This was pretty much a love/hate episode for everyone ( from my point of view). There's probably things about this that everyone loved, and other things that everyone hated.
For me, I'll start with the things i liked. ;D
I LOVED how much it built up the fire nation gang's characters. Yet for some I thought it was too much. It was great finally knowing all about Ty Lee's story and it definitely gives the viewer a better understanding of her. She just wants to be different, but in a good way. I knew she was the one who would get all the guys in the group. It seemed natural to her.
Azula was awesome in some parts, but a little frightening in others. But it was great how she showed a lot of emotion as a real teenager, instead of just a crazy, emotionless villain. If you look back at her at the beginning of season 2, you'd never come to think that she was some-what a normal rich teen. Especially when she talked about her mother, and after she added that her mother thought she was a monster, I cracked up laughing when she simply said " She was right of course, but it still hurt." I almost didn't expect her to say it, because everyone else was so deep with their stories. And I loved how she had trouble talking with guys.
I actually am starting to like the maiko ship too! And I'm not really a big fan of any of the possible cannon ships believe it or not. Well, maybe Tokka, but besides that. I loved how Zuko was so protective. It just seemed like it was his character. Mai was great too because I knew there was some practical reason that she acted the way she did.
That explosion guy? Yeah he was pretty wicked. That fight was amazing between them. I can tell the Gaang now have a lot more on their hands to worry about than the Fire Lord and Azula. In fact, At this point I'm not even sure what Azula would do if the avatar just showed up looking for help. She already knows he's out there, and I know she would never help him. But still, after watching this chapter, I can tell I'm going to be surprised in the last few episodes.
What I didn't like was how Aang acted so stupid! Like Achiro said, just when everyone thinks he's actually growing up, he blows it with a stupid, selfish mistake! One reason why I don't see Aang with anybody, even Katara in the end. Of course that's not going to happen because hey, he's the main character in the show.
The part when Azula told Ty Lee she was jealous almost made me want to throw up. Seriously, it was so out of character. Azula wouldn't have said it like that if she said it at all, but I guess they added that in just to show that she really does have a heart. I also hated when Azula laughed when Zuko said Ty Lee was a circus freak. Sure, it's likely that Azula would do such a thing, but it's like one of her best friends! It was kind pretty cruel, but totally expected.
So those are my compliments to the episode, and rants. I'm sure I have more, but I'm too tired to think them up right now. Ha ha And I just love You tube too! I miss Avatar every Friday night and Saturday morning because I'm always out with friends. It's such an inconvenient time for me.