Post by Gia on Oct 9, 2005 0:06:12 GMT -6
1. You can have any number of threads active, but please try and group them as best as possible. It's fine if you have a thread for, say, an entire story, but it's preferred if you kept all stand-alone pieces in one thread (such as individual pieces of artwork that aren't related to each other).
2. Be Constructive - It's fine to critique another person's work, but do not belittle or insult what they've done. All posts should be friendly and polite, regardless of whether or not you are critiquing the thread starter.
3. Do Not Plagiarise! - Plagiarism in any manner will result in an instant 50% warning level and suspension. Another offense will result in a permanent ban.
4. All content must be PG13, in accordance with ProBoards TOS. If your work has some darker thematic material, please be sure it still fits within a PG13 rating. Artistic nudity is acceptable, though nudes should be tastefully done and non-explicit.
5. Slash & Femmslash are allowed! While we as Staff realise that there are some people that may feel uncomfortable with slash and/or femslash being depicted, we do not require our members to put warnings on heterosexual pieces and feel it unfair to require it of non-heterosexual pieces. Please note: Slash and femmslash art still must follow ProBoards TOS.
6. If you encounter a thread with content that makes you uncomfortable, but otherwise follows site rules & ProBoards TOS, then please simply leave the thread rather than causing a fuss. Thank you.
2. Be Constructive - It's fine to critique another person's work, but do not belittle or insult what they've done. All posts should be friendly and polite, regardless of whether or not you are critiquing the thread starter.
3. Do Not Plagiarise! - Plagiarism in any manner will result in an instant 50% warning level and suspension. Another offense will result in a permanent ban.
4. All content must be PG13, in accordance with ProBoards TOS. If your work has some darker thematic material, please be sure it still fits within a PG13 rating. Artistic nudity is acceptable, though nudes should be tastefully done and non-explicit.
5. Slash & Femmslash are allowed! While we as Staff realise that there are some people that may feel uncomfortable with slash and/or femslash being depicted, we do not require our members to put warnings on heterosexual pieces and feel it unfair to require it of non-heterosexual pieces. Please note: Slash and femmslash art still must follow ProBoards TOS.
6. If you encounter a thread with content that makes you uncomfortable, but otherwise follows site rules & ProBoards TOS, then please simply leave the thread rather than causing a fuss. Thank you.