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The Teaser's Out

Jun 22, 2009 22:39:42 GMT -6

Post by Deleted on Jun 22, 2009 22:39:42 GMT -6

Here it is on Youtube

and on Spike Tv

Nice picture of Aang's arrow.

I must say that I am impressed by that. Sure it is practically nothing, but I must say for all of the negative thoughts I have on this movie this really perked up my interest. And did you guys see Noah! Holy 'FING AVATAR ROKU THAT KID IS AMAZING!!!! :o :o :o :o I love the airbending look, it looks real. ;DNo offense cartoon but I never liked the airbending look except for the look in Jet.

As most of us should know, Shyamalllamallamallan knows how to make a good teaser, just check out Happening ;). So, don't expect the movie to mirror any of his trailer's quality.

On the negatives. Shyamallamallamallan, What the F@#k did you do to the Nations' symbols! >:(

:'( I loved the old ones.

Well, what do we think?

I'll still say it, I harbor resentment over the casting :( >:(. But I love Aang's new arrow. :o

Oh and a thank you to Ryuzaki from ASN, for providing the links to the trailers places.
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Last edit by Deleted: Jun 23, 2009 13:31:05 GMT -6
Jun 22, 2009 22:51:28 GMT -6

Post by Deleted on Jun 22, 2009 22:51:28 GMT -6

I'm not really sure how I feel about this trailer. 'Twas good, but, as you said, it lacked substance. I liked the bending, but I thought it took far too long for very little payoff.

I do like how Noah looks. I wasn't sure I would like the arrows brought to life, but they look really cool. Plus, I really like the look of the Fire Navy ships. They really look just like the cartoon version.

The casting stills bugs the heck out of me. I'm sure the effects of the movie will be fabulous, but I reeeeaallly worry about the casting. We'll just have to see how that works out, though I don't have much faith in Shyamallamadingdong.

And I have to agree on the symbols outrage. They suck now. They should've kept the originals. I mean really, it's not that big of a deal just to stick with what's already there, especially for something small like that.

On the whole, I am pleased, but more worried. I will go see it when it comes out, but with great apprehension. Shyamallamadingdong has failed to impress me before. Let's hope this movie changes that.
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Jun 23, 2009 16:12:29 GMT -6

Post by ailin on Jun 23, 2009 16:12:29 GMT -6

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The FN ships were what the teaser worthwhile, otherwise I would have been pretty bored with Aang turning off the lights all fancy-like. Airbending looks fine, and I would look forward to an actual full speed fight.

This doesn't change a whole lot for me, though. I'm still against the casting for the most part (and still can't wrap my mind around the Daily Show's Aasif Mandvi as Zhao, the guy just cracks me up) or the idea that instead of Inuit-style Water Tribe we are most likely going to get Norse mythology inspired WT. That's taking into consideration of the casting of Sokka and Katara in particular. It just doesn't work for me. And of course, I am not a fan of Shyamalan's films and find his directing style antithetical to the pacing of Avatar. It's a huge undertaking to condense an entire season into a movie and throwing a guy like Shyamalan into it just...bleh. It's still a bad choice for me.

So, long story short: it was a nice looking teaser, but I don't think it'll be a good movie.
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Post by A Long Display Name Here on Jun 24, 2009 14:03:18 GMT -6

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As I posted on ProBoards Support:

"It looks AMAZING, but like you, I'm worried since M. Night hasn't come out with a decent movie since the Sixth Sense. =/ [Extremely disappointed with Lady in the Water and The Happening]. Avatar is one of my favourite shows, I hope he doesn't kill it. T_T

Still not chuffed with the choice of cast, at least for Zuko, Katara, and Iroh [though very thankful Jesse McCartney is not playing Zuko], but the locations and special effects look cool. Confused as to why Aang is still at the Temple when the Fire Nation ships arrive... he should've been gone before then. Aang also looks like a badass."
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Jun 29, 2009 5:25:54 GMT -6

Post by morikenchi on Jun 29, 2009 5:25:54 GMT -6

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I am still totally convinced this film is going to be the biggest disappointment in the history of the Avatar. Bigger even then the disappointment of not having a 4th season. The trouble with a film based on an animated series is that everyone knows how the story should look like. Everyone has a picture of his or hers favourite character. You've got to be brilliant, or very lucky to nail that image in real life. To find good actors that actually look like the real deal. I think they failed at that point already.
Besides, the trailer suggests that the story is going to be 'slightly' altered. As we all know, the avatar NEVER faced the Fire Nation when he was at the air temple. Or at least not the navy. I doubt there is going to be much similarity with the film and series.
Last point of critic; It's fairly impossible to make a acted film out of the series. You've got the cut up the story so much, there is hardly any room for deepening the characters or following the actual story line. What they should have done, as far as I am concerned, is either make up another story in the same world, without using any of the original characters (or maybe a VERY very old Toph or Katara) OR make a movie about what happened next (in animation).

To conclude :P; I think this is going to be the worst thing we'll ever see coming from the creators of the Avatar and M. Night. Watch it, and then forget it. Just like me ;)
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Jul 2, 2009 8:11:45 GMT -6

Post by kgal on Jul 2, 2009 8:11:45 GMT -6

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Everyone's complaining about how Aang is never attacked, but it is a teaser after all. It may not even be a part of the film. Besides that, though, I love how the airbending looks. Casting the martial arts kid as the Avatar was probably one of the most brilliant decisions, as opposed to that girl who plays Katara and looks like an absolute softy, and Jackson Rathbone who's going to draw in Twilight fanatics who don't care about Avatar. And I would almost prefer Jesse McCartney to the Slumdog Millionaire star. For Zuko? Really?

But whatever.

I don't mind the symbols as far as that's concerned because, other than the weird triangle thing they thought would make up for the air nomads symbol, they don't look half bad. As for the casting, I'm against them, but it's not like I can change anything. I'm going to watch the movie anyways, probably at midnight with a few of my avatar buddies. And as much as I might not want to admit it, I'll probably like it. I'm no movie crique. I like what I like.

I'm excited for the movie. The trailer has got me pumped. I can only hope that M. Night made everyone else look as good as he made Aang and the Fire Nation ships, but as Shio said before, I'm not really counting on it. =]
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Last edit by kgal: Jul 2, 2009 8:14:02 GMT -6

Post by Gia on Jul 13, 2009 9:19:07 GMT -6

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After watching, it was really confused. 30 Seconds in and I had no idea what M. Night Shymalan was getting at. I mean, I have seen all of his movies, or almost all of them, and I have liked them. However, this trailer... I was thinking, "WTF?" My mom and Kanea were both confused as well. I mean, what's with the "Chosen One" crap. It's the Avatar, and it's something completely different. Not "Chosen One" which says like once in a forever kind of thing, it's the Avatar, a generational thing. I admit that the Fire Nations ships and Airbending looked cool, and even Aang was not that bad for a Aang, but... That is not enough to get me to see the movie, because it seems that they're doing something completely different, and I just can't stand it.
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Jul 13, 2009 12:41:21 GMT -6

Post by ailin on Jul 13, 2009 12:41:21 GMT -6

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I guess they're going with that Aang is pretty much the "Chosen One" to stop Ozai, and the only way they'd get another "Chosen One" is if he kicked the bucket. Explaining it in a generational thing way maybe too complicated for them to figure out. I don't know.

The only thing the teaser sets up is that Aang has special wind blowing kung fu skills and he has to fight against the Fire Nation as represented by the ships. I would be extremely surprised if anything in this trailer had relevance in the film.

My friend told me they got a writer from the show to write the script for the film, which was a bit of a relief to me since I had heard it was M.Night and I didn't feel it was a genre he would get a good handle on.

I'll probably end up seeing it to support my friend but otherwise I'll skip it.
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Jul 15, 2009 20:20:04 GMT -6

Post by Deleted on Jul 15, 2009 20:20:04 GMT -6

I am EXCITED .... but I'm sooo WORRIED

If anyone kills Avatar ... THEY WILL PAY!!! I love this show too much for it to be murdered by some movie. Honestly I agree with Ai Lin. Those FN ships are seriously what got me excited. I liked the Airbending effect, but it was so prolonged. I was getting tired of listening to the CHOSEN ONE .... dear god xD Noah as Aang I like and those arrows do not disappoint.

BUT THE SYMBOLS!?!?!?! I mean come on! Has he watched the show?!?! That ticked me off A LOT

If M. Night ruins this, all us Avatards shall gather together and KILL =D

EDIT: ... the cast zomg... I'm very worried now

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Last edit by Deleted: Jul 15, 2009 20:28:54 GMT -6
Jul 31, 2009 10:18:29 GMT -6

Post by hitomuacala on Jul 31, 2009 10:18:29 GMT -6

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I am really not looking forward for this movie. I think the actors that they picked don't really match the characters. I hope this isn't going to be a cheesy knock off live action film like so many others.

<Toph Edit: Please keep all OOC posts 300 characters or more. Thank you.>
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Last edit: Jul 31, 2009 13:51:33 GMT -6
Aug 2, 2009 11:47:30 GMT -6

Post by Deleted on Aug 2, 2009 11:47:30 GMT -6

I am torn at this movie, M. Night Shyamallamallamallamalan (you know it just feels right to keep saying lama there...) has had some good movies under his belt and knows how to spin a tale, but from the trailer that we've all seen they aren't showing us anything. Aang looks cool enough and the airbending mastery tattoo looks great in that way, but from what I have seen in the casting I feel I'll be horribly disappointed.

When casting a movie it is important to find someone ho embodies that character. Weather or not he has in this we will yet find out, but when casting a movie that has already been a favorite Cartoon among many, it is extremely important to keep things that people will recognize off the bat.

With that said, until I was told that the guy playing Sokka was supposed to be Sokka, I had no clue who he was, the same went for Yue and Katara and Zuko, I couldn't recognize any of them as their characters until I actually had it pointed out. Darker skinned actors playing fair skinned characters and fair skinned actors playing darker skinned actors.

For casual fans, and people who never bothered to get into the cartoon, this movie could be fantastic on all sides. But for those of us who are adamant fans and can close our eyes and see human breathing versions of the characters, a lot of us will not feel the whole experience. All I can say is that I hope they don't blow it on casting Toph in the second movie. That would just piss me off to no end.
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Aug 4, 2009 15:36:41 GMT -6

Post by auka on Aug 4, 2009 15:36:41 GMT -6

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Ok really. From day one I've been saying this movie is going to be awesome. (Then again, I -liked- Dragon Ball Evolution, and we can talk about this if you'd like.) This teaser is pretty much making my mouth water. What did I see? Promises of a new-age adventure flick with both extreme Kung-Fu battles (Ala The Forbidden Kingdom) and Epic CGI battles (Hopefullly LOTR, probably more like Phantom Menace.)

A lot of these complaints confuse me. They really remind me of Dragon Ball Evolution complaints: 'Goku doesn't have a cloud!' 'Goku's in highschool!' In fact this whole situation is eerily similar. The thing is, they are making a STAND ALONE LIVE ACTION MOVIE. This is NOT a tie-in with the series. Different reality, different continuity. Even though I know this is futile I'll say it, judge it based on it's own faults and merits, not compared to the series. (Lets face it, NOTHING can live up to that short of season-4)

Is what you -really- want a live-action rehash of the show? Doesn't that defeat the purpose of oh, say a movie? Yeah, if it was a Live Action TV show I could understand all the complaints, but cut the fracking producers some slack. And I can do nothing but shake my head at anyone who says 'I wish they wouldn't make this movie.' That's beyond hope right there.

The only thing that makes me want to jump on the intolerant fanbase bandwagon is what Ai Lin said about 'Norse' water benders. (It ALSO makes me laugh because weather or not this is 'white washing' this is making the movie even MORE multicultural. I think old Sham-wow might be flipping the bird to the PC whiners here. I'm looking at you Like really, that's not hard to do. The Water Tribe are easily my favorite 'nation' and changing everything about them hurts a little inside. But then I think of what could come of this. Instead of a giant fantasy city made of ice, we can have a gritty survivalist fortress of steel and wood. Not the water-tribe I remember, still a step ahead of every other nation.

This movie will come out, people will go see it, hate it, complain about it on the internet.

I will go see it. I will love it, I will laugh at it's faults, and walk away a happier person.

Then I will go troll boards that complain about this movie.

EDIT: Sorry, I almost forgot. I -do- have a legitimate complaint that is making me nervous. I would really like to see the older characters played by real martial artists. Zhao, Iroh, Hakoda?, and any Air Bender flashbacks. Like I said, this better be a kung-fu movie at it's heart. Or I will troll the boards and complain about the potential this movie had. While making backhanded comments to the other posters of course.


Jewish Iroh.
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Last edit by kgal: Aug 4, 2009 15:43:19 GMT -6