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Plot Update 10 March 2021

A year has passed since Fire Lord Zuko ascended the throne, and it seems like trouble is brewing between the Fire Nation and the Earth Kingdom once more. The Fire Lord and the Avatar began the Harmony Restoration Movement to restore the Fire Nation Colonies to their pre-war state by bringing any Fire Nation nationals back home, but for many of the citizens — of mixed Fire Nation and Earth Kingdom … Read more ›

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Through the Earth Kingdom VII

Sept 9, 2010 20:33:11 GMT -6

Post by Deleted on Sept 9, 2010 20:33:11 GMT -6

Just Outside of Ba Sing Se

As he waited for an answer, Tenshio thought about the long journey ahead of them. He didn’t mind long days of walking—he’d gotten used to them—but doing so with someone else would be a different experience, and he wasn’t sure how it would go. If Kong tired of walking, or camping, or any other part of the adventure, that was his fault, and only he could take the blame. But the Waterbender had had these thoughts before, and had long since realized that there was nothing he could do about them. Better to focus on the present.

The sky-eyed young man alternated between looking at Kong and looking at the ground as he listened to the girl’s answer to his question. So her interest in Kyoshi Island was mostly based on the history of strong women who hailed from it. That made sense. Did she plan to join the Warriors once they reached their home? The thought made the male smile. Kong really didn’t seem like the warrior type. Well, he didn’t know her that well. Maybe she would surprise him.

As the girl kicked a rock, sending it soaring through the air, Tenshio couldn’t help wondering at her Earthbending skill. Why had she learned bending? He couldn’t imagine that, having lived a sheltered life, the teenager would ever need to defend herself from threats. So then, why dedicate herself to something she might never need? The Waterbender longed to ask, but refrained. The question might offend Kong, and he wished to avoid that at all costs. Instead, he voiced a much less dangerous question. ”So what got you interested in the Northern Water Tribe?”
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Sept 11, 2010 18:09:47 GMT -6

Post by Deleted on Sept 11, 2010 18:09:47 GMT -6

Hinh listened to her friend's history very silently, trying not to make any noise that would disturb the Waterbender while she was speaking. The priestess had never realized that Tenoko's life was more complicated than losing her family and then travelling around the world. Although the story of her meeting the man of her life sounded rather casual, nothing out of the extraordinary or feeling like the fairy tale most girls wished for when in their young years. It was something Hinh would probably never understand, despite knowing it existed.

She also didn't know that her family life had lasted this short. Losing her husband along with both children after only two years... It made the priestess wonder how deep Tenoko's pain could be, and if she'd been "healed" correctly as well. The decision she had to make afterwards, Hinh could understand it very well. Although she had never experienced such a traumatizing situation, she could imagine her, or anybody's reaction afterwards. This would be what the priestess could call hell, and also what she wanted to rid from the world.

The road already seemed that much less long, as she was listening to this story. Her mind didn't have to focus on the way ahead anymore, she was trying to understand Tenoko's past like it was her own. The priestess found it very wise from the Waterbender to study other bending arts and incorporate them into her bending style - that explained the rather unusual stances and moves the day before against the Fire Nation, and when crossing the river. She also figured that it was her heart more than her mind that led her to become a pirate and retaliate to towards the Fire Nation for all those years.

The part about being captured made Hinh take a deep breath to suppress a flinching of surprise and concern. It was pointless to feel anything as such about it right now, since she had obviously survived this. As for this confusion that got her marked... it just felt wrong. But the priestess liked to think it was for the best, as she had no idea what would have happened if they had treated her like a real war prisoner - and pirate, on top of this. At least this way, she was able to live among them for a time, and survive.

Hinh nodded when the mention of noticing her scars was brought up. The few times she had seen Tenoko's bare ski, she had indeed noticed that it wasn't exactly the finest one could have, and it told her that this woman had been through a lot - now she knew what, how and even why. It was completely understandable that she would feel this way after all this, too. Hinh was the collected kind of person, so she knew usually kept her calm about most things, but when pride got in the way, it was a different thing, for anybody.

"I am very sorry to hear about all that. You bear a heavier burden than I previously thought." Hinh said very politely, still walking forward. "You are a very tough woman, undergoing all this and withstanding the... consequences I suppose ?" Her story was not as full as the Waterbender's though, and she didn't want to tell her about it anymore - at least not right now, so as to not sound like a rude and selfish, even insensitive, person. She really was sorry for Tenoko.
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Sept 11, 2010 19:18:16 GMT -6

Post by Deleted on Sept 11, 2010 19:18:16 GMT -6

Tenoko thought back a little as she let Hinh absorb the things she had just told her. The way she had told her life’s tale almost made it seem like a sob story, but that was why the waterbender had made sure to throw in the good memories as well as the bad. That was how life was, really. There were good times, and there were bad times. There were emotional ups and downs, and there were times when she wished time would just stop and let her stay where she was. Conversely, there were times when she wished everything would just end as her world crumbled around her. As of recently, she had been having more instanes of the former. She hadn’t wished she was dead for a long time now. There had been times where she felt unworthy to be alive when the rest of her family was dead, but she never wished she could die. Instead, she sometimes wished that her family could be brought back, even though she knew that was not possible.

"I am very sorry to hear about all that. You bear a heavier burden than I previously thought." Hinh said very politely, still walking forward. "You are a very tough woman, undergoing all this and withstanding the... consequences I suppose ?”

Tenoko nodded as she too continued walking forward.
“My life has had its hard points,” she stated, “but it has also had its glorious times. Looking back at the losses I’ve suffered, I am not angry for the losses themselves. Instead, I cherish the moments that I was able to share with my loved ones. The healing ritual—or whatever it was that it was called… I’m sorry I cannot remember its name… anyways, it helped a lot. I’ve felt more attached to their spirits since then. I feel a lot more content doing what I am doing now, knowing that they are still out there, and that they still love me the way I love them. I cannot say there are not times when I wish they were here with me, but I cannot dwell on their loss, or I myself will remain miserable. I want my family, as well as the people I meet to know me for who I really am. I don’t want them knowing me as someone who sobs consistently over her losses. Granted, I am not immune to human emotions, but I try to remain happy. I know I will see them again someday.”

Tenoko smiled. “thank you again for listening to me ramble,” she added, “having a friend always does good to boost my spirits. Everyone has a tale to tell, and you can never really know someone until you’ve met them, don’t you think?”

That was Tenoko’s philosophy anyways.

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Sept 12, 2010 0:04:50 GMT -6

Post by hankdetank on Sept 12, 2010 0:04:50 GMT -6

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Hao patted Jakku on the head, ruffling his forest green feathers a bit. The ostrich horse grunted slightly as his owner climbed onto his saddle. The faded leather saddle was familiar in Hao's hands, he'd used it for many years, it wasn't the only thing begining to show it's age. "Your best years are still ahead, don't worry buddy. Let's go." He said giving Jakku a gentle kick. As the beast sped up, the young earth bender untied his hair and tucked the chord into his old army belt. Looking up at the sky he felt the sun on his tan face, the air felt cool as it passed through his hair and beard. Hao couldn't help but think that maybe he'd spent too much time in the forest. In just a few short years the world had changed so much. The avatar meant that there was hope, and he planned to do his part to make the world a better place too.

His train of thought derailed at the sight of an old man on the side of the road. Hunched over under the weight of a bucket and what looked like fishing gear, the balding old timer was pretty far away from any village Hao had ever heard of. His curiosity caused him to slow down and match pace with the man. "Say old man. Maybe I can lighten that load for you. Are you selling those fish? I'm traveling and could use one for dinner." The old man stopped and frowned at him causing his bushy white eyebrows to ruffle up and look a bit crazy. Hao smiled but the old man did not return his pleasantry, but as Hao's smile faded the old man finally spoke. "Been travelin' a while huh?" he asked almost accusingly. It was a fair deduction, the young man did not look very well put together, his clothes were ripped in places and dirty, his hair, unwashed for days, had been whipped around by the wind and looked like the hair of a crazy person and his ostrich horse seemed like it had been packed by an experienced traveler (though it was just the result of Hao's lingering military discipline.) Hao smiled sheepishly and rubbed his beard awkwardly in his embarrassment, he opened his mouth to speak but the old man cut him off. "I'll tell you what. We can make a deal. My wife cooks the best fish soup in our village. If you and that beast give me a ride home you can join us for dinner." This time he returned Hao's smile as he took the earth bender's hand and climbed aboard Jakku's back.

It took no more than half an hour at a trot to reach the old man's village. It was a bit tucked away, Hao had to take a dusty road or two before he finally arrived. The village itself was quaint, just a collection of small wooden houses very stereotypical of earth nation villages. There were a few shops and a small town square with a well in the center of it. It warmed his heart to see that there was no sign of the war. They were greeted warmly by the wife of the old man, now known to Hao as Ling He. She was short and starting to gain weight with her age. Her hair was pure white and she had deep smile lines around her mouth and bright green eyes. Hao bowed his head and took her hand respectfully. Dinner was prepared quickly but consumed over several hours. They stayed up late and drank tea as Hao regaled them with stories of the war and his years in the forest. Finally, when the old man began to yawn Hao thanked them profusely for their hospitality.

"You are kind people. Thank you for the meal and the company. I hope our paths cross again." He said graciously as he rose for the door. The elderly couple exchanged looks. "Please." Said Ling's wife putting a hand on Hao's arm. "Be our guest for tonight, it's late and the woods aren't safe at night. Besides we have a spare bedroom that hasn't been used in years." Hao almost argued but the woman had such a concerned look on her face he couldn't bring himself to do so. They gave him some clean clothes and showed him to his room. It was small but clean and the bed was soft. He laid in it for a minute just remembering how nice a bed really was. He was going to get up and do his nightly routine but drifted off to sleep before he ever saw it coming.
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Sept 12, 2010 21:32:35 GMT -6

Post by Deleted on Sept 12, 2010 21:32:35 GMT -6

"You know, Del...I don't think you're going to top the 'mugged by a giant bat' story that just now happened."
He shrugged off the oddity and awaited the next form of stimulation.

Yudai thought for a time while looking down at his boots and snapped his head upwards.
"We should get you guys high bounties. We could make a killing turning each other in. Just look at Jin. How much did you get for me? Once we make you two notorious criminals we'll have money and entertainment. The important part is that with high prices on our heads bounty hunters will be all over us and we'd have to spend most of our time either fighting or fleeing. Either is fine by me."

"One of you know where we're going, yeah? I mean, I'm not in a huge hurry to get to Ba Sing Se but I don't want to wind up in the North Pole or something. Tell me that one of you has a sense of direction."

OOC: Sorry it's so short and so late but I couldn't think of anything to do with Yudai.
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Sept 15, 2010 9:53:56 GMT -6

Post by hankdetank on Sept 15, 2010 9:53:56 GMT -6

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Hao awoke and climbed out of his bed. Rubbing the sleep from the eyes he used his fingers to comb the bed head out of his now mussy brown hair. The young earth bender then carefully tied it back and proceeded to make the bed his gracious hosts had allowed him to use. The bed had been the most comfortable he could remember, the sheets were a soothing shade of light blue, the pillows stuffed with feathers undoubtedly from local fowls had cradled his head ever so gently as he had drifted off to sleep. Grabbing his old military issue canvas bag he swung it over one shoulder and strapped his axe to his back all while hurrying down the stairs. To his surprise Ling and his wife, whom Hao now knew to be Shiya, were waiting for him. Hao greeted them both warmly and began to explain that he needed to leave if he were to reach Ba Sing Se but at the mention of the great city Shiya's wrinkled old face dropped and Ling looked at his hands awkwardly. "What's wrong?" Hao asked through raised eyebrows. The couple gestured for him to sit.

"Ba Sing Se has fallen from within." The words caused Hao's eyes to open wide with shock. Feelings of guilt washed over his body, his sorrow had blinded him to the fact that the world still needed him and now it was too late, the city his uncle had died defending, that his family were sacrificed to defend, had fallen despite the sacrifices of so many people. The young earth bender looked at the elderly couple intensely, they could clearly see the pain on his face and were further saddened but the distress of the young man they had gotten to know. "So where do I go? If the army isn't in Ba Sing Se then where is it? Where is the avatar?" Ling put a hand on his back. "Listen my boy, I have faith that the avatar is alive, somewhere, though word is that he's dead." Sensing that his words had caused Hao's stomach had sunk to the pit of his bowls he slapped him heartily on the back. "Now is no time to feel like that my boy! It's time to do some detective work! Word also has it that the avatar has friends on an island where he lived in a past life." The old man raised an eyebrow and gave a partially toothless grin at the clue he'd provided but frowned after seeing the blank look on Hao's face. "Kyoshi island! Don't they teach you kids anything in school anymore!?" Hao laughed, patted his old friend on the back and thanked him for the information. After saying goodbye he took Jakku and began walking again, thinking about how he'd get to kyoshi island when he realized he had an excellent plan. It would be faster to go around the Si Wong Desert than through it.

Wang hated patrol duty. He was just fresh recruit in the fire navy but he expected adventure and fortune in the earth kingdom not having to feed coal to a patrol ship while his overweight captain ate earth kingdom pastries at the helm. The patrol ship was small and he wouldn't even have to do it if the "captain" weren't so lazy. He was grumbling to himself until he felt the ship slowing to a halt. Looking out his port hole he saw a earth kingdom man bathing in the river while his ostrich horse and a large bag of what he could only assume to be merchant goods laid out beside it. The captain might be lazy, but he had a good sense of greed. "You there, stay where you are and you won't be hurt, the fire nation is confiscating your mount and your wares to aid in our campaign in the colonies."

Hao bowed to the captain trembling like a scared kitten. The boisterous man seemed to enjoy the fear his uniform inspired and ordered this underling to help fetch their spoils. The two began struggling to pull the unwilling Ostrich Horse to the ships ramp when suddenly the ground felt loose beneath them. Next thing they knew they were shoulder deep in the river bank and a half naked, sopping wet, Hao was standing over them. "If you even think about using some kind of breath technique on me I'll bury you down to your eyes." He warned with a smirk. Climbing aboard the small vessel, followed by the now strutting Jakku, he grinned and waved to them as he pulled off. "Don't worry! I'm sure a villager will help you out some time soon." As the boat regained its speed and began to hit deeper waters Hao felt better. Maybe it wasn't much but he'd helped out an old man and potentially taught a couple fire nation ruffians not to pick on people who seem weaker than them. "Kyoshi Island, here I come."
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Sept 15, 2010 13:10:50 GMT -6

Post by erikai on Sept 15, 2010 13:10:50 GMT -6

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Random Road

Jin cast another glance at Del, his eyes darting towards him as Yudai mentioned. He then turned his eys back on the road again, while Yudai started talking about bounty.

How much bounty did he already have on his head, probably not much, his father hadn't been very high ranked in the army. No reason to chase down the gangly teenager.

"Hey, your talking about getting some bounty, and fine, i'm game. But I wanna hit some Fire Nation outpost. I'm sick of scurrying off everytime I see a soldier. You want to wreak some havoc, and I want a little payback. Everyone's happy."

He looked over at Yudai, his eys glinting in the sunlight for a moment. His hand instictivly snaked down to his chain, he rubbed one of the links between his thumb and forefinger. He did that when he was nervous, or thinking.

Who knew, maybe this Del guy would turn out to be a good guy. He seemed a little quiet at the moment, but, they'd just gotten out of jail, who wouldn't be a little off?
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Last edit by erikai: Sept 15, 2010 13:11:28 GMT -6
Sept 15, 2010 17:17:19 GMT -6

Post by Deleted on Sept 15, 2010 17:17:19 GMT -6

random forest – camping

“Hm?” Shtiya glanced up, slightly distracted with the ball of water. “Oh! Yes, that’s f-f-fine –“ he looked back down between his hands as the ball sort of wobbled. As soon as he focused his vision on it, the water stabilized into a perfect sphere, pulsing in exact time with his heartbeat. This particular exercise was something he was trying to perfect in order to, hopefully, some day, use it to monitor a person’s heart without having to feel the pulse. The petite young man figured that if he could make it work on himself, then he could try practicing it on another person – and maybe it would work. Maybe not, but it seemed like a nice idea.

He certainly didn’t mind if Erikai started a fire. It wasn’t that Shtiya minded tending to the camp – he often just sort of did everything without thinking about it. The waterbender hated to feel like he was burden or troublesome to others, so he tried to handle everything by himself. When traveling with a companion, that meant he usually didn’t ask for help or delegate camp tasks.

When the other Waterbender said they could practice waterbending together, Shtiya lost what was left of his concentration and ‘dropped’ the ball of water. It splashed into his lap and he jumped a little, startled by the cold. “I – um, s---ure. I d-don’t…” he paused, trying to choose his words. “I practice only the forms of b-bending that don’t h-—-arm others.” Pulling the water back up between his hands with fluid motions, the young man focused on it, looking down through long lashes. “I can t-teach you healing, if you want.” While he certainly wouldn’t mind practicing defensive techniques if Erikai wanted to be the attacker, Shtiya had purposefully avoided learning any offensive waterbending. It had always been a point of contention between him, his teachers, and his father. He felt so strongly about the matter, however, that no amount of persuasion had ever managed to sway him.
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Sept 15, 2010 22:48:23 GMT -6

Post by antishipper on Sept 15, 2010 22:48:23 GMT -6

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Luu, Edge of the Swamp
Luu walked through the muddy forests alone, with nothing but the birds and animals to keep him company as they sang their beautiful serenades. Luu pulled out his sitar, one of his only reminders from home, and began to strum it in tune with some of the bird calls. "Mighty fine day for a song or two" Luu said to both himself and the critters as he strolled "All in harmony and like" The Swampbender had never been so far from home, the Foggy Swamp, and was still getting used to the whole hard ground thing. It felt a bit unnatural to him, no mud between his toes. But that was what he wanted to feel now, the unknown. Adventure gnawed at him like a pirahnamander, and he was ready to take the path wherever it lead him. As Luu strummed, he sang.

Through the swamp
Through the marsh
Through the misty bog
Nothin' 'cept the clothes on my back
Over trail and log

Walk all night
Walk all day
Walk the hard and winding way

Through he peace and through the fray
Hey look a monkey-dog!

Luu stopped in his tracks to witness the sight. It was a brown ape with a dog-like head and a hog nose. Its red eyes were staring intently on a piece of fruit that it had found moments earlier. It was hungry, and the fruit was the first thing it could scrounge up in a while. "Hey there lil' fella, wanna come down?" The hogmonkey that was on the side of a hollowed-out tree stopped eating the fruit in its hand and looked back at the strange newcomer, then turned back to its delicious fruit. "Guess not" he said as he went back to walking. He would rest in a while, but for now, the road was calling, and he had a ways to go before his first town was in sight, judging by what the Swamp Tribe members gathered from a map left by one of their kin from the south.

Luu smiled and strolled on, sitar in hand, song on his lips and wanderlust in his heart...
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Last edit by erikai: Sept 15, 2010 22:50:06 GMT -6
Sept 16, 2010 12:51:32 GMT -6

Post by erikai on Sept 16, 2010 12:51:32 GMT -6

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Random Forest, Camp

Shtiya looked back at Erikai while he was practicing. It made him lose his concentration for a moment. The ball of water wobbled, but when he turned his attention back to his practice, it steadied. It seemed to be pulsing slightly, like it was shaking to a rythm.

Erikai started when the ball of water broke apart, soaking Shtiya. He took half a step back to avoid the splash of water. Had he said something wrong? No, the talk of practicing together had just suprised Shtiya.

"I'm not that good at offensive moves myself, so perhaps I could show you some defensive moves. I know a nice trick for catching stuff. And you could try and help me out with healing. My mother tried to teach me when I was younger, but I never really had a knack for it"

He cast a glance down at Shtiya's clothes, before looking back towards the firepit.

"Maybe I should start the fire while you dry yourself off, and we can start training. What do you say?"
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Sept 17, 2010 17:58:27 GMT -6

Post by Deleted on Sept 17, 2010 17:58:27 GMT -6

Hinh smiled internally when she heard how Tenoko felt about meetings. She couldn't say she felt the same, because the priestess wasn't one to go around asking for somebody's past unless necessary. As such, most of the time, she used her insight to figure out what was important about the person and everything was good. This time, hearing the Waterbender's story was different, though. It was really bonding... And it was a bit scary to the Earthbender, in fact.

"...Yes, I agree with you." Hinh simply said, not commenting any further on this statement. She didn't want to feel like her life was a tragedy, and she would do everything to prevent that from happening, but it did not sound worth telling somebody else in her opinion. Knowing where her very neat demeanor came from was already enough, wasn't it ? She was a priestess, so there was no need to worry about the hardships of her life, since it was her duty as a priestess to overcome them... and overcome them she has.

She cleared her throat a little. "Meeting new people, sharing your story with them, telling them about your good times as well as hard ones, in total honesty... This is a good way of opening up your soul. This is what will save people from hell." She said all of a sudden, bearing an expression that would have seemed a bit grim if only she had tried to show any feeling. Although it was a rather random statement, she was also referring a bit to her past experience as an acting priestess.

Hinh snapped out of it only two seconds afterwards, putting a hand over the side of her face. "Ah... I apologize. I have no idea why I just stated this. It does not make much sense, I suppose, so we should proceed." She said, slightly hurriedly while walking half a pace faster. The priestess would remain stainless as a diamond.

Del was surprised again to hear what Yudai said. This guy really had lost it, hadn't he ? To suggest that they go about like barbarians and get bounty over their heads, to then swindle some random town for the rewards... The young man could never do that. He was the son of an Admiral, and wold be killed by that same father if he ever did such a thing as getting a bounty for his head. Hell, if his father even knew half the things he'd done, Del wouldn't even be his son anymore... just like Di-Jei.

"I don't think that's... Well..." He began saying, until Jin gave his own opinion about all this. It didn't sound like he was against it, either... Oh well, they were going to Ba Sing Se anyway. Since it had fallen under Fire Nation hands, they would probably not get anything interesting, or rather entertaining, to do until they actually reached it - and even then, the last Del was there it was so unentertaining that... he ended up making it too entertaining.

Del rubbed his hands together while letting out a sigh. "Okay then. I'm in, guys... Who knows, maybe we can find some charming ladies on the way. I'd like that very much, I think." He said with a small smile. Being a ladies man was an art Del had developed while in the Fire Nation, how much harder could it be in the now dubbed Colonies ?

"You know, there's this song in Ba Sing Se that says the girls there are very pretty. So I think this journey will be much more interesting than you may think." Del said, putting his arms behind his head and looking up at the trees. With the luck he'd had lately, finding a very nice woman along the way - kinder than the ones from before - would really help his spirits up.
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Sept 17, 2010 19:23:24 GMT -6

Post by Deleted on Sept 17, 2010 19:23:24 GMT -6

"...Yes, I agree with you." Hinh simply said, not commenting any further on this statement.

So maybe she hadn’t been rambling. Sometimes though, people said that type of thing just to shut the other person up. Hinh did not seem like that type of person however, and so either she was being sincere, or she was pulling a really good act prior to this regarding what type of person she was. Tenoko figured that it was most likely the former, as the latter scenario just seemed nonsensical.

[Hinh] cleared her throat a little. "Meeting new people, sharing your story with them, telling them about your good times as well as hard ones, in total honesty... This is a good way of opening up your soul. This is what will save people from hell."

Hell… Tenoko was not sure if she was familiar with such a place. Where she came from, it was sometimes a crude word people used when speaking. She didn’t know that it was an actual place. She actually didn’t really believe it was, but she knew that there was some sort of opposing force out there working against the forces of good in this world, be it the spirit world or the physical one. Then again, Tenoko was not much for spirituality. She had little interest even in the avatar, or who he or she was. All she knew was that the avatar had vanished many years ago, and rumors were flying around about the return of the avatar. This did little to interest Tenoko, who often shrugged it off with apathy. Maybe her concepts of the spirit world and the avatar were misguided—she never really took the time to worry herself about it. She believed more in fate herself. She said nothing nevertheless.

Hinh snapped out of it only two seconds afterwards, putting a hand over the side of her face. "Ah... I apologize. I have no idea why I just stated this. It does not make much sense, I suppose, so we should proceed."

“That’s fine with me,” Tenoko shrugged. Once again, it was not her apathy, but just her go-with-the-flow attitude she usually had. She was curious, but she wasn’t nosy. Furthermore, walking without conversation was something that apparently both the waterbender and the earthbender were well-accustomed to, based on previous trips they had recently made together.

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Sept 19, 2010 22:53:28 GMT -6

Post by Deleted on Sept 19, 2010 22:53:28 GMT -6

Random Forest, Camp

Shtiya made a fluid motion with one bandaged arm, smiling a little as the rest of the water pulled out of his clothes and up into the little pulsing ball. "D-don't worry," he said. "I'm d-—-ry now." Of course, he certainly didn't mind if Erikai wanted to go ahead and start the fire. A cup of tea would be really nice, and he wanted to make sure he had enough water heated to make an herbal tisane before going to sleep. The Waterbender had been feeling a bit nervous as of late, and he thought that taking some tisane before bed might help with that. He was also planning to make soup for their dinner, another thing that required heated water.

It interested him that Erikai wasn't good with offensive technique, either. "Are you h-—-oping to l-learn offensive bending in the North?" he asked, training icy eyes back on his pulsing ball of water. Really, he shouldn't have asked. Shtiya knew he couldn't carry on a conversation and focus on his heart rate at the same time. Letting out a soft puff of air, he focused on the ball again.

After just a moment, it became clear that his concentration was, in fact, completely ruined. Shtiya began just making little fluid shapes with it, fooling around. Now it was a spiky ball of ice, the next moment it became a little spinning ring. "W-w-w-what kind of p-practice did you have in m-—--ind?"
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Sept 20, 2010 16:01:30 GMT -6

Post by Deleted on Sept 20, 2010 16:01:30 GMT -6

Now that the talking part was pretty much over, it was back to the silent walk for the priestess and her Waterbender friend. Hinh did not mind this, even though she had been the one to speak up first, because she had traveled in silence for many years now, and of her own volition. It wasn't much of a bother, anyway. The road ahead was rather long, and from this point of view it didn't look like they were getting any closer to Omashu, anyway.

But at least they had entered the mountain range, now. The stroll had taken a while for them to proceed this far, but at least they were this much closer to their... "destination" than they were at the start of the day. Going atop the hills would allow them to reach a better viewpoint though, so Hinh would be able to pinpoint correctly where they were exactly. Technically there was no use in doing so, but it was most likely the only thing to do right now.

The sun was rising higher and higher in the sky, indicating that time was passing rather fast. The priestess was not the kind of person on which time had any effect or left any mark - except maybe those things that happened in her past, which she tried to move on away from. Even though she had a deep sense of insight, the amount of time they spent wandering was not really accounted for in her mind. As long as neither Tenoko or her were complaining about it, there really was no point in caring about it.

Hinh looked up at the blue sky, sensing her whole body slightly heating up. Both women had expected, from the moment they woke up, that this day would be nice - or just that it already was - and so far the priestess could tell that there surely wasn't going to be any rain over there. However, the day before had been full of surprises, and unwanted ones at that. Hinh certainly was expecting to see something very pleasant from atop that hill...
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Sept 21, 2010 15:04:01 GMT -6

Post by erikai on Sept 21, 2010 15:04:01 GMT -6

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Random Forest; Camp

Nodding, Erikai turned towards the firepit, and began stacking some of the wood while Shtiya pulled the water from his clothes. When he was was satisfied with the logs, he stood up, looking about for some kindling. He made his way to the edge of the clearing, and began picking up small sticks.

He turned to Shtiya again when he spoke. "Yeah, I suppose thats one thing I need to learn. It might come in handy on my journey. You see, i'm going after my family." He paused for a moment, thinking back to last time he'd seen them. It had been close to two years now.

"The Fire Nation took them while I was away. That was almost two years ago, and i've been on the move since then."

He fell silent for a moment, then straightend up. He made his way back to the firepit, placing the twigs in the center of the pile of logs. Rummaging in his belt for a moment, he pulled out his spark rocks and began striking them together. Sparks flashed, and the twigs and grass caught. He blew gentley on the embers, and they grew into a small flame. Leaning back on the balls of his feet, he stared at it for a moment, before looking up at Shtiya.

"So, training. Your obviously not a very aggressive guy, so, I figured I could show you some of the defensive moves my mother was able to teach me. What'da say?"
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Last edit by erikai: Sept 21, 2010 15:05:43 GMT -6
Sept 22, 2010 16:26:38 GMT -6

Post by Deleted on Sept 22, 2010 16:26:38 GMT -6

[OOC—whoops. Totally overlooked this post. Well, here’s something late anyways =P ]
Tenoko’s walk returned to its usual silence, with the only noise being made from her coming from her footfalls. Travelling in silence was nothing new for her. She still did not know where they were, but she also didn’t care. She furthermore figured that Hinh had an idea as to where they were, and so she did not let that bother her at all.

Time passed and the sun blazed through the sky. Tenoko simply kept walking occasionally taking a swig of water. Her mind had resumed wandering, and she was paying very little attention to where she was going. As long as there was that bright yellow of the priestess’ robes in front of her, she figured she hadn’t gotten lost. Considering that she could still see her companion, Tenoko’s fears of getting lost were nonexistent.

Her mind wandered back into the tales she just told, and the gratifying feeling she had for being able to tell them. She enjoyed sharing certain stories from her past—her most prominent exception was, of course her tragic times. Even looking back at how careless she had been with her husband before their marriage made her laugh at her teenaged stupidity. Even some of the most embarrassing moments of her life were always only embarrassing when they happened. They were almost always funny looking back at them.

And of course, Tenoko was not easily embarrassed, particularly in her later years. Even as a teenager, she had been a bit rebellious, and that attitude carried over to her present self.
These were just a few of the waterbender’s thoughts though. She was content with the wandering that both her mind and body were doing right now.

[OOC—Tenoko is not really thinking about the hill they are climbing, which is why I didn’t mention it]
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Sept 27, 2010 14:19:32 GMT -6

Post by Deleted on Sept 27, 2010 14:19:32 GMT -6

Hopefully this journey would be less long than it seemed. Afterall, they weren't so far from Omashu anymore - assuming that was the place they were really headed, which Hinh thought it was. It was only now that she realized the time to tell stories would have been once they were inside the mountain range, instead of just the border. Because even though the priestess had a good insight and sense of orientation, it would have been more interesting to not get lost in the mountains while hearing a story. Though she guessed Tenoko's past was not the kind of pleasant story that most travelers told each other while on a journey.

Still, the valley they would end up in was probably only the first of many to come while heading in that direction, not to mention large. Doing something other than walking and sightseeing would have been nice... But it was alright. Hinh would just do without it, as she had always done. Besides, this journey was far from over, many things could happen just like many stories could be told while on the way. Eventually either of them would break the silence and say something worth a while.

A matter of patience... again. Not that it bothered the priestess - it couldn't if she was to remain the jewel she had built herself to be - but being with a companion now, she had to think about what the team needed. In this case, it was communication. There was no use for it while walking, though, so she wasn't quite sure why she believed that. In any case, the scent of smoke was rising in the air again, and that startled the priestess a little. Had the Fire Nation gone after them yet ?

No... it didn't smell like the kind of smoke that was made by coal. Besides, if it really was them, then they could have noticed the smoke coming towards them long before it got close enough for them to see. This particular scent was like... food. Hinh was strong enough not to give in to her hunger from just smelling food being cooked afar, but the fact that there was someone cooking around here was what surprised her a little. She could guess that it was someone from the Earth Kingdom, because all Fire Nation people, soldiers or not, could have gone to Omashu for their breakfast - or maybe lunch. Now, all she needed to do was find the source of that food.

"Do you smell that ? Where is it coming from ?" She asked the Waterbender, hoping she too would want to look for it. Straight ahead was nothing but deserted landscape until reaching the mountain ranges, so it had to be somewhere she couldn't see, like in the shadow of one of those hills around. It wasn't hard to hide in these places, anyway.

Another thing that the priestess found weird, there was also no sign of smoke. Even a small fire would have made smoke, although less visible than from a tank engine or a ship. Still, since they could smell the food, she believed the source was close enough for them to be able to see a smoke... And yet, there was nothing. After a minute or two of walking around, Hinh turned to Tenoko, since she had more experience with these kinds of things - having been a pirate and all. "What do you think this is ?"
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Sept 29, 2010 13:46:45 GMT -6

Post by Deleted on Sept 29, 2010 13:46:45 GMT -6

Tenoko passed through the mountain range, still following Hinh, and remaining silent. She wouldn’t mind talking about something—even stories from her past would be interesting enough to break the silence. She may not have been keen on reliving the worse times of her life, but there were good times right along with the bad ones.
Tenoko’s mind was wandering back into past tales of her life, and she chuckled lightly to herself upon remembering how embarrassing she and her boyfriend had been. They would do all kinds of things together, trying to outdo each other all the time. Tenoko’s victories were always the dominant ones, and in fact became so notorious that many people in the Southern Water Tribe said that the phrase “getting beaten by a girl” did not apply if the girl was Tenoko. There had been fun times, sad times, happy times, dull times, embarrassing times, proud times, and everything else. All in all, however, they were good times. That was why Tenoko enjoyed reminiscing. She particularly enjoyed looking back to how careless and stupid she sometimes was as a teenager.
Some of her past stories made her wonder how drunk she had been when they happened, as even common sense would tell a person not to jump off an ice cliff into the frigid water below wearing nothing but one’s underthings. However, common sense was for people who weren’t careless teenagers. What a great philosophy.

These sorts of events had Tenoko giggling to herself periodically as they walked—not very loud, but audible nonetheless. Also of interest to the old hunter was the smell of food—smoked food—or so she thought. She couldn’t really figure out what it was. She was tempted to make a curious remark about it, but then again, scents in the wilderness should have been her forte. Maybe she should have gone into the wilderness on more occasions other than being drunk with a bunch of guys. Oh well—that was way behind her.

And yet After a minute or two of walking around, Hinh turned to Tenoko. "What do you think this is ?"
Tenoko paused and sniffed the air again, her prominent nose flaring with each sniff she made. She frowned. What was that smell?

“to be honest,” she replied, “I couldn’t say… though I’ve also been losing track of myself remembering old stories of mine, so I might not be thinking straight. It smells like someone’s cooking something to me… but I can’t tell what it is.”

She was also interested in finding out now, however.

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Oct 2, 2010 5:47:08 GMT -6

Post by Deleted on Oct 2, 2010 5:47:08 GMT -6

This wasn't going to be easy, it seemed. Although Hinh was not much of a people person, finding this fire was important to her, because she was guessing whoever made it was in trouble, otherwise they wouldn't have made it so the smoke would be concealed and just have done it out in the open. As a priestess, she could not turn away those in need, whether they wanted her help or not - like she did with those pirates the day before, at the risk of being injured or losing her life.

"Then let us keep searching for the source." She simply said before turning around. Since they were on an upper ground, the hills around were easily blocking the view for the valleys behind, but at least from this point of view they could be sure where to go if they were to follow that smell. So she made a few steps around her while humming the air, to figure out where the smell was stronger. Following her nose was not something she'd ever done before, because she tried not to be bothered by all the scents the air was carrying around, however it didn't mean she had a bad sense of smell. "I think it comes from down there." Hinh said, pointing to her right.

After Tenoko's reaction, the priestess headed directly down the slope towards where she believed the smoke was. The ground under her feet was so dry that there was almost no chance of her slipping and falling - not that it could easily happen for an Earthbender anyway - so she moved with a faster pace than before while going down. The problem at the moment was that it didn't look like she was getting any closer to the scent. If she really was headed the right way, it should have been getting stronger now... "How peculiar."

While going along the road to bypass the hill and reach the valley behind, Hinh finally noticed that the scent was surrounding the whole network of valleys and roads, which meant they wouldn't manage to find it by nose alone. So instead, she decided to use her eyes and look for clues about some presence. There had to be some animals in these parts of the Earth Kingdom, right ? Although she wasn't looking forward to meeting a wolfbat...
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Oct 20, 2010 17:17:02 GMT -6

Post by Deleted on Oct 20, 2010 17:17:02 GMT -6

Random Forest; Camp

The fire was looking nice. Grateful for the other young man’s help, Shtiya finished drying his clothes and set things out for their dinner, which he assumed they could make after practicing. When Jin mentioned his family, the other boy frowned. While Shtiya didn’t get along with his own family, he certainly still missed them. “I’m s-s-s---orry,” he said, after a moment of intense pause. “I h-hope they are a-——--ll right.” On the last word, the pause and stretch was very long; bright blue eyes closed for a moment in unconscious effort to get the word to come out.

Erikai suggested he show Shtiya some defensive techniques. That seemed like a good idea. “All right,” Shtiya said, brushing off his blue clothing as he stood up. He was quite short, really, short and slender. Had he been female, he probably would have been compared to a fairy or a pixie most of the time. He smiled at Erikai. “I s---suppose that would be best. F-for healing, I’ll just t-t-teach you some basic things.” And herbs. He certainly wouldn’t go without teaching the boy herbs.

If Erikai was after his family, or what not, then he ought to know how to heal. It took more than just simple Waterbending to do that. Shtiya had a strong belief in a multidisciplinary approach. “Um… w-what did you want to s-s-start with?”
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