ruthless control. imagine the tales that could have been told from that fearsome era...

but that was in the past, and Fukui didn't want another war. no one did. it just meant more death. all Fukui wanted was a story--an experience. she wanted to add her own tales to the century of stories it had from her mother and grandmother. luckily for her, only a very small percentage of the necklace's life had been spent around Fukui's neck, and so there was still plenty of time... right?

she smiled when the earthbender spoke. "then I shall be a part of it." she nodded, "and we will write the ending of this tale together, whatever it may be. Chances are I'll get pulled into Republic City at one point or another, as that's a city that simply calls for adventure. My mother till sometimes visits, and I know that my grandmother would have explored every alleyway of the place and gotten into all sorts of crazy situations."
she chuckled. such was their nature, and she hoped to emulate it... be a little reckless, take some chances, make some mistakes... just as long as she did not get killed--obviously.

"so... deal." she grinned.

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Aug 17, 2012 9:24:30 GMT -6

Post by Deleted on Aug 17, 2012 9:24:30 GMT -6

The city of adventures. That's right, that's the city Kim was going to live in. And salthough she was not going there in hope for something big to happen to her, the goal she was trying to reach would most definitely involve both adventure and trouble along her way. She was going to try to avoid the latter, of course, but unfortunately for her this era's society was not the kind that would just accept arts into its arm and forget the idea of moving away from them... She was going to strike so hard. Right where it hurt.

Hopefully with Fukui's help everything would go just smoooothly. Kim had a smile when she heard the positive answer. "Then's it's settled." She just replied, with her hands joined together in front of her in gratitude. Was this going to be a wondeful tale to be passed down through generations of their respective bloodlines, or just a small newspaper article about a failure ? The young Earthbender had no idea... which kind of scared her - she didn't want to end up in jail forever or even die. But the undoubtedly certain thing was: she was going to see it through to the end, and enjoy it all the way.

She looked at the altar from afar, staring at the picture of Hinh and Tenoko with pride. "I'm sure our grandmothers are going to watch over us, and see how we're doing in this new age." The young artist said, her hands still in front of her as if she was praying for the pair to watch them. Her head turned back to Fukui. "I hope it doesn't take too long before we can meet again, I don't want them to grow impatient." She stated with a grin - even though, from what she could gather, neither Hinh nor Tenoko would have objected to waiting in their lifetimes.

Chan Kinh then walked over to her daughter with silent steps, only her mourning robe sliding over the ground gently making a sound. Kim felt a hand on her shoulder and turned around. As she saw her mother bowing her head at the two young ladies, she understood that it was about time for them to go. "What ? Already ? Can't we... stay a little longer ? Or maybe they can give us a ride ?" She begged. But Chan Kinh just sighed. "Kim Cuong, don't be a bother... You're not a child anymore." She replied to her daughter, before turning towards the Waterbender. "Fukui, it was a pleasure to see your family again, and to finally meet you in person. I wish you well." The mother added with a bow.

So the young Earthbender turned towards Fukui with a slightly embarassed face and pink cheeks. Being scolded by her mother in front of her new friend was... well, it made her feel like a child again, in fact. "Uhm... I guess we'll just do as we said, right ? The moment we get in touch, I'll have everything ready." She finally said, starting to extend a hand when she was done... But instead she stepped forward and gave the Waterbender a hug - she was already behaving like a child, so she might as well do it to the end. "See you again very soon, I hope."
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Aug 19, 2012 2:15:45 GMT -6

Post by Deleted on Aug 19, 2012 2:15:45 GMT -6

[OOC--I take it that these are the concluding posts?]

Fukui smiled. "always good when planning is productive." she smiled. she never liked deep planning, and neither had her grandmother. Malak did a little more than her daughter and mother, but none of them were very organized--mostly just making things up as they went or as they needed to. she wasn't sure what she'd end up doing, but it'd be fun--it'd be memorable. it'd probably be risky even, just as her grandmother's exploits were. she heard that Tenoko had even cosplayed during at least one of her adventures. that sounded fun to Fukui.

Fukui's eyes brightened and she smiled. she and her family had never been very spiritual, although once Hinh's influence entered Tenoko's life and subsequently her bloodline, they had a bit of a stronger belief in such things, and it made the young waterbender smile.
"heh... they'll probably chuckle at some of our exploits when we get that far." she grinned, "I like the idea. my gran-gran would definitely smile on any type of adventure I went on."

"oh, she's fine." Fukui replied in Kim's defense, but her word didn't amount to much more. she had not thought that the earthbender was being a bother. it had been such a wonderful conversation.
"I guess so," she smiled at Kim's question, "I'll try to get in touch then--I hope we can cross paths soon."
she was a bit surprised when Kim hugged her, but it was more from the sheer surprise of the moment rather than from dislike. she returned it in fact, as if this earthbender was family.
she gave Kim a solid embrace in return, patting her new friend on the back. "We'll definitely meet again soon." she promised, "I guarantee it."

[OOC--I think having these two cosplay would be funny. just a thought. x)]
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