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Plot Update 10 March 2021

A year has passed since Fire Lord Zuko ascended the throne, and it seems like trouble is brewing between the Fire Nation and the Earth Kingdom once more. The Fire Lord and the Avatar began the Harmony Restoration Movement to restore the Fire Nation Colonies to their pre-war state by bringing any Fire Nation nationals back home, but for many of the citizens — of mixed Fire Nation and Earth Kingdom … Read more ›

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Mike & Bryan leave Netflix Adaptation

The original creators of ATLA quit the Netflix series, citing creative differences & an unsupportive environment.


Jul 31, 2010 13:27:20 GMT -6

Post by ayumi on Jul 31, 2010 13:27:20 GMT -6

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Name: Ayumi
Age: 13
This is a girl who lacked decently in height for her age. She had just reached the supposedly wonderous age of thirteen years old and around around 4'11. Her eyes matched the green grass in such a way it was as if in a fierce competition with their self created opponent and shone their brightest in the beloved moonlight. The hair of this young girl was kept short by preference and kept in a small pigtails on each side of her head. Her hair was so raven in color that in some malnurished lights they could even appear purple in their dark strands, a wonderful trick in that of itself. Her smile, though rarely seen, was well displayed on those rare occasions and bright as the sun at mid-day. Her face still displayed a sense of innocence and child-like beauty that was maturing with her.

Her figure was as petite as her size and matched well, not fully grown in the least but maturing rather slowly but certainly with each passing day. She bore a small and slender form to be presented to others but she had developed enough leg strength to match a small escape on foot if need be. But all in all, due to the lack of food over the years her body has deteriated and become rather underweight and weak. The clothes she wore were nearly two years old, though they were washed at every chance she could, they were more than slightly tattered. The typical clothes of an Earth Kingdom villager, various shades of green and the sort.
And so it comes to pass the history of the small girl was a sad one. Born into a insignificant village in the Earth Kingdom, it was destined she would be born under the rule of the cruel ruler Fire Lord Ozai and to be crushed under the heel of his army. Though, it was not under theirs, but under her own parents. Blessed they thought they were when she was born, poor as anything though they be. Their village had already been conquered by the Fire Nation and so at the young age though she was, around the late age of seven, she displayed a mediocre gift that was her ability to bend the abundant substance of Earth. This struck fear into her once loving parents hearts and embittered them beyond hatred. For they were simple people with simple minds. Surely if the Fire Nation found out, they would be punished as well as the child.

Fear drove them to their abomitable actions. They struck the child every chance they could catch her staring at the earth, they sought to beat the talent out of her and made sure to discipline her extra for when she attempted to bend the earth to her will. And yet she never lashed out at them for years. Until her eleventh birthday came. Her "party" had been a desolate ruin due to her parents, she couldn't suffer this any longer and threw a fit, as any child might, and rained small pebbles down upon them. It wasn't a great deal, just enough to cover her own escape as she fled their horrid care forever.

She ran from that home, and ran until she collapsed upon the ground which she had been taught to hate and revile. And there she passed out. She continued to her journey when she awoke, fearful her parents might try to collect her again. She relied on the kindness of strangers during her travels, though she rarely ate. Fearful of others though she was, she practiced bending in absolute secret, though her skills remained as ghastly as ever. Two years she remained on her own to this day. It had been but a few months since she arrived in the wonderous city of Omashu which she marveled at, for it was a far cry away from her own home village. It was here she heard the whispers that of the fabled return of the great Avatar and how he had once passed through the city and would return again. She stays there from time to time, begging and sometimes stealing just to get her next meal. Though she sometimes travels outwards, she still returns. It is a strange comfort to her to be in a city so full of life, and even friends.
The most important thing about the girl of which you learned is that she is good natured despite all the things that has happened to her. She still can believe in the goodness of others and will trust in others immediately, but will revoke her trust to those who have lied, cheated, or proven themselves unworthy. She loves to have fun but is a very shy person at first, especially around boys. She stutters upon meeting others and will often continue to do so for a great deal until she develops a close bond with them. It is this bond she treasures above all else and few will probably ever earn it. It is a bond that she would willingly sacrifice herself for the other if it will save them from harm. She has had no dealings with romance in her life due to her vagabond lifestyle and her immediate outward fear of communication. This has also caused her limited friendship in her life.

Her mind is as she percieves herself, she is the dirt she walks on and perhaps lower than it. She accepts this and lives with it. That was how she was born and raised and expects nothing different. She doesn't let it hinder her in life, she doesn't brood upon her situation and will always show proper respect to those above her in station. She will take things as they come and rarely find time for anger. She has a keen mind for someone of her station and can remember things about cities and villages though she had only visited once, that was what gave her a true edge in evading capture.
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Last edit by Deleted: Jul 31, 2010 14:57:41 GMT -6